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【#英语资源# 导语】在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Early in the morning, as soon as the alarm woke me up, my father told me it was snowing. I quickly ran to the window and opened the window. I saw the snow as light as smoke and as white as jade, falling from the air and in the arms of mother earth. The long-awaited snow finally came!

  The white snow on the ground is getting thicker and thicker. The trees, roofs and lawns are covered with silver and white. The whole earth has become a world of powder and jade. After breakfast, my mother and I went downstairs to play. Our feet stepped on the soft snow and made a "creak" sound. I was happy and forgot the cold. In the community, several children are having snowball fights, and some children are making snowmen. They paint the snowman with black eyes and red mouth, and put on their favorite scarf. Everyone has a great time! Snow brings us childlike fun, happiness and good memories

  Snow is pure. It purifies the air and reduces haze; Snow is simple, it turns into rain to moisten all things; Snow is selfless. It provides energy for the growth of all things! As the saying goes, "auspicious snow bodes well for a bumper year", farmers' uncles will have a bumper harvest in the coming year!


  I love your white as jade snow. You are so white and beautiful. You pay everything to beautify the earth so that we can see such beautiful scenery. Xue, I love you. You are pure. If someone touches you, you will leave in tears.

  One winter, I was eating. At that time, my mood was very irritable, because I hated the cold winter. I said to my mother, "don't eat. I wouldn't come to my hometown if I knew it wouldn't snow." at this time, I suddenly found that snow was like a beautiful angel, slowly floating down to the ground, and my irritable mood suddenly became so happy and comfortable. I'm hungry and thirsty to appreciate it. I'm enjoying it. I don't know what hit me. It's really cool. I immediately started to get angry. Take a closer look. It turned out that the eldest sister was hitting me with a snowball. I took advantage of her carelessness and rolled a big snowball to hit her. Great "revenge" succeeded! "Ha ha..." we were immersed in laughter. "I love you snow!"

  I love you snow!


  "Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow..." Mao Zedong's song "Qinyuan spring snow" praises the snow scenery in the north. I grew up in the north. I love the beautiful and flawless snow. It brings infinite fun to our life.

  Every time before it snows, the weather becomes very warm and the sky is cloudy and gray. It seems that a heavy snow is coming. At first, the snowflakes are very small, like silver filings. After a while, large snowflakes fall in succession. The snowflakes are crystal clear and fall from the air like cotton wool. It is really "like the spring breeze of one night, thousands of pear trees bloom." the house is white, and the ground is like a white carpet, becoming a world of powdered jade. After the snow stops, a group of our friends will go to the hillside to have a snowball fight. The heavier the snow, the more fun it will be. The sky is full of snow, full of our happy songs and laughter. When we are tired, we can lie down on the snow and rest. We don't have to worry that our clothes will get dirty. As long as we pat her gently, she will slip and leave no trace. Snowflakes are so white and soft, just like mother's arms. We can draw all kinds of patterns on the snow. The earth is drawing paper. We can use our hands and feet as brushes. Snow, how many surprises you have brought us. You also indicate that the coming year will be a bumper harvest year!

  I love you, snow, your posture like a fairy in heaven.

  I love you, snow, the quality of your selfless dedication.

  I love you, snow, love you as white as jade.


  I like winter, I like winter snow, snow, maybe in the eyes of some people, they are indifferent and arrogant, maybe they don't have the beauty of wild flowers in spring, they don't give as much as green trees in summer, and they don't have the delicious fruit in autumn, but their beauty is now their own white!

  When I woke up in the morning, the roadside trees were "packaged" by snow into the "Yushu" in the moon. The beautiful appearance showed a kind of aura, as if he were saying, "I'm more beautiful than grass and flowers!"

  At noon, a ray of sunshine shines on the snow. This ray of sunshine is very gentle and considerate. It not only does not melt the snow, but disappears the "indifference" of the snow. Looking back, several children were playing "ha ha ha" in the snow, which was the most beautiful "song" in life transformed from snow.

  In the evening, it was dark, and the heavy snow began to dance in the night. Looking around, the usual black cement ground was covered with heavy snow, and the earth showed his holiness and tranquility!

