
时间:2023-09-20 06:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# #愉快的国庆节英语作文(精选20篇)#】国庆节,是一个漫长的假期也是一个愉快的假期,©文档大全网为大家准备了《愉快的国庆节英语作文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇一

  Today is a happy holiday - National Day. My brother, grandfather, grandmother, father, and mother go to their hometown of Changshu to play together.

  On the first day, we arrived in the countryside of Changshu and visited many relatives together, such as Grandpa's sister, brother, and younger brother. Finally, I lived with my grandfather's brother. My brother and I walked into the vegetable garden and saw a cute black and white kitten, with two eyes fixed on us and occasional "meow" sounds. Its ears seemed to hear everything. The small animals in the yard chirped incessantly, as if playing a wonderful 'animal symphony'. There is also a osmanthus tree in the yard. When a gust of wind blows, my mother quickly catches the fallen osmanthus with her hands, puts it into the tea, and takes a sip. It's really fragrant. The next day, the weather was really sunny. Dad took us to Shanghu to play. We rowed the boat first, sat on it, looked at the beautiful scenery, and ate delicious ice cream, which was just a kind of enjoyment. Next, we arrived at the Chinese Peony Garden. Unfortunately, we didn't come at the right time and didn't see a single peony flower. However, I saw many butterflies, some with spots and some with stripes, which were extremely beautiful.

  On the third day, with a clear sky of thousands of miles, we went to Huaxi Village, the "Number One Village in the World". There is a tall building in Huaxi Village, almost all of which are made of gold. It's really beautiful.

  Ah, this is really a happy National Day.

2.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇二

  National Day is coming, and there are many people going out to play. My father promised to take me and my sister to Zhongshan Park together.

  On this day, the sky was blue and the sun was warm. Watching the birds flying back and forth in the sky, I couldn't help but grow wings and fly. In the morning, my father drove us to the entrance of Zhongshan Park. Along the way, there were a sea of people everywhere and the roads were blocked tightly. I was curious and asked my father, "Why are there so many people today!" My father smiled and said, "There are so many people coming out to play during holidays, so when you arrive in the park later, don't run around, you know?" After listening to my father's words, I was both happy and afraid.

  After getting off the car, I sprinted out step by step and found that there were all tourists coming to play around. It felt much livelier today than usual. We first arrived at a pond full of fish: big, small, yellow, and black. They swim freely in the water, enjoying the endless fun life brings to them! Singing and dancing, as if saying, "National Day is here! National Day is here! Then we went to the amusement park again. My sister and I played bumper cars, disco turntables, and Golden Dragon pulleys. It was so fun that I couldn't bear to leave.

  Time passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was afternoon again. I looked up at the sky, the scorching sun was shining, and the sun seemed to say, "It's time to go home!" We happily rode home again.

  This is my most unforgettable day, so happy! I really hope every day is National Day!

3.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇三

  October 1st is the birthday of our mother. On this day, people are immersed in a sea of joy!

  National Day is full of joy! Look, bright five-star red flags are hung all over the residential community, along the streets and on the roadside. The wind blows and the five-star red flag flutters high, as if celebrating the birthday of our mother. And the fiery red lantern, hanging high, makes people extremely happy to see it!

  National Day is beautiful! Autumn is clear and refreshing, and the flowers in the park are blooming, red like fire, white like snow, and pink like rosy clouds. They are extremely beautiful. The osmanthus emits a refreshing fragrance, which is truly intoxicating. Chrysanthemums come in various forms, some resembling the hair of a doll, curly, some resembling a crown, and some resembling embroidered balls. They are truly adorable. The leaves of the ginkgo tree have turned golden, like small fans nodding gently in the breeze. There are also pine and cypress trees, full of spirit like soldiers!

  National Day is lively. On the broad road, cars flowed endlessly. The mall was crowded with people coming to shop, everyone picking and choosing, with satisfied smiles on their faces. By the Xianghu Lake, many tourists are enjoying the scenery, especially the children. Some are running around, some are skating, and some are blowing bubbles. Their laughter comes and goes!

  National Day, what a happy holiday!

4.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇四

  This moment of the year has finally arrived! As the saying goes, it is the annual National Day holiday, where people celebrate and yearn for, because it is the anniversary of our motherland's return.

  So National Day, this day is quite lively. If you don't believe it, look: As soon as my sister and I left the house, we immediately saw some 50% discount, buy one get one free, and so on hanging around the shops on the streets and alleys. They posted them everywhere, of course, because it was National Day and all the products were very discounted.

