1.英语口语8000句分享 篇一
I want to take a nap. 我真想睡个午觉。
But you just woke up.你不是刚起来吗?
I'd like to lie down for a while.我想躺会儿
I'm going to take a rest. 我休息一会儿
You're pretending to be asleep.你在装睡啊。
You're not really asleep. 你其实没睡吧!
Were you sleeping? 你睡着了吗?
No, I was awake. 没有,还没睡呢。
Will you change the baby's diaper?你能给孩子换个尿布吗?
Again? 又要换呀?
2.英语口语8000句分享 篇二
Do it again. 再来一次。
Let's play catch. 我们来投球吧。
Great! 好呀!
The water is leaking.漏水了。
The pipe is leaking. 水管漏了。
It's so dusty. 全是灰啊!
I didn't notice. 我倒没注意。
It needs to be dusted. 得扫扫了。
It's stuffy in this room.这间屋子通风真差。
The air is thick. 这里真闷。
The air is dense. 空气混浊。
It's drafty in this room. 这个房间很通风。
3.英语口语8000句分享 篇三
Will you feed the dog?你能去喂喂狗吗?
What a mess! 怎么这么乱呀。
Help me.帮帮我吧。
Clean up your room.把你的屋子收拾收拾。
Help me clean up the house.帮我打扫打扫卫生。
I'll go get more. 那我去买一瓶。
Would you put up the clothes to dry?你能把衣服晾上嘛?
Will you help me fold up the clothes?你能把我的衣服叠起来吗?
Please sweep the floor. 把地扫扫。
I have to vacuum my room.我得用吸尘器打扫我房间了。
Please dust the shelves.掸掸柜子上的土。
Please wipe the shelves.请擦一擦柜子。
Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地。
4.英语口语8000句分享 篇四
Will you iron the shirt? 你能把衬衫熨熨吗?
I have to iron my skirt. 我的裙子得熨了。
We need more milk. 还得再买点牛奶。
The park was crowded.公园里人挤人。
Can you baby-sit tonight? 今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗?
This is for you. 这是送给你的。
That's very nice of you. 太谢谢你啦。
This is your share. 这是你的那份。
What do you want for your birthday?过生日想要什么礼物?
I want gloves. 手套
Here you are! 请收下。
5.英语口语8000句分享 篇五
I usually work out after work.我经常下班以后运动。
I've started jogging. 我开始慢跑锻炼。
Since when? 什么时候开始的?
I quit smoking. 我戒烟了。
Good for you. 你真伟大。
Do you dream often? 你常做梦吗?
I've been forgetful lately. 最近我总是丢三落四的。
6.英语口语8000句分享 篇六
When is this due? 什么时候到期?
When is the rent due?房租截止到几号?
It's due on the thirtieth. 截止到30号。
Could you give me change?能帮我换一下零钱吗?
Here's one hundred yen. Could I have change?这是100日元,能帮我破开吗?
I need to withdraw ¥5,000 from my savings account. 取,拿出(我要取5000日元。)
I paid out of my own pocket.自己掏腰包。
I'm out of cash. 我没带现金。
I'm broke. 身无分文。
I'm rich now. 我现在很有钱。