  I love you snow!

  The next morning, the snow stopped, spring came, wild flowers were in full bloom, summer came, the sun was hot, autumn came, and the fruits were numerous... No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't compare with the snow, and you couldn't compare with the indifference of the snow.

  Snow, I want to praise you here. Your beauty, your cold, and even your shortcomings will become advantages in my eyes. You don't have the fragrance of birds and flowers, but you have Hongmei Aoxue, you don't have the hot sun, but you have cold, you don't have fruits, but you have snow!

  I love you snow!


  Friend, have you heard this song:

  "I love you, snow in northern Serbia..."

  On the morning of early winter, I stood in the snow, breathing the fresh air after the snow, and couldn't help singing: "I love you, snow in northern Serbia..." yes, I love you - snow! You are white and crystal, putting silver on the earth; You are floating, heralding another harvest year; You, like a flower, bring the message of spring.

  When colorful clouds fill the sky, thick fog puts a white hat on the top of the mountain, and snow is coming. In the evening, there are bursts of cold wind. No, it's the fresh wind you brought, the exciting wind. The snow came from the slight cold wind and the noise in the evening. Look, it was like the spring wind shaking off thousands of pear flowers, and like the heavenly daughter scattering white catkins all over the sky; Listen, rustle, rustle... I seem to hear your Spring Song:

  In the morning, I opened the door and said, "it's snowing!" - this is my first call of the day. Look, the ridge of the roof is like a white scarf with water grain, covered with gauze; Small rivers and hills, like sea salt and flour, arouse my infinite reverie; The wheat seedlings in the field are also covered with silver. The whole field is green and white, just like cotton in early autumn. That is the omen of a bumper harvest next year! Oh, snow, when the sun rises, people are enjoying your infinite interest. Before they think of words to praise you, you melt quietly - your life is so short, but you moisten everything with the sweat of life in exchange for the spring of the world!

  Ah, I love you - snow!


  Yesterday, the weather forecast said it would snow today. I was so happy that I made an appointment with my little friend in advance to make a snowman in the park after the snow.

  I was looking forward to the snow soon. I kept staring at the outside of the window and found that the weather outside was gloomy. Pedestrians in the street were walking in a hurry in thick cotton padded jackets, cotton trousers and gloves. After a while, the snow slowly floated down from the sky. I hurried out of the window. The snow girl came slowly like me. She came to me with her relatives, friends and friends. Some of them jump around on my feet, some sit on my shoulder and chat with me, and others stand on my head and look into the distance, as if they are enjoying the beautiful scenery.

  I stretch out my hand, and immediately a group of snowflakes will come to you to play. I looked carefully and found that their shape was hexagonal and their color was crystal clear, like a spider web.

  The snow was getting heavier and heavier. I ran to the house and looked out of the window. After a while, the house was covered with thick snow. The snow fell on the grass, flowers and trees, as if they were surrounded by a white scarf.

  After the snow, several friends and I ran out of the house. We made a snowman together. We made a big snowman, and then dressed the snowman with the prepared items. The snowman is very cute! We also played snowball fights and skiing

  Thanks to the snow, we had such a good time. I love you, snow.


  Every winter, I always look forward to early snow. "Suddenly, like the spring breeze of the night, thousands of trees and pear flowers bloom." this poem that has been handed down for centuries says the hot snow that makes you love.

  Before the snow, the sky was gray, as if someone had made it angry. It didn't give people a good face. I don't know when, sporadic small snowflakes fell from the sky. I can't wait to hug these white elves, but they hide like little girls.

  The snow is getting heavier and heavier. Soon, the little snowflake grew up. These snowflakes are hexagonal, polygonal and needle shaped. The snow is like sugar, but it is not sweet; The snow is like salt, but it is not salty; The snow is like monosodium glutamate, but it is not fresh.

  I picked up the snowflake with my hand and finally picked up a large snowflake, but before I could see what it looked like, it turned into a drop of cold water in my hand.

  At this time, mother-in-law Feng sighed gently, and the snowflakes danced in the air. When the wind stopped, they landed steadily and performed a graceful dance for people. Uncle tree is their audience.

