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【#英语资源# 导语】挥锹动土植下希望之树,信心满满用心照料,执着努力挥洒汗水,勤奋上进付出辛劳。让希望之树茁壮成长,让绿荫漫过枝头收获喜悦与幸福。3月12日植树节到了,愿君如愿,种下希望,收获精彩;种下梦想,收获欣喜;种下美好,收获幸福!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Forest is a friend of mankind. It can not only afforest the environment, but also prevent wind and sand fixation, prevent soil erosion, absorb carbon dioxide and reduce environmental pollution. People call it "beautician of nature", "special doctor", "wood factory", "green gold"... If there is no forest on the earth, it will be difficult for mankind to survive. Forest is a place for human recuperation and entertainment. There is no annoying noise and noise in the forest, but it is full of infinite harmony and infinite wonderful music of nature. The rustle of leaves, the mildness of mountain springs, the fragrance of birds and flowers and the bursts of sound and music in the forest sea are all a kind of beautiful enjoyment for mankind.

  First of all, afforestation can preserve soil and water. To control soil erosion, we must plant trees. Because trees have roots as big as the crown. These roots extend in all directions and hold the soil firmly like a giant hand. The water in the caught soil is continuously absorbed and accumulated by the roots. According to the investigation data, one mu of forest has 20 tons more water storage than that in non forest areas. In this way, the soil and water can be preserved.

  Secondly, afforestation can eliminate air pollution and beautify the environment. According to statistics, one mu of forest can absorb 20-60 tons of dust a year; It can absorb 67 kg of carbon dioxide and release 49 kg of oxygen every day, which is enough for 65 adults to breathe. One mu of forest can absorb 4 kg of toxic gas carbon dioxide every day. One mu of pine and cypress forest can secrete 2kg bactericide in one day and night, which can kill the bacteria of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, diphtheria, dysentery and other diseases. In this way, it can purify the air, protect people's physical and mental health, and provide an ideal place for human study, work, entertainment and life.

  Are we luoqingjiangmei? Of course, if the Luoqing River can be covered with forest vegetation, wouldn't it be more beautiful? How can Jiuzhaigou, Yunnan and other famous tourist attractions not have a high coverage rate today. While the whole region is vigorously carrying out the "green eight GUI" action and building a "golden waterway of Xijiang River", Huangmian forest farm is vigorously carrying out afforestation and forest protection along the Luoqing river flowing through the site, and earnestly implementing the strategic deployment of the Party committee and government of the autonomous region under the leadership of the Forestry Department of the autonomous region, At the same time, it lays a solid foundation for luoqingjiang Forest Park under planning and construction.

  The benefits of afforestation for the benefit of future generations are endless. We must actively participate in the greening action and water the mountains and rivers of the motherland with sweat.


  On Sunday, the sky was clear and sunny, but the little rabbit still felt very bored and depressed in bed. Looking at the sunny weather outside the window, it suddenly remembered something. Get up and turn over the calendar. Yes! Today is the annual Arbor Day. Why did I almost forget it? He quickly cleaned up and went out. He found his good friends, elephant Zhuang Zhuang and bear gray. The three decided to plant trees on the grass in the park.

  They came to the grass with shovel, saplings and kettle. First, the little bear picked up a shovel and picked up a hole in the grass. After a while, the hole was dug up, and the small tree was put in the hole. Then the small seedlings were supported by hands, and the ash was filled with holes. A small tree was planted. One by one, they soon planted all the saplings they brought. They counted, ah! There are 53 trees in total! Only the last step was needed - watering. Looking at the small kettle and a large number of small saplings they were worried: how long will it take to carry the water!

  Just then, the little elephant said proudly, "don't worry, I'm here! Look at me." Zhuang Zhuang came to the lake, put his long nose into the water and sucked it hard. Then he came to the small saplings and sprayed them hard. The clear water came out of the lake. Soon, rows of small trees were watered. Looking at the fruits of their labor, everyone was happy. It seems to see the small tree grow into a green towering tree.

  After a few days, they came to the grassland again, and the grassland miraculously turned into a forest. Every big tree grows very well, and the leaves on each tree are green and very dense. Everyone cheered: "the little tree has grown into a big tree! The little tree has grown into a big tree!" Hand in hand, they surrounded the small tree they had planted with their own hands and smiled happily.


  Greening the motherland is to carry out afforestation activities and cover the land with green plants. There are many benefits of afforestation!

  First of all, afforestation can release wind and fix sand. Every time a strong wind blows, sand and gravel fly. People who have to go out are like fish struggling in the rough waves. People who follow the wind can't help running forward, walking against the wind with their legs forward and their bodies backward. People are miserable. In order to resist the attack of wind and sand, we must vigorously plant trees, which plays the role of wind prevention and sand fixation.

