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【#英语资源# 导语】万圣节是西方历史悠久的节日之一,万圣节前夜到处有女巫和鬼魂的说法就是这么开始的,至今在欧洲某些与世隔绝的地区还有人相信这是真的。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Halloween has finally arrived. Although it is not a traditional Chinese festival, we still feel very strange and excited.

  Mr. Sheng is a new English teacher. He is not tall and speaks humorously. He is very popular with students. This time, Mr. Sheng surprised the students. He said to us, "This Thursday is my evening self-study. It's just the eve of Halloween. Let's have Halloween!" This sentence is more in everyone's mind (because we have never had it before).

  Halloween activities started, we took our masks, ready to start. As the first team, our first group sent out candy to each other. Zong Tianqi took the lead and asked one class for candy (which was sent to teachers in each class in advance). We shouted: "Trick or treat." The teachers gave us candy one after another. We went on to the next classroom. Half an hour later, we went back to the door of the classroom, and we finished the work.

  We returned to the classroom and began to count the fruits of our victory. I have three bags of soft candy, two lollipops and two pieces of hard candy. They are very rich. After I count them, I will start to enjoy this meal.

  This is really an unforgettable Halloween!


  Halloween is a traditional festival in western countries. People who participate in the festival must wear all kinds of strange costumes to dress up as the devil, go to a carnival party, and ask the "devil" for candy. Now, let me talk about how I spent my first Halloween.

  On Friday afternoon, the day before Halloween, I dressed up as a magician and went to the Halloween party of the Wagen School with my father and mother. When I got there, I found that there were so many people. It was almost like a dance of demons. I also saw several classmates come to participate, and their costumes were scarier than each other, just like the devil. But the most terrible thing is not that. Everyone who attends the party knows that the school is "scared to death at first sight" Real live. There are "devils" flying all over the sky, the whole house is sprayed with lifelike blood, and there are many "ghosts" and "zombies"... The teachers who are usually very amiable and lovely also dress up as devils, holding the severed arms to greet us, holding the severed legs as crutches, hanging the severed heads on the ceiling, and the atmosphere at the scene is grim.

  Of course, as the "devil" at the party, the teacher also sent us delicious candy. There are also many interesting games on the party site, which push the atmosphere of the party to high x. Did you know that the successful participants can get their favorite small toys? I participated in several of them and got small light bulbs, small horns and big noses that can emit light.

  The first Halloween party made me unforgettable and memorable. I really look forward to the arrival of the next Halloween.


  In October, the day when the osmanthus is fragrant, there is a grand festival in Britain - Halloween. Let's enter this amazing festival together!

  Our English club, in this month, carries out activities such as making pumpkin lanterns and Halloween.

  Let's talk about making pumpkin lanterns first! MISS Jiang and MISS Shu patiently taught us to make and repeatedly told us to be careful with the knife, but someone was injured. First, we cut off the green handle of the pumpkin, leaving the yellow pumpkin. Dig out the contents, and cut the surface of the pumpkin with a knife into a lovely cartoon face. Dangdang, it's finished! The jack-o '- lanterns of the students are of various shapes, and they have candles in them. How interesting! I hope this kind of hands-on production can be more fun.

  Haha, on Halloween, our class spent this wonderful time with the students from Class 5 (2) and Class 5 (3). There are many more ghosts in the classroom. They are scary. My deskmate is the most interesting. He dressed up as a skeleton with gloomy body! I scared the other students to death! We played a lot of games, biting oranges, watching the action and guessing riddles. The most exciting thing is to grab sugar. Everyone is scrambling to get sugar. Let me give you a suggestion: next time, don't throw sugar, who will catch the sugar and wine. I also made cookies full of love for everyone. I was overjoyed!

  This activity is very meaningful. Let's learn western culture in happiness. I hope ABC Club will hold more such activities!


  On Wednesday, our school will hold Halloween activities. The teacher asked us to wear Halloween costumes and masks to school that day.

