

时间:2023-11-09 11:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  (Miss Yu is giving a class. Suddenly some bottles drop out of a student’s desk.)
  T: What’s the noise there?.
  S: Sorry, Miss Yu. 1.
  T: (Walking over to take a look) Oh, so many bottles.
  S: I’m collecting bottles.
  T: 2.
  S: Because I want to make toys out of them.
  T: 3. If so, why not put a big paper box at the back of our classroom? Then your classmate can help collect the bottles.
  S: Thanks for your advice.
  T: 4.
  S: Yes, quite a few.
  T: 5.
  S: Of course, I’ll bring a few here tomorrow.
  T: Perfect!
  That’s an interesting idea.
  We can’t wait to see the toys you’ve made.
  Some bottles dropped onto the floor.
  Can you show some to us one day?
  Could you help us make some toys?
  Have you already made some toys?
  Why do you collect bottles?

  1.______ 2.______ 3. ______4.______5.______
(2012年 陕西)
  1. Some bottles dropped onto the floor.解析:根据下文的so many bottles.可知。
  2. Why do you collect bottles? 解析:根据下文的答语Because I want to make toys out of them.可知。
  3. That’s an interesting idea. 解析:根据句意老师赞同他做法“那是个好主意”。
  4. Have you already made some toys? 解析:根据下文的答语Yes, quite a few.可知。
  5. Can you show some to us one day? 解析:根据下文的答语Of course, I’ll bring a few here tomorrow.可知。

