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【#英语资源# 导语】在中国,学校通常将每个学年分为上、下两个学期。上学期从秋季九月份开始,到次年农历腊月初十左右,各学校开始放假,至元宵节后寒假结束。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《高中生寒假英文日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.高中生寒假英文日记 篇一

  One morning during the winter holiday, I heard my grandpa walk into the bathroom and start to wash his face and brush his teeth before I got up. After a while, he came out and asked his grandmother, "Where are my clothes? Who saw where my clothes are? I can't find any clothes." But no one answered him, and I also heard my sister-in-law and grandmother seem to be laughing secretly. Lulu, the daughter of the sister-in-law, asked the sister-in-law quietly: "Grandpa's clothes can't be found. Why are you smiling?" The sister-in-law did not answer. I didn't understand why, so I got up quickly and ran to Grandpa's bedroom to help him find it. I found several places but didn't find them. Strange, can this dress still fly away?

  Grandpa went to open the wardrobe again, but he still couldn't find it. Grandpa was a little angry and said, "Help me find it quickly!" Grandma just said in a funny and angry way:. My father-in-law monk - couldn't figure it out, but my sister-in-law wiped the tears from her smile and said, "Dad, look down and see that your clothes are already on your body." I suddenly realized that it was not true that grandpa had already dressed when he got up! It's funny to think about it. Isn't it "riding a donkey to find a donkey"? I laughed too.

  After this incident, Grandpa had a series of inexplicable events that made people laugh and cry. Grandpa clearly put his presbyopic glasses on the set-top box of the TV set, but turned around and looked for them everywhere. He also blamed Grandma for wiping the table and missing it for him; The fresh figs just bought were put in the cupboard and forgot to take them out. As a result, they became sour and could not be eaten... After grandpa was laughed at several times, similar things happened again. grandpa no longer asked questions, but carefully recalled and slowly looked for them. I often laugh at my grandpa, but one morning, I suddenly understood a fact: grandpa is really old and starts to be confused. He is old, and aging has come to him day by day!

  In the future, I will quietly act as his eyes, his hands and feet, his memory, and let his worries be reduced, and then reduced

2.高中生寒假英文日记 篇二

  In a flash, it has been more than a month since the winter holiday, but some interesting things happened during the winter holiday are still fresh in my memory.

  That morning, my father drove me, my brother and my mother to Wuhan to play. When we arrived in Wuhan, we first went to find our uncle, aunt and Guoguo, and then we went to Zhongshan Park together.

  When we came to Zhongshan Park, our three children were extremely excited. There were too many exciting and interesting things here. Let's play "one up and one down" first. My father bought three tickets. My brother and I went to play. I felt nervous when I looked at the project. The "one up and down" was twenty or thirty meters high. I was scared to play just by looking at it, but the fruit smaller than me dared to play. As my sister, I should also dare to play. I looked at my brother. He seemed to be very relaxed. Then I looked at the fruit, and he seemed not afraid. My heart slowly calmed down. "Up and down" began, and we suddenly rose to 30 meters in the air. I dare not look down. I'm afraid of falling. My heart popped out as my hand gripped the safety device. However, I also have a feeling of flying. My body seems to be floating, as if there is no gravity in the center of the earth.

  Then, my favorite project, "Rush Forward". This time, I, my brother and my father will play together. We sat in a small boat and began to row. After rowing for a while, we rowed into a crocodile mouth. I felt a little scared, but we still rowed forward. My father said, "Oh, how scared!" I said, "Dad, why are you so timid! I'm not afraid, you are still afraid?" Then we slid down again. The water splashed his father's clothes and made him laugh.

  Later, when my aunt saw a place where people were taught to play diabolo, she took me and Guoguo to play and bought one for each of our children. We were very happy.

  When I think of these things during the winter vacation, I often can't help laughing. I hope my life is so vivid and beautiful every day!

3.高中生寒假英文日记 篇三

  The happy winter vacation life is as colorful as the stars in the sky. One of the stars is the brightest, which makes me recall that it is always fun.

  Speaking of the day of the New Year's Day, I got up early because I wanted to paste Spring Festival couplets. I should do this "important thing" first. I picked up the Spring Festival couplets and tiger stickers I had already prepared and began to paste them. I brought scissors and adhesive tape. When the preparations were ready, I stretched out "chicken feet", picked up the couplet, and took out one thing. These things were like the stars in the sky. I cut the adhesive tape with scissors and pasted it on the door, and then another. Then affix the horizontal banner. Looking at my "masterpiece", I couldn't help laughing up to the sky: "I am really a genius! Ha ha!" "A fool in the sky!"