  On the night of National Day, it was even more lively. The commercial street is bustling with lights, wine, and greenery, and pedestrians are bustling back and forth, each carrying their own purchases with satisfaction. Everyone is giggling and looking very happy. The fireworks and sparkling stars passing by in the dark night are also very lively, adding an atmosphere to the National Day holiday.

  At this moment, I was playing with my sister and shuttling through the crowd, feeling very happy. Tired of playing, we walked into a restaurant not far away where business was booming. There was a faint aroma of delicious food in the restaurant, which was enough to make our appetite grow. I saw a table full of guests in the restaurant tasting the food with satisfaction. The owner of the restaurant, also known as the chef, was sweating profusely, which made me feel very tired. However, the owner of the restaurant didn't feel tired except for sweating. He was cooking while chatting with the guests with a smile on his face, and at first glance he was a very enthusiastic person. After a while, my sister and I finished our meal and started wandering around again.

  This National Day, I am very happy. I wonder if everyone is happy or not?

5.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇五

  Today is National Day, and it is the xx year old birthday of our mother. The blue sky is filled with white clouds, and the five star red flag is fluttering in the wind against the backdrop of bright colored flags. The four golden characters "Celebrating National Day" are particularly eye-catching. The decorated lanterns added a joyful atmosphere to the festival.

  The streets are bustling with cars and horses, and a continuous stream of people, old and young, come from all directions. Their faces showed festive laughter. The children were holding colorful balloons in their hands, fluttering above the flowing crowd. Bright shop windows, colorful advertisements, colorful posters, and a lively stage outside the store, where people sing and dance, make the streets dazzling. The abundance of goods in the store meets people's holiday shopping needs.

  The lake was sparkling with bright sunlight shining on the water, shining silver and dazzling. Crowds of wild ducks and egrets freely fly and hover in the sky and on the lake surface. The leisurely crowd on the riverbank, with emerald willow trees forming a beautiful picture.

  The colorful flowers in the park make the scenic spot even more beautiful and colorful. The flower bed with various colors of flowers allows tourists to stop and watch, take photos, and take videos, leaving behind this beautiful moment. The pure white carrier pigeons danced in the crowd, conveying the message of peace in the motherland to the people.

  I sincerely wish that our motherland will become more prosperous and beautiful!

6.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇六

  During the National Day holiday, my mother and I went to Rizhao to see my father. My father works at the Rizhao construction site and there is no holiday for National Day. When it's sunny, we don't go out to play on cloudy days every day. However, even in fine weather, Dad cannot accompany us because he is too busy with work, often doesn't come home for dinner, and sometimes works overtime at night. One night, my father took me and my mother to the construction site. To go to the construction site, one must wear a safety helmet. I put on my hat, and my father smiled and said, "It's really like a small electric construction worker!" We arrived at the construction site, and from a distance, the entire construction site was shrouded in a thin mist like gray gauze. The colorful lights were blinking their eyes eagerly, merging into a sea of lights.

  I saw some uncles climbing high and low, and the high shelves were scary. It's the holiday period now, and most of the students and workers across the country are on vacation. However, Dad and these uncles haven't had a holiday, and they can't go home and reunite with their families. They are still working hard. They are really great! These uncles and aunts, if I were your leader, I would let you go home from vacation and reunite with your family! But both parents say that work is important, just as learning is the most important thing for students. Returning to Weifang, I believe that uncles and aunts work hard for the prosperity of our country. We must also study hard in the future and contribute to our country when we grow up!

7.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇七

  Today is National Day on October 1st, a day of national celebration for our whole country. My parents took me and my brother to play in Kunwu Garden, and I also started my happy day.

  We came to Kunwu Garden and saw many children playing bungee jumping. I also wanted to challenge my courage. With the help of my aunt, I climbed onto the trampoline bed, fastened my seat belt, and eagerly jumped up. However, the desired effect was not achieved. Under the guidance of my aunt, I squatted down first and then bounced up vigorously. As expected, the higher I jumped, the happier I became.

  We came to my kart race again, and my dad suggested that we have a kart race. My dad and I will work together, and my mom and brother will work together. At the command of our uncle on the field, we set off with a whoosh. At first, my father's car and mine ran ahead, while my mother and brother's car were behind ours. Unexpectedly, if we didn't pay attention, my mother and my brother ran ahead of us. Mom was really not easy. Oh, she knew how to drive, I said. Amidst our screams and shouts, our race ended. Mom and her team won, and we were convinced, Racing is really fun and exciting, we are so happy.

