

时间:2022-03-21 02:27:44 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。以下是©文档大全网整理的《关于夏天的小学生英语作文(三篇)》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】

  In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are shouter.It's very hot.People like to go swimming.I like swimming very much.So I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.

  In the summer the trees and leaves are green.Flowers are open too.People don't like to go outside.They want to stay at home.Because in the room.It's very cool.

  In the summer.People like to eat ice-cream.So there are many kinds of ice-cream.

  I like swimming and I like eat ice-cream.So I like summer too. 【篇二】

  Do you know what I like?Summer vacation.I like it because I can go outside to play.If it rains,I can stay inside and play checkers.And this summer my family may go to Beijing,because we have not been there yet.

  Do you know what I don't like? I don't like homework during summer vacation."This is so difficult,"I complain.But once I begin to do it,I always stop complaining.I just try to finish it quickly so I can have a good time for the next two months! 【篇三】

  Beginning this summer, even here the next several days of rain, the sun's anger at once extinguished, and the weather has become very cool that people are feeling refreshed.

  When it rains, foam has been of coffee, sitting in his study playing online games, but can not help, but be attracted to the rain outside. Rain on the leaves, issued dull sound; rain hit the road, splashes of white foam; rain hit the racks, the issue sounds sweet tinkle.   Lie in the window sill and see rain, dense rain such as pearl curtains, hammer down from the sky, grab a hand, her lack of playfully escape, leaving only a trace of cool in the palm of the hand.

  After the rain, my friends and barefoot, to play in the water puddles in the area. Walk through the rain, my little feet very comfortable, I splash a small partner, and made each other who are wet, and we really enjoyed ourselves.

  Rain, you give us a cool, but also brought me happiness.