  Secondly, afforestation can provide many valuable resources. Wood is the main product of forest. It can be used to build houses, bridges, paper and so on. Wood can also be used as tools, furniture, handicrafts and other daily necessities. In terms of food, sour, sweet and delicious fruits, crispy tea, high-grade medicinal materials and so on. In short, it plays a great role.

  Secondly, afforestation can eliminate air pollution and beautify the environment. The dust, carbon dioxide and other "environmental guards" we absorb every day have played an inestimable role in purifying the air and ensuring people's physical and mental health.

  In addition, afforestation can prevent soil erosion, reduce noise, protect ecological balance, and provide people with ideal places for study, work, entertainment and life.

  The forest is really people's loyal friend, but now, the forest is disappearing rapidly and has become a major event of our concern. Therefore, afforestation has become a top priority!

  We want to plant trees and afforest our motherland!


  Trees have played a great role in human life, but their number is decreasing rapidly. Therefore, we should mobilize as soon as possible to carry out afforestation, which is also a major event for the benefit of future generations. Trees have many advantages and are very important.

  First, trees produce oxygen and increase the oxygen content of the atmosphere. In order to carry out photosynthesis, trees must absorb carbon dioxide in the air and then release oxygen, which is exactly the same as the physiological needs of other animals and humans, so that humans and other animals can survive. Suppose, without trees, I can't believe what the world will be like. This shows that we must plant more trees to keep the world fresh.

  Secondly, trees can absorb harmful particles, especially carbon dioxide, from the waste gas emitted by factories, which is a great help to mankind.

  Thirdly, trees reduce floods and sandstorms. Trees have large roots, so they can well prevent and control soil erosion. If there is less soil erosion, they will not deposit a large amount of silt like the Yellow River, and there will be no major flood disaster. Because the trees are tall and the leaves are lush, it can completely stop the attack of big wind and sand. After many times of blocking, it turns the windy sand into a breeze and effectively protects the environment.

  In addition, trees themselves are treasures, especially fruit trees and tea trees. Their fruits or leaves have good economic benefits, and those Korean pines are superior wood. There are also many trees whose roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine. It can be said that the whole body of trees is treasure.

  China is at the forefront of the world in terms of afforestation. The total amount of artificial trees planted in China is the first in the world. China's "Three North Shelterbelt" is even more powerful. Foreigners stretch out their thumbs and say, "OK! Your 'Great Green Wall' in China is too powerful." The "Green Great Wall" is 7000 kilometers long and 400 to 1700 kilometers wide. The "Green Great Wall" makes the sandstorms in the North no longer invade the fertile farmland in the south. It has saved a lot of land.

  We should join hands to create a cleaner environment for the world.


  It is also the annual Arbor Day. The students come to the park to plant trees. When you come to the park, the scenery can't be described by the word "beauty": peach blossoms are in bud, willows are in fashion, and the long brown hair is dyed green. Coupled with the clear river water, what a beautiful picture of spring.

  After a while, the teacher led us to take the sweet scented osmanthus saplings and came to an uncultivated land. We saw that there were no trees here, only green vegetable fields and rape flowers with a small yellow head. Hey, you can't plant trees here!

  Each of us chooses a piece of land first, and then we can "start work". I dug fiercely into the painted circle. Wow, this soil is so fertile! The pit should be dug so that the whole root of the tree can be put in. Although the soil is very fertile, digging a pit is not a simple thing after all. No, as soon as I shovel down, I just listen to the sound of "Dang", and suddenly I can't move. Even my hands are numb. When I look carefully, oh, it turned out to be a stone. At this time, the smart Tu Yue immediately said, "first use a small shovel to pull away the soil next to me and pull it out!" With that, Li Wenjing and I started to move our hands. It was not easy for us to move the soil around. Then we worked together and didn't pull out the stone, but it seemed to take root in the ground. I had an idea. First, I put the shovel against one side of the stone, and then several other people pulled the stone out. "One, two, three!" Hoo, stone, stone, you finally come out!

  A big pit was finally born. This is the big pit I dug with great effort. Li Wenjing inserted the saplings and straightened them. Tu Yue and I began to cultivate soil. The soil should not be too tight, but it should also be filled up so that the water can seep into the roots. We filled the pit into a hill.

  Tu Yue brought water. I just wanted to pour water on the tree. Li Wenjing hurriedly stopped and said, "if so, the water will seep out. That doesn't mean zero?" That's right. If you dig a hole in the soil, the tree will not grow firmly. If... "Fill the hole into a bowl shape," Tu Yue said calmly, "then the water will seep to the bottom." So the three of us dug up the extra soil and poured water at this time. There must be no problem. Finally, the emperor is worthy of those who have a heart, and we have finally achieved success!

  The trees were finally planted. We planted rows of trees, holding hands, as if saying "goodbye" to us! Planting trees is a beauty for the earth. It's really interesting!


