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【#英语资源# 导语】读完一本经典名著后,你有什么总结呢?现在就让我们写一篇走心的读书笔记吧。那么读书笔记到底应该怎么写呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《西游记英语读书笔记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.西游记英语读书笔记 篇一

  "Journey to the West" tells the story of four Tang Monks and disciples who went to the West to seek scr iptures. Each of them has his own advantages and disadvantages.

  The advantage of Tang Seng is that he has a strong will to learn from scri ptures. Regardless of how many difficulties he encounters, he always advances bravely and never flinches. With this spirit, he influenced his disciples and helped him acquire the true sc riptures together. However, Tang Seng also has shortcomings. He does not distinguish between true and false, and is easily credulous of others' words. As a result, he is always deceived. If it were not for Sun Wukong, he might have been eaten by Bai Gu Jing.

  The characteristic of Sun Wukong is his great ability. It is entirely up to him to subdue demons all the way. He is very loyal and envious of evil as an enemy. But he was angry, disobedient and often made trouble, such as knocking down the ginseng fruit tree, so the master put on a tight hoop curse.

  Zhu Bajie is a lazy person who is greedy and sleepy. Whenever he encounters difficulties, he wants to break up and go back to Gao Laozhuang to marry his wife. However, Zhu Bajie is also indispensable on the way to obtain scr iptures. Tang Monk and Sun Wukong have conflicts, and he always invites Monkey Brother back.

  Monk Sha doesn't seem to have much skill. He watches him pick up a burden all the way, and he can only fight a few monsters during battles. But Monk Sha takes things most seriously. Without him, who can safely carry the burden to the west?

  Thanks to the firm will of Tang Monk, Sun Wukong's strong abilities, Zhu Bajie's exquisite appearance, and Sha Monk's conscientiousness and responsibility, as well as the joint efforts of the masters and disciples, the true sutra was finally achieved.

  After reading this book, I also understand a truth. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and we all work together to do one thing. As long as we can bring our strengths into play and control our weaknesses, we can gather our strength and do things well.

2.西游记英语读书笔记 篇二

  Today, Teacher Le gave us a lesson in the classroom about the well-known story of "Journey to the West", and then called on us to use our spare time to read "Journey to the West".

  Over the past month, I have read it again and again. Among them, my favorite character is Sun Wukong.

  As one of the protagonists of "Journey to the West," Sun Wukong's reputation can be described as a household name. He is an omnipotent hero in people's hearts and the embodiment of justice. He was not afraid of power, and dared to fight with the supreme Jade Emperor. Finally, he gained the reputation of "the Great Sage of Qi Tian". Sun Wukong fought wits and courage with various demons on his way to obtain sc riptures without fear, but he was such an omnipotent figure that he finally returned to the throne of the Buddha.

  Sun Wukong, he is my favorite character because he is loyal and unswerving to his master; Don't be polite to goblins, and don't be afraid of any difficulties or dangers. No matter how bumpy the road may be, I will never change my heart and pledge to protect my master to the death. Especially when he hit Baigu Jing three times, the demon repeatedly blocked him, trying to cheat his master and eat Tang Monk's meat. However, he would rather be blamed by his master than suffer any harm from his master. Finally, he cleverly killed the Baigujing. This is the wise man who knows everything.

  After reading the book "Journey to the West", I realized a truth: No matter how many dangers there are in front of you, you cannot abandon yourself. Just like Sun Wukong, as the saying goes, "When a car arrives at the front of a mountain, there must be a way." It seems to be true at all.

  After listening to what I said, you must have benefited a lot. It's better to take action than to feel excited. Go and have a look quickly.

3.西游记英语读书笔记 篇三

  "Journey to the West", which I believe everyone has read or read, mainly talks about the journey of the four Tang monks and disciples to the West to worship the Buddha and seek s criptures. At the same time, it also shows their personal characteristics.

