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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是爱的声音,是阳光的味道,是生命的强音……感恩是一种责任,是为人处世的哲学,是生活的智慧。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Thank the sun for giving us warmth, thank the earth for giving us food, thank the birds for singing to us, thank our parents for giving us love, thank teachers and students for giving us education and care, thank strangers for giving us an understanding smile

  People should have a grateful heart

  Everything in the world, life cycle, everyone who comes to this world is lucky. Children entering the new century are more like this: there are wind children to accompany us, and birds to sing for us. We learn knowledge in a quiet environment. When you grow up healthy and sad under the care of love, someone will send you lollipops to amuse you; When falling, someone will stretch out a pair of warm hands. You can have ideals, you have conditions to realize your ideals, you want you to work hard.

  Students, how happy it is to live in this colorful and loving world! You should know how to cherish. He, she or it who should know how to give you all this. Yes, people should have a grateful heart:

  Thank the sun for giving us warmth, thank the earth for giving us food, thank the birds for singing to us, thank our parents for giving us love, thank teachers and students for giving us education and care, thank strangers for giving us a smile of understanding

  If you know how to be grateful, you will have a good mood and the world will become a better place!


  Today is Thanksgiving Day. Everyone has different ways of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving to parents requires filial piety; To be grateful to friends requires sincerity; To be grateful to your loved ones, you need to be sincere; Thanksgiving to life requires love. On Thanksgiving Day, November 24, I would like to thank you and me. I hope everyone has a heart of gratitude. Give the best wishes to the people around you

  Today is Thanksgiving Day. First of all, I wish my parents happy every day; Thank my parents for bringing me to the world, knowing and making friends with you. You have brought me a lot of happiness. I sincerely wish you happy every day!

  Today is Thanksgiving Day. I want to thank my teachers. They have taught me a lot of knowledge and culture, let me learn a lot, and taught us how to be human. They are guides on our life. I want to thank them and bless them: happy every day! Happy forever!

  Today is Thanksgiving Day. I want to thank my classmates for making my campus life happy every day; There are also many elder brothers and sisters who give me a lot of help and support. My articles are not good. They help me to give advice and make me progress bit by bit. They are good examples for me to learn. I really thank them and wish them happy every day! Study and progress!

  Today is Thanksgiving Day. My heart is very excited. I thank my parents and grandma, my teachers and classmates, my brothers and sisters, and my friends. I wish them happy every day and happiness forever.

  Happy Thanksgiving to all of them!


  Everyone is grateful to their parents and teachers. Yes, I am as grateful as everyone to my parents. I don't know which word to use to describe them. All I know is that they loved me most when they were young. At that time, I don't know whether it was my fault or theirs. I don't know how they love me, but I know how they educate me.

  From childhood, my parents often said to me, "Study hard, and you will have a way out." I don't know how to answer. Just in the heart a sentence of complaint and chagrin you. Now, when I grow up, I am no longer the one who always criticizes my parents; I am not the one who only cries every day; I'm not the one who can't get up after falling. I have experienced many things and learned a lot. Let's get rid of our bad habits, bury our complaints about our parents, learn to be grateful, and start from ourselves.


  November Xx is Thanksgiving Day. The teacher said that we should have a grateful heart and thank those who care about and help us. On Thanksgiving Day, I first called my grandparents in Ningqiang and told them that I loved them very much and hoped they would pay attention to their health. Grandparents were very excited. I was very happy to buy toys for me.

  Later, when I saw my mother washing clothes, I said, "Let me wash my socks by myself!" Mom said happily, "Good!". I followed my mother's example. First, I filled half a basin of water, poured a little detergent, put my socks in and soaked them for a while, and then began to rub them. A lot of small bubbles appeared in the basin, and my hands seemed to have turned into cotton candy, which was very beautiful in all colors under the light. After rubbing for a while, my mother said that it would be cleaner if she added some soap. Then I wiped some soap and continued rubbing. I rubbed and rubbed and felt clean. Then I wrung my socks dry and continued rubbing in clean water. My mother said that when the water became free of foam, it would be clean. I poured out the water in the basin and rubbed it with a basin of clean water. A total of three basins of water were changed, and the socks were finally cleaned. My mother praised me for being able to help my mother when I grew up. I was very happy, but I also understood that it was really hard for my mother to wash clothes. I put my socks on the radiator, and the next morning they were dry, and they were very warm.