  On a crisp autumn day when wild geese flew south, the leaves gradually left his mother and ran to the embrace of his mother earth.

  In such a beautiful and intoxicating time, a sound broke the good time - the sound of logging. When I came closer, I saw a group of loggers working with electric saws in the deep mountains and forests. How heartbreaking it is! A forest needs a lot of trees, otherwise it can't be called a forest. A team needs a lot of personnel, otherwise it can't be called a team. Similarly, if a forest loses dozens of trees every day, do you call it a deep forest? The sound of the chainsaw was earth shaking and as loud as thunder in the deep forest. The sound startled the squirrel. Squirrels rushed to defend the deep forest. The sound startled the woodpecker. Woodpeckers peck at loggers like bullets. The sound also alerted elk, horses and other animals. They all rushed to the woodcutter to protect the forest. As the saying goes: one branch can be broken easily, and it is difficult to break ten branches together. The animals in the forest fight so hard, although there are deaths and injuries, but what can they fear as the guardians of the forest?

  Yes, "everyone has a responsibility to protect the forest". Forest resources are limited. If everyone cuts like a lumberjack, I think it won't be long before the oases, mountains and forests on the earth will no longer have a little vitality. That's why we should plant trees and protect the environment. As a lumberjack, we should cut and plant one tree to maintain ecological balance. Only in this way can the earth's resources be preserved all the time.

  The sound of logging is as unpleasant as the legs of a sawing machine in the ears of the earth mother, while planting trees in the eyes of the earth mother is like washing our feet and knocking our backs for our mother; It's like getting full marks in the big test, so we should take action together to plant trees and save paper. Let's start with small things and protect the environment.

  Some people say that water is the source of life, but I don't think it can be done without forests in this world. This has already been proved by human actions, so let's take action together and plant trees! Because afforestation is also a kind of spiritual beauty.


  Natural resources such as energy, minerals, water and land are the material basis and guarantee for sustainable economic and social development. Afforestation is more important for building a sustainable society. Therefore, afforestation has also become an important condition for building an energy-saving society! In fact, we must understand the benefits of Afforestation: first, afforestation provides many useful raw materials and supplies for people's life and industrial and agricultural production. For example, in terms of food, there are all kinds of sweet and delicious fruits; Fragrant tea leaves; There are also precious medicinal materials such as privet seeds on holly trees that nourish the body and Ginkgo biloba, which is delicious and can clear the lung and relieve asthma. In terms of use, wood is needed for construction, coal mining, transportation, manufacturing vehicles, ships and ruler machines, building bridges, docks and papermaking. For example, building 1000 square meters of mixed structure houses requires 130 cubic meters of wood; Mining 1000 tons of coal requires 22 cubic meters of pit wood. In agricultural production, a large number of agricultural tools we use are also inseparable from wood.

  The above introduction is just the help of trees in life! In fact, trees also make great contributions to protecting the environment: first, let's talk about the contribution of water and trees in preventing soil erosion: we all know that the soil will become soft and fertile after absorbing water. The more so, the soil can be lost after encountering water. If lush trees are planted on the land, this serious consequence can be avoided! Trees are our protective umbrellas. They can regulate the climate, purify the air, prevent wind and reduce noise. They are human friends. Trees are oxygen manufacturing plants. One mu of forest gives off enough oxygen for 65 people to breathe. 1 hectare broad-leaved forest can absorb 1 ton of carbon dioxide and release 0 or 73 tons of oxygen in a day. Trees are good at sterilization. Many trees secrete fungicides during their growth, killing various pathogens brought by dust. According to the survey, the bacterial content per cubic meter of air is 4 million in department stores, 580000 on boulevards, 100 in parks and only 55 in forest areas. The amount of bacteria in the air of forest areas and department stores is more than 70000 times different.

  Students, afforestation can effectively improve our living conditions and slow down the loss of resources, so afforestation is the top priority!

  At the end of the article, as a middle school student, I want to appeal to you here: let's actively respond to the call of the party, plant trees, transform our environment with our hands, and do our part to build an energy-saving society!


  Today is Arbor Day. It's sunny, sunny and windy in the morning. White clouds are floating on the tile blue sky, some like little fat sheep grazing on the grassland, some like ships sailing in the sea, and others like running deer. We happily took the tools and saplings to plant trees on the hillside.

  We excitedly came to the hillside and looked up. Ah! On the bare hillside, an old tree stood there alone, nodded to us, and seemed to say sadly, "children, you've finally come. I've lived here for decades, but I'm so lonely without a partner and friend." I thought: we planted more than a dozen trees today, and in a few years, it will become a beautiful forest.

