【#出国留学# 导语】当学生申请出国留学时,申请者至少需要一到两封来自老师或学院领导的推荐信。大学招生官希望从这些推荐信中获取关于学生一些特别信息。好的推荐信可以为背景一般的学生获得一次面试的机会,而普通的推荐信可能被丢进垃圾信箱。对于申请者而言,白白浪费了一次被大学招生官了解的机会!在推荐信中,学生需要被体现的优点因专业、因学校而异。不可泛泛而谈,而要通过对比、说明、举例的方式说服招生委员会。下面是©文档大全网分享的出国留学推荐信要注意的三点。欢迎阅读参考!
1. 你选择的人应该很了解你。教授对你作为学生和个人的各个方面了解的越多,对你的推荐就会越真实、越好。
2. 在你要求你的同事、雇主或教授作为你的推荐人之后。与他们深入交谈,解释你选择深造的动机。如果你心中已有一所目标的大学或学院,向你的推荐人详细说明你的选择,以及你为什么认为自己会是那所大学的一名优秀申请人。讨论你的选择并征求意见。
3. 向你的推荐人提供关于你成就、简历或任何你认为重要的信息。
4. 请保持独特。美国招生顾问威廉·陈(William Tran)在接受采访时说:“推荐信越私人、越具体越好。我们读到的一大堆推荐信中都会包括有一些通用形容词,如“conscientious”或“intelligent”。这些修饰辞藻对我来说毫无意义,因为我希望每个学生都很聪明,能在课堂上积极提问,或者对学习充满热情。”
5. 不要将你的成就长长列出。陈说,那些包含了个人深刻的、其他学生所不具备的独特经历,才会引起学术委员会的兴趣。
6. 不要泛泛而论。一个带有普通形容词的字母既没有帮助也没有伤害,因为大多数学生都会使用这些形容词,但在多数条件相同的情况下,性格平淡的学生处于劣势。
7. 不要从“大人物”那里得到推荐信,除非你和他们共事过,而且他们对你的成就有第一手的了解。杰伊·巴蒂在他的文章《深入了解商学院残酷的招生过程》中评论道:我们也有从参议员、首席执行官和世界领导人那里得到推荐信。除非申请人直接为这些推荐人工作过,否则这些推荐信通常是非常模糊和缺乏洞察力的。从对你有直接监督责任的人那里得到推荐信,他可以用对你的第一手了解来谈论你的成就。
8. 给你的推荐人足够的时间来写你的信。将装着所有必要表格的文件袋给到推荐人,记住,每一份表格都要附上一个贴有邮票的、有地址的、商业大小的信封,以及一份学校和截止日期的清单。每份表格的截止日期必须绝对清楚。
9. 真诚感谢为你写推荐信的推荐人。
10. 把你的大学申请结构告知给申请人。
Dear professor,
It is a privilege for me to recommend Miss xxx a talented and resourceful individual for admission into your program of Psychology at your renowned university.
I met her when she applied the undergraduate research funds during her sophomore time. Her strong curiosity and fine intelligence in psychology and her independent research ability have left me deep impression. Her research of research on online advertising placement and its effects on web advertisement recognition is an interesting one. With the intelligent and artifice invention, the design is interesting and cooperates with the practice well. After reading her research proposal, I willing accepted to instruct her to do the research. With the financial aid of the undergraduate research funds, the research has continued very well. I’d like to say it is very difficult for an undergraduate student to gain the undergraduate research funds successfully. However, with the outstanding research ability and solid academic background, she got it sucessfuly.
As the group leader of the whole research team,she is responsible and always organized the other members to discuss how to improve the temperature design. After the discussion of the design project modification and testing much experiment, they gave a careful plan with the whole research before the formal work. During the whole research period, she cooperates with the classmates well. At the same time, she read lots of relative papers and always had some discussion with me and I am satisfied that she always has her own thought. I believe with the strong academic background and the intensive spirit she will get final success in the research. Most importantly, it will benefit her in the future research a lot. This year,she get the undergraduate research funds twice, I am very gratified, and she is the first undergraduate student in the history of Beijing Normal University, who got the funds to do research twice.She also gives me an impression of she don’t satisfy the current achievements and like to exceed herself. Once she makes the decision to improve herself, she will never be impeded by the difficulties she encountered in her research and daily life.
Now, my dear student determines to go abroad for her doctor degree, to achieve her own ideal. I firmly believe that she would achieve her success in this field. I would appreciate it if you could give her your favorable consideration.
Sincerely yours,
professor of Psychology Department, Beijing Normal University