  On the way home, I thought in my heart that we can have today's beautiful and happy life. The tremendous changes around us are inseparable from the strength of our great motherland. I must study hard and grow up to build a more beautiful, prosperous and strong motherland!

8.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇八

  Today is National Day, and with a happy mood, I went to visit the Jinan Science and Technology Museum with my teachers and classmates.

  I woke up at around six in the morning, so excited that I couldn't fall asleep at all. Looking forward to it, my mother finally packed up our things, and we rushed to the gathering place to take a bus together and set off. We frolicked and played with each other in the car, and soon arrived.

  When I arrived at the Science and Technology Museum, the first thing that caught my eye was a huge globe, clearly marked with the names of each country. At a glance, I found the position of China on Earth.

  Walking inside is the Children's Science and Technology Museum. In front of many mirrors, some of us have become fat and shorter, while others have become thinner and taller. It's really interesting; When passing through a time and space tunnel, the constantly rotating sphere around the tunnel makes people feel a bit dizzy, creating a feeling of passing through time and space; In the forest park, we played with fun toys such as tree father-in-law patting faces and monkey swings.

  In the lobby on the second floor, we were just in time for the "furious" performance, and the actors' hair was electrified and stood up one by one. It was really scary, but they didn't do anything at all. There are also sloping cabins and pipeless faucets in the science and technology museum, allowing us to experience interesting experimental phenomena. Unfortunately, I am only in fourth grade and have not understood many scientific phenomena, which require us to continue learning and thinking in the future.

  On the way back, we exchanged visiting experiences with each other, and our joyful laughter still lingered in the car.

9.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇九

  This year's National Day, I did many interesting things, but only one thing I found very meaningful. Do you want to know what it is? I'll tell you then.

  On October 1st, my parents and I went to my aunt's house. My aunt's house is in a small market town. Her house sells breakfast. I arrived at my aunt's house early in the morning and found a sea of people in front of the breakfast stall, with good business. Let's see how busy the aunt is. Hurry up and help. My mother and I agreed to have a competition, and whoever washes the dishes more will win.

  At the beginning of the competition, I saw my mother reach out and pick up a bowl that a customer had finished eating and put down. I didn't show weakness. After finishing the meal, I used my quick steps and quick hands to tidy up the bowl that another customer had put down. It's a one-on-one draw now. However, I am not sure that we must decide whether to win or not, and we are now entering the second game. At this time, the number of people eating is decreasing, and the dishes on the table are also decreasing. I came up with a new plan to win over my mother: I only stared at the table with the most customers, and as soon as they finished eating, I quickly ran to collect all the dishes. So, I started staring at a table with many customers. After a while, two or three customers on this table finished eating. I immediately ran over and put away three bowls and two plates. During the cleaning process, I felt that these three bowls were a bit heavy. I saw that those customers had left their bowls before they finished eating. I told my mother about this matter, and she felt it was very wasteful. She said to me, "Don't learn from them in the future, their behavior is very bad." At the same time, my mother told me that I won the second game.

  I have won over my mother again and again in this game, and I also know a truth: waste is a shameful behavior.

10.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十

  Today is National Day, and my father promised to take me to buy a parrot as a gift for me. So, we got up early and went to the flower and bird market.

  Dad drove with me and quickly arrived at the Flower, Bird, Insect, and Fish Market in Fangcun. This place is really big, selling flowers and plants, goldfish, cats and dogs, as well as small birds.

  For me, who loves small animals, coming to the Flower, Bird, Insect, and Fish Market is like Grandma Liu's first visit to the Grand View Garden. It's both novel and interesting, so I look east and west. Dad took me to the bird sales area. I seem to have entered the 'Bird Paradise'. There are beautiful orioles singing; There are snow-white doves dancing; And there are cute thrushes looking around. Finally, we fell in love with the tiger skin parrots, which are small and delicate, particularly clever and cute. After careful selection by my father and I, we sold a pair of cute tiger skin parrots. One was white, and I named it "Prince Charming". The other was blue, and I named it "Blue Girl". We returned home satisfied.

  I really like these two little tiger skin parrots, like two little elves. Although they don't have bright feathers, their tiger skin patterns on their bodies look very fashionable and cool. Moreover, when I bring the bird cage to my eyes and watch them, they flip up and down, as if happily saying 'Welcome, little master'.

  I really like these two tiger skin parrots.

  Today is really a happy and joyful day, what about you?