  Under the winter sun, large snowflakes turned into lingering tears. Only some naughty snowflakes hid in the corner and finally turned into ice to say goodbye to people.

  Beautiful snow, white snow, snow - I love you!


  Looking forward, looking forward, the second snow in 20XX finally fell. It's cold all day, and the temperature drops to minus 2-3 degrees.

  After the second class in the afternoon, it snowed. It made everyone happy, not to mention how happy they were. You see, Tang Kai and I are grasping snow flowers with our hands! "One, two, eh? How did the snowflakes turn into water?" however, I found that the snowflakes on Tang Kai's head were really hexagonal. Looking up, the snowflakes looked like thousands of butterflies flying around.

  Li Zhengyang said, "you can go to the playground." we hurried to the playground. Looking up from a distance, it is as big as cotton, flying all over the sky, making the sky very beautiful.

  But it didn't last long. In the urging of our classmates, we came to the classroom to have a difficult class. oh dear! I really want to see more. When I revised my math homework in the difficult class, I was a little distracted. The heavy snow outside was still falling, and the whistling north wind was constantly blowing. The snowflakes were flying all over the sky like colorful girls, with charming scenery that I would never forget.


  One late winter morning, when I got up together, I heard people in the corridor shouting that it was snowing. Looking from the window, the snowflakes are swirling like willow catkins in the spring; It's more like the light and lovely little ballet girl tiptoeing quietly in the embrace of the earth, embracing the endless wilderness, hills and houses, kissing the solid land under her feet, covering up the noise of the world with her elegant posture, making this ancient land seem magical and lovely.

  The snow is getting heavier and heavier. At dusk, the whole world has turned silver white. A thick snow blanket is paved on the playground. The tall and straight pine trees around are covered with silver armor, solemn and solemn, just like the guards guarding the border; The tall and dense jujube tree looks like a cherry tree with budding buds. It nods its head gently with the breeze, making people seem to see attractive cherries waving to you.

  Snow has no beautiful color, but it is so pure and selfless. It brings laughter and smiles to people.

  Snow, you bring beauty and purity to the world, but you always leave quietly; Snow, you always come and go quietly; So I praise your character from the bottom of my heart.


  "Snow is too late for spring, so it wears court trees as flying flowers." snow is the purest, most beautiful and most moving thing in the world. I'm longing for snow. I'm longing to see snow's charming dance and moving face.

  It was a recess. The classroom was warm. I was reading in my seat and glanced out of the window. Wow, what was flying? Is it snow? It's snow! "It's snowing!" I cheered. The students raised their heads and were silent for a while. Suddenly, a burst of shouting broke out: "snow! Snow! Go out to play!" everyone rushed out of the classroom like a tide, ran downstairs quickly, cheering, jumping and chasing in the snow.

  Look! The snow is so white, soft, light, small, like a newborn, so pure and beautiful that you dare not touch it for fear of disturbing it. Snowflakes falling from the sky are like beautiful jade butterflies, dancing and drunk; Like fluffy dandelions, floating like flying; Like beautiful little white flowers, gathering and dispersing one after another; Like the feather scattered by the saint, it is gently filled and floating. Light, white, soft and noble is your portrayal. Snow, you are a precious gift from nature!

  Snow, will you let me touch it? I gently caught a snowflake, but it turned into a drop of water before I could take a good look at it. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? Are you crying? No, she's smiling. She's happy. She's happy. She is happy because of others' appreciation, and she is happy because of others' praise. The green grass thanked her: "snow, thank you for covering me with a thick quilt." the tall and straight pine tree thanked her: "snow, thank you for putting on the new year's dress for me." the students were also thanking her: "thank you for bringing us endless joy." we made a snowman with snow. The snowman was white and tender, with a smile on his mouth. Look, the snow was smiling. Snowball fights are more interesting. You attack me with snowballs, and I hit you back. Snowballs burst into flowers on us, and the snow splashed everywhere. Look, the snow is laughing. We are also laughing: "snow, we love you!"

  I love you, snow!

