

时间:2023-03-03 16:29:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

so far(到目前为止) take(leave) a message【带(留)口信】

  none of(没有一个) so far(到目前为止) as…as(和…一样)

  M4:head teacher(校长) get on (well) with【与…相处(融洽)】

  hear about/of(听说) take part (in)(参加) a few(几个)

  drop out of school(退学) look after(照顾) in fact(事实上)

  take care of(照顾) the Hope School(希望学校)

  pay for(付款)hear from sb(收到…的来信) because of(因为)

  with the help of/with one’s help(在…的帮助下)go abroad(出国)

  raise money for…(为…筹款) in China and abroad(国内外)

  thousands of(数千) what…for(为什么) be at school(在读书)

  give money(捐钱)fair price(公平价格)health care(健康保护)

  M5:on earth(究竟) in addition to(除…以外) of course(当然)

  recording studio(录音室) the capital of…(…的首都)

  be born in(出生于) not only…but also…(不但…而且…)

  at the age of(在…岁时) Give us a brake(让我们休息一下)

  be famous for(因…而出名) the rest of(其他的…)

  a sort of =a type of =a kind of(一种) strong rhythm(节奏感强)

  M6:daisy chain(菊花圈) go off【(灯)熄灭;停(电)】

  by the river(河边) on the grass(草上) once or twice(一两次)

  grow up(长大) smile at(向…微笑) take photos(照相)

  take…out of…(从…拿出…) have nothing to do(没事可做)

  by mistake(错误地) be late for(为…迟到) laugh at(嘲笑)

  look into(看看) water skiing(滑水运动)

  M7:a bit(稍微) shake hands(握手) be angry with sb(生…的气)

  be proud of(为…感到自豪) get ready for(为…做准备)

  have something to eat(吃些东西) thanks for(因…而感谢)

  introduce sb to sb(把某人向某人介绍一下) be afraid(恐怕)

  can’t wait to do sth(迫不及待做某事) sound like(听起来像)

  as well(也) find each other(能互相认出来)

  M8:swimming pool(游泳池) on the left/right(在左/右边)

  next to(与…紧挨着) in/at/on the corner of(在…的拐角处)

  between…and…(在…和…之间) walk/go along(沿着…走)

  get on(off)【上(下)车】 on the way home(在回家路上)

  turn…into(向…转进入) in the middle of(在…中间)

  most of(大多数) take some medicine(吃药)

  over there(在那儿) on fifth avenue(在第五大道)

  M9:find out(发现) learn about(了解) live on(以…为食)

  less and less(越来越少)for example(例如) take away(带走…)

  nature reserve(自然保护区) kill…for…(为了…而杀死)

  make a plan(制订计划) the best-known(最的)

  the symbol of(…的标志) think of(想起…) such as(例如)

  at last(最后) keep…clean(保持…干净)go back to(返回到…)

  provide sth to sb(提供某物给某人)

  M10:take place(发生) from…to…(从…到…) all over(遍及)

  be named(被命名为) at the teahouse(在茶馆里)

  fall in love with sb(与某人相爱) the name of(…的名字)

  a gold medal(金牌)be good for(对…有利)say goodbye(道别)

  well-known(的) place of interest(名胜古迹)

  marry sb(娶了/嫁给某人)

  M11:from time to time(有时) compared to(with)(与…相比较)