  In the morning, when I was going upstairs, I was still thinking: I don't know what the children in our class will wear? I am looking forward to it. When I walked into the classroom, I saw my classmates dressed in all kinds of clothes. Lu Yingqi wore a yellow wig, and Zhang Zhicheng wore a big white cloth!

  Soon it was time for the show. I quickly wore my pumpkin clothes and went downstairs with a pumpkin lantern. The host invited a mysterious guest wearing a Zorro hat and a red cloak, who turned out to be President Lou! Our sophomore year won the "Styling Award".

  Next is the sugar begging activity. We said "trick, or treat" and asked older brothers and sisters and teachers to beg for sugar. I got a total of 16 candies, but Wu Jiani got 57 candies. She is so powerful! It seems that there must be a way to do things. As long as the method is right, things will be half done!


  October 31st is Halloween. This year we have a special Halloween. Our school organized us to go to Chimelong Happy World for social practice activities.

  Early in the morning, our dormitory was boiling up: brushing teeth, folding quilts, doing sanitation, everything. We are so excited.

  Our class is divided into five groups. Our group takes the No. 1 bus.

  When we arrived at the destination, we took a photo of the whole class at the gate full of pumpkins, and then we moved freely in groups. The first project we played was spaceship. I remember most clearly because it was too exciting. At first, I turned around for a circle, and then turned around one by one. My heart was almost beating out.

  After lunch, our group went to play water rafting again. My classmates and I were sprayed with water. Fortunately, we wore raincoats. I met some impolite people when playing bumper ships. They jumped in line. Fortunately, we female heroes were broad-minded and didn't dispute with them. If they met people who were reckless or petty, I think they would have enough to drink. I was in a good mood at first, but when I saw those young people, I was very upset. I also suddenly felt a spirit of Ah Q: I will not play with you, Nvxia. You people are really uneducated, as if you had never been educated

  At nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, we all felt tired and went out of the garden arm in arm. Goodbye, my Chimelong Joy Park! I don't want to see you again, those "bosses" who cut in the queue!


  Today's weather is particularly sunny and the sun is particularly bright. With the genial spring breeze, we ushered in the annual festival - Halloween.

  Halloween is a traditional western religious festival. At more than 1 o'clock in the afternoon, we put on our masks, put on our clothes, stepped on the neat steps, and walked to the high school playground in the face of the burning sun. Wow! I saw a vast sea of people suddenly came into my eyes, and the football gate beside it seemed to be submerged by the sea of people.

  When I got to the middle of the crowd, I suddenly realized that I had entered the "hell". All kinds of ghosts, big and small, are floating in front of me. As soon as I turned around, I saw a werewolf, with his mouth open and his long dark teeth showing, looking at me ferociously. Suddenly, someone patted me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a bloody hand on my shoulder. It turned out to be a demon with silver hair and big head and blue face. What is more frightening is that I saw a pair of black and white impermanence in the activity team of the senior high school on the runway. They took poles and jumped as if they were driving other people's souls to the "hell".

  After the activity, a new sports game, tug of war, was held. One side is composed of foreign teachers and the other side is composed of students. The game started, the audience cheered, and the shouting was endless. Finally, the flag of victory flew to the students. The applause from the audience lasted for a long time. The students were even more excited.

  The happy Halloween is finally over. This activity made me feel the fun of western festivals and made my mind reach a new level.


  The annual Halloween is coming again. I remember attending the festival party of my mother's unit last year. I still remember the scene so far! Everyone dressed in carefully prepared clothes and gathered in the venue. The small space was full of people and became a world of "ghosts and spirits". It was really a festive atmosphere. The statue played by beloved Uncle Wang is really unusual; Aunt Li dressed as Jigong, waving a palm fan and smiling; Brother Chen, dressed up as a horrible devil, still has a chilling weapon in his hand, especially a pirate wielding a broadsword. He is really domineering

  However, what impressed me most was the "black and white impermanence" played by two uncles, one fat and one thin. They each wore black clothes and white clothes, and looked like their names. At this time, they must have been ordered by the King of Hell to tie a "soul" with an iron chain to take him to the underworld. I suddenly wanted to play tricks on them, so I used my "pirate" to attack them and save the poor soul. But the "pirate" can't cut the hard chain, so I can only use my weight to knock them down and let the soul escape. I also took advantage of their unpreparedness to get into the crowd. It seems that Black and White impermanence cannot go back to recover.

