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【#英语资源# 导语】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升,©文档大全网整理了大学英语作文,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】职业的选择 The Choice of Career

When students graduate from college, most of them choose to start their career. In general opinion, a college student should work on something that is related to their major, if not, what they learn is believed to be wasted. In my opinion, everyone has their right to choose what they want to do, regardless of other’s criticism. 大部分学生从大学毕业后都会开始工作。在大家看来他们应该做一些与专业相关的工作,不然,他们所学到的知识就浪费掉了。在我看来,每个人都有权利去选择自己想做的事,不要在意别人的意见。

Recently, it has been reported that a student who graduated from first class university worked as a deliver guy. A lot of people felt pity for him, because they believed that this guy deserved a noble job, such as sitting in the office. While some people objected, they thought that every job was equal. There was no rule for people to decide what kind of job they should work on. 最近,有新闻报道有一个毕业于一流大学的学生从事快递服务。很多人都为他感到遗憾,因为他们认为这个年轻人应得到一份更体面的工作,比如在办公室里坐着上班。有些人则不认同,他们认为每一份工作都是平等的,没有人规定谁应该做什么样的工作。

I believe that we should respect young people’s choice. The job they work on doesn’t mean they must use their major knowledge. The meaning of receiving education is to teach us to be a better person. Even though we choose to be a farmer, we are the different farmers, because we have better skill and more polite. 我认为我们应该尊重年轻人的选择。从事的工作并不意味着一定要跟专业对口。接受教育的意义在于教育我们成为更好的人。即使我们选择做一个农民,我们也是不一样的农民,因为我们拥有更好的技术也更加的有礼貌。

  【篇二】我最喜爱的卡通人物 My Favorite Cartoon Character

Since I was very small, I started to watch a lot of classic Disney cartoon movies. The familiar names of Snow White, Peter Pan and others are just like my friends. I admire the heroes of these characters, because they show me the courage to defeat difficulties. Among all kinds of heroes, I like Belle the most. 在我非常小的时候,我就开始看了很多经典的迪士尼卡通电影。那些熟悉的名字如白雪公主,彼得潘等就像我的朋友一样。我钦佩这些英雄人物,他们给了我战胜困难的勇气。在各种各样的英雄中,我最喜欢的是贝儿。

In the cartoon movie Beauty and the Beast, Belle is a different girl. She is smart and dare to against the traditional ideas. People around her regard a girl’s value is to marry a man and then takes care of the house chores. Even the ability to read books is believed to be unacceptable. But Belle is a brave girl. She likes reading and she has her own thoughts. 在电影《美女与野兽》中,贝儿是一个与众不同的女孩。她很聪明,敢于与传统观念做斗争。她周围的人都认为女孩的价值就是结婚,然后照料家务。所以连读书也被认为是不可取的。但是贝儿是一个勇敢的女孩,她喜欢阅读,有着自己的思想。

The most impressive feature of Belle is that she is not like other heroines, who are waiting for the prince’s rescue. Belle saves the prince and changes the world. She is the new type of woman, showing the power of female. I see the power in her and believe that every girl can make a difference. 贝儿最令人印象深刻的特征是她并不像其他的女主角一样等待王子的拯救。贝儿反而是救了王子,改变了世界。她是新时代女性,展示了女性的力量。我看到了她身上的力量,相信每个女孩都可以与众不同。

  【篇三】游泳与学历 Swimming Skill and Degree

Many years ago, some scholars were strongly against the certification of English test that was a must for a student to get the degree. So some colleges canceled the rules. But recently, The Chinese first class university announced that swimming skill is necessary for degree. It has been the hot issue, then many people give their opinions. 许多年前,一些学者强烈反对英语证书的考取是学生获得学位的必须条件。所以一些学校取消了这个规定。但最近,中国一流大学宣布,游泳技能是获得学位的必要条件。这引起了人们的热烈讨论,很多人给出了他们的观点。

On the one hand, some people are favorable of this regulation, because swimming skill is really important. Most of the accidents happened in the river. The swimming skill can protect them from dying. What’s more, foreign schools take the swimming class as the regular lesson. So almost every foreign kid can swim, which is the basic skill. 一方面,有些人赞同这些规定,因为游泳技能是非常重要的。大多数事故都发生在河里。游泳技能可以保护他们免受死亡的伤害。更重要的是,国外学校把游泳课设定为常规的课程。所以几乎每一个外国小孩都会游泳,这是基本技能。

On the other hand, some people argue that even the student can’t swim, they can’t be denied by lacking the swimming skill. They need the degree to find a job. They are equipped with many skills and are capable of a lot of things. Their ability has nothing to do with swimming skill. 另一方面,有些人认为,即使学生不会游泳,也不可能因为缺乏游泳技能而受到否定。他们需要学位去找工作。他们具备很多别的技能,会做的事情很多。他们的能力与游泳技能无关。

I think that school should open the class for students to learn swimming skill. If they fail, they still can make up by learning other lesson. The degree can be got by many ways. 我认为学校应该开设游泳这门课程。如果学生学不会游泳,他们仍然可以通过学习其他课程来弥补。学位的授予可以通过很多方式。

大学英语作文:职业的选择 The Choice of Career.doc
