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新概念第三册Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车
  【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
  ●express n. 快车;adj. 高速的
  ●punctual adj. 准时的;
  ●condition v. 使习惯于
  ●unshakable adj. 不可动摇的
  ●faith n. 信任
  ●cancel v. 取消
  ●exceptionally adv. 例外地
  ●dislocate v. 打乱(计划等)
  ●blame v. 责怪
  ●consult v. 请教,查阅
  ●direct adv. 径直地
  ●odd adj. 奇怪的,异常的
  ●reflect v. 细想
  ●advantage n. 优势
  ●mighty adj. 强大的,有力的
  ●dawdle v. 慢吞吞的动或做
  ●chug v. 咔嚓咔嚓地响
  ●lodge v. 提出
  ●comlaint n. 抱怨
  ●triumph n. 胜利
  ●asterisk n. 星号(*)
  ●conduct v. 引向,引导
  ■express n. 快车;adj. 高速的
  express way: 高速公路
  express train快车
  special express 特快
  through express 直快
  stopping/ local train 慢车
  ■punctual adj. 准时的;
  be punctual in doing sth. 在做……方面非常准时
  be punctual to the minute 非常准时
  L36-05_37-01 end 9’15”
  L37-02 begin 8’35”
  Eg: He is a man who’s punctual to the minute.
  punctually adv.
  unpunctual ant.
  punctuality n.
  ■condition v. 使习惯于
  ==form a habit in
  Eg: This society has conditioned each of us.
  be conditioned to 习惯了……
  Eg: Each of us has been conditioned to the society.
  The plants has been conditioned to the cold weather here.
  The cold weather has conditioned the plants here.
  condition 条件
  on condition that 在……条件下如果
  on no condition 在任何情况下,用在句首句子要倒装
  On no condition must you be late.
  in good/ bad condition 情况良好/情况糟糕
  change one's condition 结婚
  in the interesting condition : 怀孕 pregnant
  ■unshakable adj. 不可动摇的
  ■faith n. 信任
  keep faith with sb. 对……守信用
  put one's faith in sth 对……有信心
  on the faith of 在……的保障下,凭……的信用
  faith 深信不疑,信仰,比belief 程度重一点
  belief: 可信赖,可接受
  conviction 坚定的信念
  trust 相信,依赖
  credit 对……完全相信
  ■cancel v. 取消
  call off == cancel 可以互相替换
  abolish 废除
  rescind 撤销,废止
  write off 注销,勾销
  cross out 划掉
  ■exceptionally adv. 例外地
  ■dislocate v. 打乱(计划等)
  ■blame v. 责怪
  ■consult v. 请教,查阅
  ■direct adv. 径直地
  ■odd adj. 奇怪的,异常的
  ■reflect v. 细想
  reflect on sth 细想……
  reflect upon oneself 自我反省
  ■advantage n. 优势
  take advantage of sb/sth 欺骗……并利用
  of great/no advantage to sb/sth 对……有(没有)好处
  to advantage 更有效地
  have advantage over sb 胜过某人,比某人有优势
  L37-02 end 8’35”
  L37-03 begin 9’42”
  interest 个人的利益,好处
  benefit 通过正当手段谋求的好处
  profit 金钱上的获益
  good 个人或集体的利益
  ■mighty adj. 强大的,有力的
  ■dawdle v. 慢吞吞的动或做
  ■chug v. 咔嚓咔嚓地响
  ■lodge v. 提出
  make/ lodge complaint 提出抱怨
  ■comlaint n. 抱怨
  ■triumph n. 胜利
  ■asterisk n. 星号(*)
  ■conduct v. 引向,引导

