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【#雅思# 导语】每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。下面就是®文档大全网为大家收集整理了2017年9-12月雅思口语Part 2预测,以供大家参考。
  Describe a piece of clothing you like wearing
  You should say
  - what the item of clothing is
  - where and when you bought it
  - when you wear it
  - and explain why you like wearing it.
  I’m going to describe a coat that I often wear at the moment. The coat is dark blue in colour, and it’s made out of a lightweight, waterproof material, which makes it perfect for wearing at this time of year here in Changchun. It also has a detachable hood, which I used yesterday when it was raining, and various pockets on the outside and on the inside.
  I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the weather started to get colder. It was easy to buy because I had had the exact same coat before; my old coat was starting to look a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version. As I knew which size I needed, I simply went online and found the best offer; I bought it through a shopping website, and it was delivered to my house a few days later.
  As I said, I’m wearing this coat a lot at the moment. It’s my everyday coat for going to work or for when I go out shopping or for any other reason.
  The reason why I like this coat is that it’s so practical and functional. It’s waterproof and it keeps me warm, but it also comes in handy for carrying things like my phone, wallet, loose change, a pen, and even a notebook; I tend to fill my pockets with whatever I can. It even folds up small enough to fit in my bag when I don’t need it.

2017年9-12月雅思口语Part 2预测:喜欢的衣服.doc