  Sun Wukong was very brave, fearless of heaven and earth, and faithfully protected Master from going to the Western Heaven to worship Buddha and seek sc riptures. His mind is very sharp, and he likes to stand up and help when things go wrong. However, he has one drawback, which is that he is very impulsive. For this reason, Tang Monk often recites the Tight Hoop Mantra, making him unbearable in pain.

  Tang Seng was not subject to any temptation or resistance on his way to obtain sc riptures. Whether it's money or beauty, he treats it like a pile of dirt. Even if there were a lot of monsters in front of him, he was not afraid, and he only wanted to obtain the true sutra. His spirit is truly admirable. But sometimes he wrongs others indiscriminately.

  "Zhu Bajie is a lazy person who is fond of eating good food and coveting glory, wealth, and beauty.". But he is also very loyal to his master.

  Monk Sha is loyal and honest, and he is not greedy for glory, wealth, and honor. He is even more loyal to his master. He can spare no effort to protect his master.

  When Wu Chengen wrote this book, he mainly embodied the four words "The brave are fearless.".

  "In everything we do, we need to be single minded and not half hearted, persevering and not giving up halfway, and we will be able to achieve our dreams.".

4.西游记英语读书笔记 篇四

  Among my many books, there is a particularly prominent book with a red cover, which is also my favorite book. Its name is Journey to the West. This book has always been on my bookshelf. Whenever I pick up this somewhat yellow book, I seem to feel a new vitality again, making me relish reading it again.

  When I finish reading each chapter, I will have a different new feeling. I am encouraged by the strong perseverance of Tang Monk and his disciples, and moved by their deep affection for them. In the "three strikes against the Baigujing", the cunning Baigujing failed to defeat their masters and disciples with three tricks. When Tang Monk recited the Tight Hoop Mantra due to misunderstanding, the Baigujing was secretly pleased. How I hate Baigujing! Every time Sun Wukong is driven away by his master, he always comes back to rescue his master. Whenever I see this scene, my eyes are filled with tears, and I can't help but let them flow down and drip onto my hands. "Shifu, Shifu..." A monkey rushed at Tang Monk, still as naughty, cute, brave, and sincere.

  My mood also fluctuates with the moving story and the moving plot of chapter by chapter. I seem to hold Grandpa Wu Chengen tightly. He brought us such a wonderful story, and he taught us the strong truth in the story.

  I deeply thank Grandpa Wu Chengen from the bottom of my heart, and I deeply miss the four masters and disciples who have wandered the Jianghu.

5.西游记英语读书笔记 篇五

  "Journey to the West" is no stranger to everyone. It is the work of Wu Chengen, one of China's four great masterpieces. In the book, the Tang monk Sun Wukong and other well-known characters are familiar to us. Those fascinating stories make people reluctant to stop reading. "I finished reading him in one breath and felt a thousand emotions in my heart. Although it was a myth, it was the ugly side of people in real life that I criticized.".

  The book focuses on the fact that the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and finally obtained the true scr iptures, each of them achieving positive results. Among them, the character Sun Wukong is the most prominent and successful. From the birth of the stone monkey to the chaos in the sky to the success of the cultivation, whether it is three dozen white bone essence or eight precepts, the monk who subdues sand is the essence of the whole book. Tang Monk is kind and caring. Although Zhu Bajie is lazy, he has made contributions to Buddhist sc riptures. Sha Monk's hard work is also very distinctive. Some supporting role also bring vitality to the whole book, such as Erlang God and his horse Xiaotian Dog, Guanyin Bodhisattva and her lover Shancai Boy.

  I like the story "Three Beats of White Bone Essence" best. Although Baigujing was extremely cunning, and Tang Monk had once been wronged and even rushed past Wukong, Wukong deeply remembered the time when his master rescued him from Wuzhi Mountain. Finally, he defeated the evil Baigujing and helped the people eliminate harm. This also proves that evil can never triumph over justice.

  "Journey to the West" is worthy of being a masterpiece. Its colorful stories and vivid characters are unparalleled in any other book. It is "Journey to the West" that tells me the truth of being a person: Only a person with a kind heart can have a foothold in the world.