11.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十一

  On this night of beautiful flowers and a full moon, on this festival of universal celebration, our motherland's xx birthday has arrived. At the same time, we students also welcomed a "National Day" holiday.

  On the first day of the holiday, I first finished all the homework assigned by the teacher and prepared to go to sleep. I thought to myself, 'It seems meaningless to celebrate National Day like this.'. How can we celebrate a meaningful National Day? Go sing karaoke? Go to the amusement park and have a great time... I am not satisfied with all the options. By the way, I am longing for the long-awaited Fort Worth. It was really unexpected to ask my mother to take me, and she agreed without hesitation. I was overjoyed and quickly changed my shoes, preparing to go to Fort Worth!

  My mother and I took a ride to Fort Worth, where there were many people and toys. I was so happy that words couldn't describe it. My mother ordered me a baby chicken and a cup of milk tea. I ate and drank them all, and I was so happy. I've had enough to eat and drink, I should have a good time playing! I arrived at the children's playground in Fort Worth, where there were both slides and toys for riding small cars. It was really fun. During the "National Day" holiday, every day was filled with laughter and joy, and I had a very fulfilling time.

  During this National Day holiday, I not only tasted delicious food, played with fun toys, but also took care of my studies. I completed the homework assigned by the holiday teacher and achieved the best of both worlds. It was really enjoyable!

12.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十二

  National Day is approaching as scheduled, and while students celebrate it, we are also looking forward to the school sports meet held every three years.

  Because it is a sports meet, the teacher said that many people will come to see it, so the students are not afraid to sign up, and I am no exception, and I did not sign up. During physical education class, the teacher called on students to actively sign up for the sports meet. With the teacher's encouragement, many boys in the class jumped to sign up, but I still dared not sign up. Under the guidance of the teacher, many students practiced running, and I also wanted to give it a try. However, I didn't expect to be the first runner, so most of the boys in the class suggested that I participate in the sports meet. However, I still didn't want to participate. Several boys in the class even started swearing at me, which made me and a few friends turn around and leave.

  The next day, as soon as I arrived at the classroom, the sports committee member in the class mentioned the projects and names that the boys had applied for. I felt that there were only a few people left behind. I thought to myself that they could all participate, but why couldn't I? So I gathered the courage to apply.

  At the moment of the competition, I felt a bit nervous. I accidentally fell down during the competition, but for the honor of the class, I endured the pain and won the second place in the school. The teacher said, "Your persistent spirit is very worthy of praise from my classmates.

  I love National Day, I really hope to arrive at the next National Day soon!

13.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十三

  National Day is a festival celebrating the birth of New China. This is a joyful day, a lively day, and even more memorable.

  At this moment, I was standing on the streets of Zhongyi Street, only to see crowds of people moving around. Looking into a sea of people from afar, I could feel people's enthusiasm for National Day everywhere. Not far away, a dazzling "Chinese Red" appeared - it was a gate made of red lanterns, and the lights illuminated people's faces, making it blushing. There are rows of old houses on both sides of the street, each with large signs hanging. The blue bricks on the wall, the black tiles on the eaves, and the morning glory with its head sticking out from the corner are all so elegant and full of a joyful atmosphere.

  The streets of National Day are joyful and memorable. Some small shops are placed around, with ancient papermaking, intangible cultural heritage museums, sugar kneaders... Among them, papermaking is the most impressive technique that left a deep impression on me. Papermaking is one of China's the Four Great Inventions. It not only reflects the wisdom of the ancients, but also highlights China's cultural heritage. Watching a bunch of pulp made into snow-white pieces of paper, and smelling the slightly bitter taste of pulp, I couldn't help but sigh and say, "The intelligence of the ancients is truly amazing

  The integration of ancient skills and wisdom into the modern atmosphere makes everything seem so harmonious. I stood on the streets of National Day, feeling a surge of pride in my heart.

14.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十四

  National Day is a day of national celebration, where people gather with friends to chat and report any happy events.

  Our family naturally doesn't include anything else. My mother's friend's daughter got married, so we couldn't help but go grab a meal. As we were about to leave, we realized that Dad hadn't come back yet. Mom made several phone calls to urge Dad, and then he came back. When the elevator door opened, I was stunned - the golden sparkling ceiling, the snowy floor lights, the starry hall, the neat round table, everything was so beautiful and harmonious. Everyone has a bag of candy on their table. As a foodie, I couldn't bear it anymore. I picked up the candy and ate it, only to realize that I had already eaten more than two boxes of candy. However, before the dinner party started, I was already dizzy with hunger and stars in my eyes. If it weren't for the sugar supporting me, I might have fainted long ago. It seems that after a century of deep sleep, I have finally welcomed the opening ceremony. Suddenly, the hall became dark, with only a beam of light shining on a woman dressed in pure white flowers. A man held her hand, and the person was her father. They slowly walked towards the center of the stage. In the center of the stage, a handsome man holding a diamond ring waited for the woman who was about to enter his life.