  After the activity, the "ghost spirits" danced a happy rabbit dance again, and the laughter echoed like the tide in the bright sunshine for a long time!


  Soon, Halloween will be six days away.

  Although this festival is not popular in China, it is still a festival in October. In addition, as soon as Halloween arrives, it means that October will end, November will start, mid-term exams will come, and we are not far away from the winter vacation. Didn't you think? A Halloween has so much meaning.

  On October 31, foreign students were asking for candy door to door, which was full of childish and mature sound“

  Chick or cheat!” It is so desirable, but when they are laughing, we are stuck in the books, preparing for the upcoming mid-term exam. This is really a big difference! There is always a little unfairness in my heart. After all, we are not adults yet. It is always unbalanced to see others playing.

  It is said that on the night of Halloween, children have to wear costumes of ghosts and monsters to knock around for candy, so as to drive away the ghosts and demons who are trying to invade and protect the safety of the whole family. Now, it has become a holiday game. In this way, the exorcism of ghosts is a little similar to that of Chinese children. We should also exorcise the monster, which is the test! But the way is different. People want candy. They are sweet to drive away ghosts. I guess I can't wait to have more; As for us, we depend on reading books to memorize the endless things in the books, and then launch a large-scale attack on the "exam ghost".

  Whether the achievements are good or bad is only a blow away.

  Hey, Halloween, lend me some strength to defeat the test paper!


  In the United States, the annual Halloween is coming, and many families invite relatives and friends to parties. The little witch Lulu was also invited. She came to the Halloween party in a luxurious pumpkin car, holding a magic broom, and wearing the school uniform (witch robe) of the magic school.

  Before the Halloween party, while people were gathering to buy party supplies or making preparations at home, a disaster came - the big devil Dudu came with a disaster package.

  Dudu and the little witch are classmates. Because of her bad heart, she was taught a lesson by the little witch Lulu several times, but she still didn't repent.

  He came here because he was angry that people only invited Lulu, the little witch, to the party instead of him.

  Dudu became more and more angry as he thought about it, and turned into a strong wind blowing towards people. But people were not hurt by the strong wind at all, because the little witch Lulu helped them to overcome the strong wind. Dudu became more angry. He asked Lulu loudly, "Why do you help people?" Lulu replied, "Dudu, I don't want to argue with you in the face of my classmates. Please don't harm the world any more, or I will lock you up." "Hahaha, then try it!" Then Doodle turned into a tornado and fled to the distance. The little witch Lulu changed her pumpkin cart into an iron cage, which chased Dudu. Finally, Dudu was locked up.

  Later, in order to commemorate Lulu, people held a pumpkin lantern and played in the street on Halloween.


  The annual Halloween is finally coming. My xx school is going to hold a Halloween party, so I need some props to dress up. My mother is going to the supermarket to buy things, and she can take my brother and me to pick out props.

  Along the way, the busy traffic crowded the road, so it took us twice as long to get to the destination. Mom said that because it was the time to leave work, there were a lot of cars!

  When I got off the bus, I hurried into the supermarket and saw the sign of "Halloween Party" first. Wow! Many mysterious masks of terror! I was so dazzled that I couldn't help but pick up the mask, crown and broom. I really couldn't make up my mind what to do. After discussing with my mother, I finally decided what I needed.

  Next, it's Mom's turn to buy things. There are all kinds of goods, food, clothing and accommodation in the shopping mall. There are many things I like! Suddenly, I felt like a greedy wolf and wanted to buy all the things I liked! But I know this is not feasible. People should not be greedy, and should choose what they really need.

  Shopping is really a knowledge. You should consider the quality, shelf life, price and other conditions of the things, and have a shopping plan in advance to avoid unnecessary waste and loss of your own purse!
