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set up的用法
  set up 建立;设立
  The explorers set up a base at the foot of the mountain.
  They set up the company in the prospect of large profits.
  【set up的用法拓展】
  (1) set about sth 开始做,着手做
  (2) set off 出发,动身,启程
  (3) set sth aside 把……放到一旁;省出,留出
  (4) set sth back 耽搁或阻碍某事物的进展
  (5) set sth down 写下,记下
  (6) set sth off 使(炸弹等)爆炸;使(警报)响起
  1.put upright;raise 竖立;升起
  They set up some stones as land marks.他们竖起一些石头当界碑。
  An improvised platform was set up in the market square.集市场上搭起了一座临时讲台。
  They set up a notice on the wall.他们在墙上贴出一张通告。
  2.construct;found 建立;设立;创立
  They set up a committee to investi gate the matter.他们成立了一个委员会来调查这件事。
  The school has set up a special class to help poor readers.学校专门办了一个班来帮助阅读能力差的学生。
  The government has set up a tri bunal to examine the problem.政府设置了专门法庭来审查这个问题。
  3.achieve or establish 创造(纪录等)
  The French team set up a new record at tonight's meeting.在今晚的会上法国队创了一个新纪录。
  They have set up a new record for the flight to Beijing.他们创造了一项飞往北京的飞行纪录。
  4.put forward;propose 提出;提议
  They have set up a new opinion re garding the case.他们对此事提出了一个新的意见。
  What defence did his counsel set up in the trial?审判时他的律师提出了什么辩护?

2017年中考英语常考知识点之set up的用法.doc