  I think I will not only study hard and make progress day by day, but also work hard to do what I can, help my parents share the housework, grow up early and become a real man, and be grateful with practical actions.


  I want to thank my mother, because she has gone through countless hardships to bring me into this world; I want to thank my father, because he has brought me countless joys; I want to thank my classmates, because they have brought me a lot of help; I still have a lot to thank... but what I want to thank most is the teacher who taught us. I will never forget the teacher's care and help

  I remember that when I was just in the first grade, I didn't know my classmates, and I felt lonely and unhappy. It is you, the teacher, who greeted me sentence by sentence. I feel warm and no longer afraid. In class, the teacher's encouragement helped me find the motivation to learn. On the phone, the teacher said: From the first time I saw you, I knew that you must study hard! It makes me more confident.

  On weekends and holidays, you gave us patient lectures on the phone. It was you who taught me about dedication. Teacher, you are sick and still insist on giving us lessons. How touched my heart is that you let me learn to love.

  Ah! Teacher, your love is as pure, ordinary and indispensable as water! Do you know? How I want to pick off a piece of sky gently, but it is so far away, how can it compare with your amiability; I want to gently pull off a cloud, but how can the cloud compare with your purity; I want to pick a flower gently, but how can it compare with the colorful embellishment of your life? Finally, I want to say: "Thank you, my teacher!"


  On Thursday, the cold wind was relentlessly raging outside the window.

  I woke up and looked at the alarm clock. It was still some time before I got up, but I said goodbye to me.

  As usual, I used to open the rice cooker, but it was empty - there was no porridge, not even one egg a day. It suddenly occurred to me that my mother had gone on a business trip and had repeatedly told me to cook, but I forgot.

  I didn't want to wake up my father who was sleeping, so I opened the refrigerator quietly. There was a pile of neat eggs in the refrigerator.

  When I looked at the eggs, I couldn't help thinking about how my mother bought them. Every once in a while, my mother would go to my grandmother's house - a remote small village to give me eggs to eat, but the number of eggs in my grandmother's house was limited, so my mother often carried the basket and bought eggs from house to house. On the way, she carefully protected the eggs, as if they were not eggs, but my future.

  I took out an egg, put it into the pot, poured water and fired. Then I lay on the sofa in the living room.

  Inadvertently, I saw a family photo on the piano for many years: I had gone from childishness to maturity, while my mother had gone from youth to senility! Her hair turned from bright black hair to dark, with white hair sandwiched, and her face turned from smooth to rough. I suddenly felt that I had stolen my mother's young face!

  When I was thinking deeply, the phone rang, and the mother's kind voice came from the other side: "Son, remember to have a family egg for breakfast!" My heart was deeply touched, and I felt a kind of astringent dampness in my eyes. I forced a laugh and perfunctory words.

  One day, two days and three days have passed, and my mother is coming back. That night, I began to work in and out of the kitchen. After a pot and bowl sonata, the poached eggs came out fresh.

  The crow has the meaning of feeding back, and the lamb has the heart of kneeling. Thank you, mother! All I can repay is the poached egg cooked by myself this time.


  Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful for the sky, because the sky allows it to fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; I am grateful to my teacher for opening the door of wisdom and allowing me to roam in the ocean of knowledge. During my growth, your deep love for teachers has always been around.

  Yes, teachers are a sacred profession. Teachers are the initiators of the pillars of the motherland. Without teachers, how can creators have the prosperity of the motherland today? The teacher is like a round boy, who works hard to cultivate the flowers of the motherland. Although the teachers are not our relatives, they are our relatives! There is no doubt that the teacher is really good!

  Time goes by quickly. It's Teacher's Day again. Teacher, you have worked hard. You are preparing for your lessons in the dead of night, I can't help but want to say to you: "Thank you, teacher". Whenever we encounter a problem that we don't understand, you are very patient to explain it to us. Looking at you, I can't help but want to say "Thank you, teacher" to you. Whenever we are naughty and playful or don't write homework, you won't scold us, just seriously reason with us. Let us realize our mistakes.

