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【#英语资源# 导语】无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是®文档大全网整理的《我的家人英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.我的家人英语作文 篇一

  Do you know my family? I guess you probably don't know. So, let's introduce my family today!

  My wife is a person with silver hair and a kind smile on her face. Although she is very old, her wife's eyes are very bright. The cotton slippers and jacket I usually wear are sewn by my wife stitch by stitch, making it feel particularly warm on my body.

  Grandpa, who had never read a book when he was a child, was the least literate in our family. When I was at home, I often read news and told him stories. Every time my grandfather would touch my head and say, "You should study hard and grow up to be a useful person

  Grandma is an amiable person, and she is the busiest and most tired in the family. Every day, she would get up very early, first do household hygiene, then wake me up, and then burn my favorite breakfast - egg cake. After breakfast, my grandmother will also take me to school.

  Next, let me introduce my parents. My father works on the street and my mother works in finance. They are both very busy with their work, but they come back on time every day to accompany me to dinner and do my homework.

  Finally, let's introduce ourselves! I am a smart and filial child. I will keep the delicious food I usually eat for my wife, and I will also help my grandmother do what I can.

  This is my family, a very happy family.

2.我的家人英语作文 篇二

  I was born into a happy, warm, and harmonious family. There is a very capable father, a kind mother, and a kind grandfather and grandmother.

  Dad loves me very much. Due to being too busy with work, it takes several days to see me. Every time he dragged his exhausted body back home and saw me, he would always kiss and hug me.

  Mom doesn't need to say anything. She helps me wash clothes and pants every day. I am a bookworm. Whenever I encounter books that I like and are beneficial to me, my mother always buys them. Now, as high as the roof is, so high is my bookshelf. The bookshelf won't fit, and there are also two large piles in the room.

  Grandma also loves me very much. She drives me to school every morning. In these short ten minutes, my grandmother taught me some methods and techniques for writing essays, which earned me the appreciation of my teachers and classmates. And that knowledge was obtained by Grandma herself every night from books. Grandma will also tell me some of her own small stories.

  Love is selfless; Love is warm; Love is happy; Family love is everywhere! I am grateful for the love my family has shown me, as they have allowed me to thrive in the embrace of love.

3.我的家人英语作文 篇三

  There are three people in my family: my parents and I.

  Let's talk about Dad first! "He is a chef. Every time he eats the food cooked by his father, it is like going to heaven. The meat in his mouth is fresh, tender, delicious, and his mother always praises him after eating it! My father is also a sportsman. After work every day, he always has to run a few laps back and forth when he returns to the community. At the weekend, my father will swim several times to the Natatorium before he is willing to go home to rest.

  Let's talk about Mom again She is a shopaholic. Whenever she has time at home, she drags my father and I to Xinjiekou to buy clothes crazily. My mother is also a bookworm, playing games with us, but she can't do it with Ben. As soon as she came on the stage, she felt a bit nervous and only played more than 50 games before being defeated.

  Tell me more about me! I am a little girl with big eyes, long hair, and a small mouth. My specialty is dance, which can make a person's body more beautiful and make arms and legs longer. Although training is very hard every day, as long as I persist in training, I can reap even greater fruits.

  The above is our whole family. Do you like us?

4.我的家人英语作文 篇四

  I have an auspicious and happy home.

  My mother is an accountant in a company. Accompany me to school in the morning, care about my studies at night, and read books with me before going to bed. I enjoy listening to what I have seen and heard about school. I speak vividly, while my mother listens attentively. When it comes to happiness, my mother is also happy. I feel very proud.

  My father can change his face. Whenever I mess with my dad, he yells at me like a lion, and I feel very uncomfortable and want to cry. But dad also has a gentle side. We often play balloons together and accompany me to play outside, like children.

  What about me? With water like eyes and a cute little face. I really enjoy playing and frolicking with my friends. Actually, I am very timid, and because of my timidity, I have made many jokes. One afternoon, both my parents went out while I was doing my homework at home. Suddenly, I heard a loud wind and thought it was a ghost. He was so scared that he trembled and quickly got into bed. Then, when I heard the doorbell ringing, I dared not open the door and looked through the crack of the door. So it's Mom and Dad! "Made me give a false alarm.

  Sometimes, we chase after each other, singing loudly and dancing like a group of mischievous children.

  This is our happy family!

5.我的家人英语作文 篇五

  I live in a happy family of three.

  My father has shiny black hair and a pair of bright big eyes under his thick eyebrows, always shining with stern eyes. He is a native of Northeast China and also a teacher, who has devoted most of his time to his students. Although he usually doesn't spend much time with me, he will take me on holidays with his mother to travel around, see the beautiful scenery, and eat delicious food.

  My mother has short hair, a round face with bright big eyes, and a sweet smile on the corners of her mouth, making people feel very gentle and approachable. My mother is a clever and handy person. She likes to draw and sing, and I also like to draw. Maybe that's up to her.

  I love my parents very much, and I also love my family very much.
