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【#英语资源# 导语】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升,©文档大全网整理了大学英语作文,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】工作和玩耍 Work and Play

Work and play is an eternal topic for human being, people work so hard all the time, they need to improve their life level by working, while at the same time, playing for fun is people’s desire, they are willing to play in their hearts, but they know they can’t live without working. As for me, I balance work and play, only in this way, my life will be wonderful.

Everyone needs to work, that’s what they should do in most of their lives. Working endows people’s lives with meaning, people work for living, they need to meet their ends meet, raise their kids. What’s more, if they want to find the amusement, they also need money to create fun.

There is a saying that all work no play makes Jack a dull, it tells people they should find the amusement sometimes, people just can’t work all the time, even the machine needs to take a break. Working all the time bores people, the constant recycling work fades people’s passion, they need to play to breathe the new air, so that they can work better.

Work and play should be combined, people play to gain passion and to work in a better way.

  【篇二】直播秀 The Live Show

Many people like to watch the live show nowadays, every night, they will stay at home and watch the competition, the song competition shows such as the Voice of China and Sing My Song are very popular, I like to watch the latter. Sing My Song shows people’s creativity, they need to song their own songs, I appreciate their talent.

In our country’s education slogan, the creativity has been put in the first place, the slogan is that the purpose of education is to cultivate a person with the ability of creativity. The reason that I like the show Sing My Song lies in that I see people’s ability of creativity, they can write the songs by themselves, their ability is so amazing. To create is more important than to follow, creation makes us unique, we will be remembered all the time.

Thinking about the great men, all of them are famous for their inventions, they create the new things and surpass their predecessors, they make the great contribution to the society. Their success proves the importance of creativity.

  【篇三】维多利亚的秘密时尚演出 The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

Victoria’s Secret is the world famous women’s underwear brand, it comes from America. In order to popularize this brand, the fashion show named Victoria’s Secret will be played in December every year. Now this fashion show has become part of the American popular culture.

When talk about the underwear, most girls will feel shy and try to avoid this topic. But in the western countries, people are much open and can talk about any topic. Like the Vitoria Secret fashion show, the female models are proud to be one of the angels, because it means they have the perfect body shapes. The show presents to the world that women look so beautiful to wear the Victoria’s Secret.

For me, I keep my eyes on this fashion show every year. The models surprise me all the time. They not only have the beautiful faces and perfect body shapes, but also look confident. They are the spotlight on the stage. For this moment, they work so hard to realize their dreams.

As the saying that no pain, no gain. We also need to work hard to realize our goals.

大学英语作文:工作和玩耍 Work and Play.doc
