
时间:2023-09-25 03:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Listening Part

  I Listen and choose (听音,选择你听到的内容) 10%

  ( ) 1. A RIY B IRY C LRY

  ( ) 2. A 124809 B 412908 C 142089

  ( ) 3. A skate B skirt C shirt

  ( ) 4. A read newspapers B empty the trash C sweep the floor

  ( ) 5. A washed clothes B watched TV C took pictures

  ( ) 6. A potato B tomato C carrot

  ( ) 7. A elephant B squirrel C strawberry

  ( ) 8. A doctor B driver C nurse

  ( ) 9. A dictionary B engineer C accountant

  ( ) 10. A purple B paper C picture

  II Listen and choose (听问句,选答句) 10%

  ( ) 1. A She is a teacher.

  B She is thirty-nine.

  ( ) 2. A They are listening to the music.

  B They go the park in the morning.

  ( ) 3. A Yes, it is.

  B Yes, there is.

  ( ) 4. A We have English class.

  B We have four classes.

  ( ) 5. A Fifteen English books.

  B Yes, I have fifteen English books.

  ( ) 6. A The green one is mine.

  B Yes, it’s mine.

  ( ) 7. A She is a driver.

  B He’s an office worker.

  ( ) 8. A They are from England.

  B They are in America.

  ( ) 9. A We have an English class at eleven fifteen.

  B We have an English class at ten forty-five.

  ( ) 10. A Our school is near the bus station.

  B The Bank of China is near a school.

  III Listen and choose.(听对话,选择正确答案) 10%

  ( ) 1. What does your father do?

  A Doctor. B Teacher. C Policeman.

  ( ) 2. When is your birthday?

  A May 13rd. B July 17th. C August 13rd.

  ( ) 3. What did you do last weekend?

  A Took pictures. B Went swimming C Rowed a boat.

  ( ) 4. What is your Uncle like?

  A Old. B Strong. C Young.

  ( ) 5. What are you going to be?

  A An actor. B A cleaner. C An engineer.

  IV Listen and judge.(听音判断) 10%

  ( ) 1. The twins go to school from Monday to Friday.

  ( ) 2. Dick has supper at 6:30.

  ( ) 3. Dick and Nick are classmates.

  ( ) 4. Near home, there is a supermarket.

  ( ) 5. Father sent Nick a computer and Dick a soccer for their birthday.

  Written Part

  V Catalogue the words. (单词归类) 10%

  engineer comic book pink kangaroo nurse newspaper zebra brown accountant dictionary





  VI Rearrange the words. (句子排序) 10%

  1.where on you go your holiday did


  2. matter with you what’s the


  3. the do you what on weekend do usually


  4. you much am than I taller


  5. visit I’m tomorrow my going grandparents to


  VII Fill in the blanks. (根据中文意思,用正确的形式填空) 10%

  1.--What does Sarah usually do on the weekend?

  --She usually _______________ (看电视) .

  2. --What did you do on your holiday?

  --I went to Beijing and ______________(拍照) there.

  3. –What is Mike doing now?

  --He is ______________ (踢足球) on the playground.

  4. –Are you going to ______________ (游泳) this afternoon?

  --No, we are going to have a picnic.

  5. John is taller than Zhang Peng. But Zhang Peng is __________(强壮) than John.

  VIII Look and choose. (根据问句,选择正确的答句) 10%

  ( ) 1. How are you feeing now? A. He is 130cm tall.

  ( ) 2. What’s your new English teacher like? B. She is young and strong.

  ( ) 3. Does your father go to work by bus every day? C. Very well.

  ( ) 4. Where does your sister work? D. By plane.

  ( ) 5. What’s your friend’s hobby? E. No, there isn’t.

  ( ) 6. Where is your school? F. He likes collecting stamps.

  ( ) 7. When are you going to the bookstore? G. No, he doesn’t.

  ( ) 8. Is there a science museum near here? H. Near the post office.

  ( ) 9. How do people go to Beijing? I. She works in a bank.

  ( ) 10. How tall is your brother? J. At three o’ clock on Saturday afternoon.

  VIIII Reading Comprehension. (阅读理解) 20%

  This is Billy and his sister’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is very clean. There

  are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are some

  books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a

  phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs deside the desk. One is for Billy, and

  the other is for his sister. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map

  of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his sister like their bedroom very much.

  1. Read and tick or cross. (根据短文,判断句子正误)

  ( ) 1. The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.

  ( ) 2. There are two desks in the bedroom.

  ( ) 3. There are some Chinese books on the desk.

  ( ) 4. There are two maps on the wall.

  ( ) 5. The chairs are for Billy and his brother.

  2. Read and answer. (根据短文,回答问题)

  1.Whose bedroom is it? ________________________________________________

  2. What’s on the desk? _________________________________________________

  3. Where are the chairs?________________________________________________

  4. How many maps are there on the wall? _________________________________

  5. Do they like their bedroom? __________________________________________

