

时间:2023-02-08 10:02:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

10. Seeing Someone off 送别

【Kim’s Note】Don’t let this situation intimidate you. It really is a great chance to show off not only your English, but also your international qualifications. Teacher Li and I have traveled to several countries and the problem of how to see someone off seems to be international. I always feel awkward as I watch Korean and Japanese people bowing and just saying “OK, you go now.”


A: Goodbye, Mr. Smith. I hope you’ll have a pleasant trip home. [hug]

B: Thanks. I had a wonderful time here.


A: Well, Daniel, I’m afraid I have to say good-bye now. The train leaves in fifteen minutes.

B: I wish you didn’t have to leave so soon. Have a nice trip!

A: Thanks. I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.

B: Me, too. Take care. [Hug]


A: Oh, they are calling the passengers to board the plane now. Thank you so much for seeing me off. Goodbye. [Hug]

B: Goodbye. Have a good flight! Say hello to your wife for me.

A: Thank you. Let’s keep in touch.