  Suddenly, a ruler hit my forehead mercilessly. It turned out to be my mother. She pointed at the couplet and said, "The upper and lower couplets are not aligned, and they are reversed!" "Reverse? How to divide the upper and lower couplets?" I looked puzzled. Mother pretended to be very knowledgeable and said, "Well, let me tell you. The ancients emphasized 'flat' and 'narrow' to the couplets. 'flat' is now the first and second tone, 'narrow' is now the third and fourth tone. Generally, the last word in the first couplet is' narrow ', and the last word in the second couplet is' flat'."

  Oh, there is so much learning to paste Spring Festival couplets. I mistook the two brothers in the first couplet "Sanxinggaozhao Ping'an House" and the second couplet "Wufu Linmen Fugui Family". Alas, I am such a fool that I lost my home! Next, it was troublesome to tear the paper. My mother said not to tear it. It took me a lot of effort to tear the couplet intact.

  Next, I will paste the couplet again under the guidance of my mother! I carefully picked up the tape that had already been prepared, and then I clumsily pasted the couplet "Sanxinggaozhao Ping'an House" on the right, and gently smoothed it with my hands. Hey, the couplet is finished! In this way, the next couplet, "Five blessings at the door of rich families", is pasted. Then paste the "rich, noble and safe". Wow. Looking at my achievements, I have a sense of achievement!

  This winter vacation was not only fun for me, but also made me learn a lot of knowledge that I could not learn in class. I really benefited a lot.

4.高中生寒假英文日记 篇四

  The winter vacation of more than half a month seemed to be over in the blink of an eye, but the wrinkled smiling face made me unforgettable. Every time I think of it, I can't help raising the corners of my mouth.

  On the third day of the new year, my friend and I went to the stadium by bus. The sun was very bright that day. The car we took from the beginning was sparsely populated. We both lowered our heads and whispered, sharing the fun of the holiday.

  Suddenly, a sudden sudden brake, I hurriedly grabbed the armrest beside me, and suddenly looked up. The door opened with a "squeak", and two figures, bent and bouncing, burst into view in a trance. I tried to open my eyes to see the scene in front of me. A little girl, about 89 years old, held a grandmother in her seventies. I stared at them intently, and then turned to look at my friend. It happened to touch his eyes. We looked at each other and smiled at each other and got up at the same time.

  We walked up to the old granny and said, "Granny, we are going to get off next. You can sit there." Then we helped the old granny to sit down. The old lady smiled gratefully and thanked us. The sun and the wrinkled smiling face blend together, and they seem particularly friendly. The little girl is also very sensible to say thank you.

  My friend and I walked to the back door and grabbed the handrail. At the next stop, there were more people than expected, and the bus was full. It was also very lucky that our lies were not punctured. The armrest on the car is not fixed. "This is what I learned when I hit the aunt in front after a sudden brake.

  It took about 30 minutes to get to the station, and the road was particularly congested that day. After getting off the bus, we sat down on the chair beside the stop sign with great relief. The whole arm is numb, but the heart is happy.

  Through this winter vacation, I also learned that all meaningless things, or things that can't get anything from it, are a waste of time. In the twinkling of an eye, my life in the first year of senior high school has passed. I will make good use of the rest of the time and strive to do something meaningful every minute. After that, I will recall that life in the first year of high school is of quality, not a blank! I hope sweat can enrich every day!

5.高中生寒假英文日记 篇五

  One day during the winter holiday, my mother and mother-in-law took me to the flower market to see flowers. The flower market is really big. There are many exhibition halls in which there are all kinds of flowers, yellow, red, blue and colorful. It is very attractive to me.

  Looking into the exhibition hall from afar, you can see all kinds of flowers in front of you, some of them are straight, as if waiting for your arrival; Some dance like dancers; Some are budding, and the bud is as red and lovely as a child's face; Other flowers are in full bloom, pink and beautiful.

  As I walked and enjoyed the beautiful flowers, I suddenly saw a strange tree with yellow fruits on its trunk, especially like mangoes. It is yellow and big, and its body is still oval. This kind of fruit is put on the tree one by one, which is very interesting like queuing up to play games one by one. Later, I learned that this kind of fruit is called fortune fruit. Why is it called Facaiguo? I think it must be the person who named it. I hope that in the new year, everyone's fortune will come like this fruit one by one.

  Walking, I was attracted by a small purple flower with yellow in it. This flower is called primrose, which represents the coming of spring. It has three colors, yellow, red and purple. It is very beautiful, just like the wings of a butterfly. But its life is only three months. I feel very sorry. But I think the life of primrose is as vigorous as spring. Although not many people remember it, it still lives tenaciously.

  Although cactus is full of thorns, I think it is very cute, very Q, and feels like a green fudge. If it wasn't for her, I would really like to bite it.

  There are also many unknown small flowers that are also blooming in their true colors. They show their own style.

  On the way back, I felt that I had not left the flowers. They were so busy and there were so many flowers. I felt that there were so many unknown things in the world, and I knew too little. I must practice more in the future, so I can learn more knowledge.
