
时间:2023-04-22 18:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】对某事物有人表现为顿悟型,有些人表现为渐悟型。渐悟型的人可能开始时会显得慢些,但这并不意味着永远落后。有很多杰出的学者都是渐悟型的。渐悟型的对一种问题人常爱反复思考加工,一旦领悟后,理解的.深度比顿悟型的人更深刻。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。



  1、It is well-known to us that……As far as my knowledge is concerned,…

  2、Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus.Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……

  3、Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.

  4、Internet has been playing an important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

  5、With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……

  6、It is a common belief that……It is commonly believed that……

  7、A lot of people seem to think that……

  8、It is universally acknowledged that +



  1、People's views on……vary/differ from person to person. Some hold that……However, others believe that……

  2、People may have different opinions on……

  3、Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)

  4、There are different opinions among people as to……



  1、In short, it can be said that……

  2、From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……

  3、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……

  4、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that……

  5、There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)

  6、All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.