  Red flags fluttered on the hillside, and the students chose a good battlefield for afforestation. Some dig tree pits with hoes; Some shovel the earth with a shovel. Some move small saplings; Others took buckets to the river to draw water. She (he) are working in full swing and their faces are red. Look! The male students over there are wearing camouflage clothes and sweating all over their heads. They don't care to wipe them. They don't let me, I don't let you work hard. The female students here are all dressed in colorful clothes and their pigtails are shaking and swinging. They were also unwilling to show weakness and worked hard. The sweat on their faces flowed down, and they didn't care to wipe it. They were all panting and tired.

  Look! How hard the squadron leader of our class works. She saw her feet slightly open and put them into an "eight" character. She held the little sapling tightly with her hands for fear that the little sapling would fall down. There is a bucket of water behind the squadron leader, which may be ready to "drink" for the young trees. The squad leader is hunched over, bending his feet and holding a small spade in his hand. He is cultivating soil for the young trees one by one! Fill and fill, the soil in the tree pit is full, and the saplings have stood firmly. The squadron leader loosened his hand, stepped on the soil with his feet, and then slowly poured the water into the soil. The water slowly seeped in. The saplings "drank" full of water and nodded again and again, as if to say, "thank you for your cultivation. I will grow into a towering tree and let you read and play in the shade of my tree.".

  The task of planting trees is completed. I look up and see, wow! The newly planted trees are beautiful in rows!

  The breeze blew, the saplings nodded and smiled, and the birds chirped in the sky, as if to say, "these children are really capable." How happy this year's Arbor Day is!


  In today's era of developed industry, when mankind is proud of the advent of high-tech products, a silent disaster is quietly enveloping the earth. This is -- environmental issues. Now the most effective way to solve this problem is afforestation.

  Indeed, afforestation has many advantages.

  First of all, afforestation can purify the air. During the growth process, trees can absorb a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide due to photosynthesis, so as to purify the air. According to scientists' calculations, there are many trees on earth. Grassland processes 20 billion tons of waste gas for human beings every year. Sometimes a pore can suck in 250 billion carbon dioxide molecules in a second, as many as you can imagine.

  Secondly, afforestation can prevent wind and fix sand. (1) Planting shelterbelts can resist the attack of wind and sand. The main function of shelterbelts is to reduce the power of the wind. When the wind meets the shelterbelt, the speed will be reduced by 70% - 80%. (2) Is to cultivate turf. With the lawn covering the ground, even if there is wind, there is not much sand, which reduces the source of sand. From these two points, it can be seen that afforestation plays a very important role in wind prevention and sand fixation.

  Thirdly, afforestation can prevent soil erosion. Due to long-term reclamation and reclamation in China, soil erosion is serious in some areas. It is estimated that if the 20cm thick topsoil layer is washed clean by rain, it will take 575000 years for forest land, 82000 years for grassland, 46 years for cultivated land and 18 years for * land. This shows that the lack of forest vegetation will aggravate soil erosion.

  Afforestation can purify the air, protect the environment, prevent wind and fix sand. Since afforestation has so many benefits, we should plant trees and build our home better.


  Trees have played a great role in human life, but their number is decreasing rapidly. Therefore, we should mobilize as soon as possible to carry out afforestation, which is also a major event for the benefit of future generations. Trees have many advantages and are very important.

  First, trees produce oxygen and increase the oxygen content of the atmosphere. In order to carry out photosynthesis, trees must absorb carbon dioxide in the air and then release oxygen, which is exactly the same as the physiological needs of other animals and humans, so that humans and other animals can survive. Suppose that without trees, I can't believe what the world will be like. This shows that we must plant more trees to keep the world fresh.

  Secondly, trees can absorb harmful particles, especially carbon dioxide, from the waste gas emitted by factories, which is a great help to mankind.

  Thirdly, trees can reduce flood disasters and sandstorm attacks. Because trees have large roots, they can well prevent and control soil erosion. If there is less soil erosion, they will not deposit a large amount of silt like the Yellow River, and there will be no major flood disasters. Because the tree is tall and the leaves are lush, it can completely stop the attack of big wind and sand. After many times of blocking, it turns the strong wind and sand into a breeze and effectively protects the environment.

  In addition, trees themselves are treasures, especially fruit trees and tea trees. Their fruits or leaves have good economic benefits, as well as those Korean pines, which are superior wood. There are also many trees whose roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine. It can be said that the whole body of the tree is treasure.

  China is at the forefront of the world in terms of afforestation. The total amount of artificial trees planted in China is the first in the world. China's "Three North Shelterbelt" is even more powerful. Foreigners stretch out their thumbs and say, "OK! Your 'Great Green Wall' in China is too powerful." The "Green Great Wall" is 7000 kilometers long and 400 to 1700 kilometers wide. The "Green Great Wall" makes the sandstorms in the North no longer invade the fertile farmland in the south. It has saved a lot of land.

  We should join hands to create a cleaner environment for the world.