  The long-awaited meal was finally coming. I picked up my weapon and fearlessly challenged the food army. The food army attacked one after another, but I had more than enough Dim sum. The first lobster knight who came out was beaten to pieces by me. Then came the abalone warrior, the big fish cavalry, the meat vanguard, etc. I defeated them one by one, but the last captain who came out defeated me, I couldn't eat anymore, so I happily lay down and let out a loud hiccup. For this reason, I borrowed my phone from my father and started playing the popular mobile game 'Glory of the King'. A big war was stirring up

  What a happy National Day!

15.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十五

  On October 5th, my good friend Li Ruiqi and I went to Yuhu Park to play. I had a great time playing this day, it will always stay in my memory and be unforgettable.

  On October 5th, my good friend Li Ruiqi and I arrived at Yuhu Park. We went crazy to play as soon as we entered the park. Li Ruiqi pointed to the flower bed and said, "Wow! What beautiful chrysanthemums!" I looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, chrysanthemums were in various shapes and forms, looking like little fairies, extremely cute. I suddenly ran in the direction of the amusement park, and Li Ruiqi reacted. She caught up and asked, "Song Ziyi, you don't need to be in such a hurry to play!" I chuckled at him and said, "Hehe, I just want to see if you react quickly." At this moment, my father walked over and said, "Here, this is 100 yuan. You can play whatever you want." "Oh yeah!" Li Ruiqi and I cheered and ran towards the bumper car.

  We paid and quickly got into the bumper car, afraid that the game would end soon. The bumper car race started. I stepped on the accelerator pedal and the speed of the bumper car immediately increased. I stabilized the steering wheel again, seized the opportunity, stepped on the accelerator pedal to the bottom, and the bumper car flew out like an arrow, steadily colliding with car number six, hitting it far away. But other cars are also not easy to mess with. I was about to hit car number three when car number six suddenly appeared and hit me hard, and the race ended. It's strange that Li Ruiqi, who is carsick, didn't throw up. What a miracle!

  Exciting National Day for eight days, endless joy!

16.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十六

  A few days before National Day, I rested at home. Later, in order to enrich my holiday life, my mother finally decided to take me out for a walk.

  On this day, the weather was clear and cloudless, and my mother took me to Beilin Park. As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a corridor on both sides, where there were rows of stone tablets engraved with various types of characters. Some looked very messy, while others looked very elegant, all reflecting Mr. Fu Shan's calligraphy art style. As I was walking, I suddenly heard a burst of beautiful music. As I approached, I saw several people in a small hall playing with different instruments wholeheartedly.

  The Beilin Park also held a photography exhibition, which showed many beautiful scenic spots in Shanxi, such as Mount Wutai Scenic Spot, Tianlong Mountain Scenic Spot, Hukou Waterfall, Taihang Mountain Scenic Spot... Among them, I was deeply impressed by the snow scenery of Tianlong Mountain. In the photo, it seemed that an ancient castle was buried by beautiful snow, which looked like a snow castle. The trees were also dressed as snow white trees, The entire painting looks extremely beautiful!

  After walking out of the park, my mother took me to a delicious steak dinner, then strolled through the crowded food street and willow alley, and bought many things. It can be said that I came back with a full load!

  I had such a rich and happy National Day!

17.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十七

  Dad took us to Xiangshan Film and Television City for National Day. The cars on the road lined up in a long queue, and my mother and I were playing a guessing game in the car.

  I arrived at my destination without realizing it. I see ancient city walls and a wide river outside them. I think it's strange? My father told me: "This is called a moat to prevent the enemy from attacking the city." We went to the city wall together and saw a big tree stump. I felt very light when I went up to hold the tree stump. After a closer look, it was made of foam. My father said: "This is a prop for acting." When I came to the street, I saw that people on the street were wearing ancient clothes. Some were selling vegetables, some were selling medicine, and some were beggars... It seemed that they had returned to the ancient society.