  It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to grow people. I will never forget the teacher's kindness. Some people say that the teacher's kindness is like a mountain, because the high mountains are lofty and respected. I would also like to say that Shien is like the sea, because the sea is vast and immeasurable. Thank you, teacher.


  Today is Thanksgiving Day. My mother told me the origin of Thanksgiving Day: the day when the British people sent them turkeys and food to thank the Indians. Therefore, the Thursday of the last week in November is called Thanksgiving Day.

  From this, I thought of many relatives around me, and I would like to thank my mother in particular.

  I'm going to wash my mother's feet this evening. After finishing my homework, I quietly walked into the bathroom, took out the foot washing basin, connected some cold water, poured some hot water, put my hands carefully into the water, and said to myself: the temperature is just right. I put the basin in front of my mother and said, "Mom, let me wash your feet!" Mother said, "Good boy, thank you." First, I rolled up my mother's trouser legs, then took off my mother's socks and asked her to put her feet in the basin. I lifted the water with my little hands and rubbed my feet for my mother bit by bit. Mother smiled and said, "Muzi's small hands are really soft!" I said happily, "Mom, my little hand will become a big hand in the future, and I can help you do many things." Mom said, "OK, I'll wait." My mother and I laughed. I washed my mother's feet clean, and then used a dry towel to dry her feet. Then, I washed my mother's socks with soap.

  As daughters, we have the responsibility to love our parents and repay their upbringing. I saw my mother's tiredness by washing her feet this time. Mom, I will wash your feet in the future, because I love you very much.


  What is "gratitude"? The word "gratitude" is: "willing to show gratitude for benefits to others". "Gratitude" is because we live in this world, and everything, including every plant and grass, is grateful to us! "Gratitude" is a kind of return. Mother feeds us with milk. And what is even greater is that the mother never wants anything from her. Just like the sun will give us her warmth every day, never asking for a return, but we must understand "gratitude". "Gratitude" is a person's innate nature and an indelible conscience. A person who does not even know gratitude must have a cold and unfeeling heart.

  Gratitude is the foundation of respect. Respecting others will make others respect society, nature and knowledge. Being grateful for oneself and others is the fulcrum of learning to be a man; Gratitude makes the world colorful and makes us so beautiful!

  Gratitude is an attitude to life, a virtue, and a piece of heartfelt words. If there is a lack of gratitude between people, it will inevitably lead to cold interpersonal relationships, so we should learn to be grateful. "Gratitude" is a beautiful feeling. Without a grateful heart, we can never truly respect our parents and understand the people who help them. Let gratitude enter our hearts! Knowing how to be grateful, learning how to be grateful, everyone will have boundless happiness and happiness.


  Today is Thanksgiving Day. I decided to wash my mother's feet.

  In the evening, after finishing my homework, I said to my mother who was watching TV: "Mom, come to the bathroom!" Mother asked: "What's the matter? Why should I go to the bathroom?" I pointed to the stool and said, "Please sit down!" Mother sat down with a puzzled face. I poured some hot water into the footbath, then squatted down and said, "Please lift your feet!" I took off my shoes and stockings for my mother. Then she understood what medicine I was selling in the gourd.

  "Son, what day is it today? Why did you remember to wash my feet?" Mom happily touched my head and said. "Today is Thanksgiving Day. To thank you for your upbringing, I will wash your feet every day from today!" Mother was silent. I looked up and saw something like a star hanging from my mother's corner of the eye. I knew it was a happy, happy tear. "My good son, my mother can wash by herself. Your filial mother knows! Go and read some books!" Mom bent down and patted me on the shoulder. But I was like a "hard stone", squatting by the foot basin, and I had to wash her feet. My mother could not beat me, so she had to "obey rather than be respectful".

  When my father came back, my mother couldn't help feeling happy and said to my father, "Old Liu, my son has grown up! He knows how to love his parents!" Then she told him everything about today. My father took my hand and said, "My son, today is Thanksgiving Day. I forgot that I am not as good as you. I didn't visit your grandparents. I have to learn from you!" I smiled shamefully, as did my father and mother.