  We continued to move forward and arrived at Shuimengdong and Huaguo Mountain. I saw the fake Sun Wukong busy taking photos with everyone. The waterfall of the Water Curtain Cave is like what is written in a poem: "The flying water flows down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen nine days. Arriving at Huaguo Mountain, the trees were covered with large and red peaches, making my mouth water. I really wanted to eat one, but my father said it was fake.

  After arriving at the amusement park, there were slides, swings, and wooden stakes I didn't leave until it was dark.

  Although the time is very short, I still feel very happy playing on National Day.

18.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十八

  October 1st is the annual National Day, which is the birthday of our mother. My motherland is xx years old this year, so the whole country is filled with a festive atmosphere.

  Taking advantage of this atmosphere, our family arrived at the picturesque grandmother's house.

  At noon, after finishing our meal, we strolled through the fields and enjoyed the rural scenery. When we arrived at my grandmother's house, we looked at the petite chili peppers, lettuce like flowers, and bamboo like chili peppers... everything made people feel a burst of joy. However, there is no such thing as moving forward:

  At the edge of a pond, there were a group of dead fish floating on the water, and the orange tree next to it also withered.

  Looking ten meters ahead, the orange tree is once again full of fruits and lush branches. This is really strange, just like others say that the soil and water are different!

  We walked along the mountain road again, and along the way, my parents stopped to introduce me and told me some stories about their childhood It's getting late! We took another road back to our grandmother's house. Along the way, we saw many purslane plants and jokingly picked a large handful of them, hoping to have a pocket to hold them. That's how we got back to our grandmother's house.

  Although I didn't go sightseeing outside this National Day, going to my grandmother's house was also a feast for my eyes!

19.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇十九

  Happy National Day has arrived. On this day, my cousin, brother, and uncle go hiking together.

  The journey up the mountain is not actually very difficult. But it's very difficult to walk back. We struggled to walk along the narrow paths in the mountains. On the side of the mountain, the road is very steep, while on the other side is a vast abyss, as if one might accidentally fall off.

  We walked hard for about an hour before seeing a very spectacular waterfall. This waterfall hangs like a soft silk ribbon on the cliff. I couldn't help but think of a poem from the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's "Looking at the Waterfall of Mount Lu": "The flying water flows down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way has fallen nine days." We climbed up the waterfall on the path next to the waterfall and followed the stream upstream, only to see a more peculiar scenery: many silver white waterfalls interweave together, just like a fairy who wants to make clothes with silk ribbons but throws them everywhere.

  We continued to climb and saw a waterfall in the shape of a "pin". There is a waterfall above him that flows down a small pool, which then divides into two waterfalls and flows down. Do you think the shape of this waterfall is very similar to the character "pin"? We played for a while and then walked back home, talking and laughing, along the path of the Ma Shan Family Waterfall.

  This time I went hiking during the National Day holiday, not only to admire the magnificent waterfall, but also to exercise my body and develop a strong will. It's really a feat in one go!

20.愉快的国庆节英语作文 篇二十

  October 1st is National Day, and our family has decided to go hiking. We happily prepared our luggage, brought my little dog, and set off.

  We drove to Shuilian Mountain, but to our surprise, it suddenly rained like a bomb, hitting the car body with a clattering sound. We drove carefully.

  At the destination, we put on our rainshoes and raincoats together and walked to the foot of the mountain. "It's so cold! Wang Wang!" the four of us said in unison. Let's walk and walk, and we arrived at a restaurant. Let's go there and take shelter from the rain! Dad said slowly, and my mother and I also agree.

  We went to a restaurant for a meal, and the rain stopped. We quickly ran down the mountain, wow, there were so many people on the mountain, it was incredibly lively! Climb and crawl, it's raining again, we let out a sigh. We were hooked by chains to our clothes, and then by branches to our hair. There's a beautiful waterfall here! "Mom said excitedly. Many waterfalls are not bad, but this is a beautiful waterfall! "Dad said seriously. We saw a large tourist group, and as they walked, they said, 'I knew I wouldn't come!' I thought to myself, 'These are really a group of lazy guys!'!

  I was about to climb to the top, but my father sighed and said, "I'm really tired!

  If only I had known I was sleeping in the car! Mom said angrily, "You said it yourself!" Later, we climbed to the top floor. After sitting and resting for a while, when we woke up and it was already 11:00, we quickly ran to the exit and got in the car.

  This was really an interesting mountain climbing in the rain. "I really enjoy climbing!" I was about to talk to my parents when I realized they were already asleep, which was really disappointing.
