

时间:2021-09-03 20:45:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】感恩如无言之爱,润物无声;感恩如无字之书,句句真理;感恩如不竭之泉,饮水思源;感恩如不灭之火,照亮人生。懂得感恩,快乐你我。感恩节快乐!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Thanksgiving is an ancient holiday created by the American people. On this day, people should thank them for everything they should be grateful for this year. If I had a Thanksgiving, how would I spend it?

  I will come to a house with European and American decoration style. The table is full of rich meals, and only six red candles shine on the house. I sat at the table, prayed silently, and then thanked the people I should thank most from the bottom of my heart.

  Thank you, dear mother. You have taught me too much and paid too much for me. Friends say that a mother's love is like a safe haven for children. When I am disappointed and sad, you always accompany me, encourage me and let me thrive. Ignorance always makes you angry, but in the end, you still have to rely on your shoulder. Your arms will always be my warmest home! Mom, tonight, I will put the gift for you and all the letters I wrote but didn't dare to send you at the head of your bed. I wish you a safe life. In fact, there is another sentence that I have never had the courage to say to you: "Mom, I love you!" Mom, thank you sincerely!

  Dad, thank you too. I have admired your fluent font since I was a child, so I practiced silently, sketched your words again and again, and pondered over and over again. Whenever others asked me in surprise whether I had studied calligraphy, I always replied happily: "no!" when I was complacent about my success, you always reminded me: "learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat". Therefore, I secretly decided: you can't underestimate it. With my unremitting efforts, I finally saw your satisfied eyes. Hehe, I didn't disappoint you at last. Also, on your birthday, I heard your affirmation to me: "daughter, you are my pride!" Dad, thank you! You gave me the power to grow up!

  Oh, by the way, and Jay Chou, who taught me to be strong and work hard, thank you. Many people ask me why I like listening to your songs, and the answer is always yes - I admire your fighting spirit. I believe you will never forget the days when you ate instant noodles and worked hard in the music room all day. Because that's the persistence you showed before countless difficulties. Many people say you are a musical genius, but you know: "genius is just 99% sweat and 1% inspiration." I like your song snail very much. We all climb up like snails step by step. Jay Chou, your persistence in dreams deeply moved me.

  Thank you, and you, my friends. I sail forward in the ocean of learning, just like a boat, but with you, my journey is no longer lonely. We enjoy the dawn and see the sun approaching the West. The sea of learning will still have no cliffs, but because of you, you no longer make a boat with hardship, but enjoy it. We'll share our things, but I won't forget my friends who once accompanied me. Thank you for bringing me six years of happiness!

  After Thanksgiving, I had a full meal, and my Thanksgiving ended perfectly.

  Life is beautiful because of gratitude. If no one has a grateful heart, if everyone has their own Thanksgiving, the world will be full of happiness and love!


  Teacher, you may have forgotten all this because you have done too much for your students. And I will always remember. The bee uses its delicious nectar as a reward to the human beings who feed it. I will express my gratitude to you for my progress in learning!

  Today, my mood is surging, because I will sing a hymn for an ordinary and great teacher with a sincere heart of gratitude.

  He is tall and burly, simple and honest; He is enthusiastic, cheerful and hardworking; In front of the table tennis table, he used a small silver ball to imagine the Olympic Games with the children and won a county and city medal; On the basketball court, he patted, took, buckled and cast, nurturing young eagles flying; The agile and powerful Latin dance performance is a beautiful scenery he created for the campus. He is the PE teacher who brings us joy and vitality. In our eyes, he is the "God of happiness" we worship.

  However, one day, my mother's words were like a bolt from the blue and deeply shocked my heart. It turned out that the teacher's lover suffered from renal failure, and the cost of kidney replacement surgery needed more than 100000 yuan. For teachers with only 1000 yuan a month, two white haired old people and two children who need money to study, it is undoubtedly worse! How can he bear the suffering and pain of this difficulty? After knowing this, the school leader was ready to propose to donate money to the teachers and students of the school, but the teacher firmly disagreed. He resolutely said, "everyone's income is not high. I'd rather use my own shoulders to bear all this than increase everyone's burden." what simple words and magnanimous mind, What a selfless heart... Tears rolled down my cheeks unconsciously

  Since then, my eyes have always been fixed on the teacher: in front of the students, his eyes have never been melancholy, but still so gentle and amiable; His words never complained, but were still so humorous; He has never been perfunctory in his work. He is still so conscientious, as always; After school and on holidays, I can always see him riding a tricycle to deliver coal, water and ramen goods to others. The hot sun blackened his skin. The merciless wind and rain engraved vicissitudes on his face, but he is still so persistent and resolute.

  What a lovely and respectable person! He swallowed the pain, but never forgot the mission of teaching and educating people. He left his love to the children and spread his smile all over the campus. He cleansed our souls with his words and deeds and composed the hymn of red candle with his life. Here, I want to say loudly to the teacher: "teacher, you are too tired, we love you! Teacher, you are too hard, we are willing to share for you! Teacher, you are too great, we want to learn from you!" I also want to say to all the teachers in the World: "Teacher, you worked hard! For us, you gave up everything and gave up everything. You will always be the pride in the hearts of students! You are the favorite in the hearts of students!"


  On that day, the teacher assigned a special assignment: when he got home, he said to his mother "Mom, I love you".

  This baffled me. After all, I seldom expressed love to my mother in this way. As soon as I got home from school, I put my schoolbag aside and calmed down to think about how to complete the homework assigned by the teacher. At this time, my mother had not finished work. I think I might as well practice before my mother comes home. So I stood in front of the wide dressing mirror and demonstrated in front of the mirror. But in the mirror, either my expression is unnatural or my words are not intimate. I feel like a bad actor reciting lines in front of the sc ript. I am dry and have no feelings at all. What can I do

   After thinking about it, I finally came up with a good idea. I closed my eyes and imagined that my mother seemed to be standing in front of me and smiling tenderly at me. Thinking about it, my smile came naturally, and my mouth blurted out: "Mom, I love you!"

  "Haozi, what are you doing?" a sudden cry surprised me. As soon as I looked back, my mother stood in front of me. Facing my mother, the words I practiced many times just now got stuck in my throat and couldn't say anything. When my mother saw me blushing and hesitating, she asked strangely, "Haozi, what's the matter with you? Are you sick?" it was more difficult for my mother to say anything if it was held in my throat. Regardless of my mother's surprise, I turned and rushed upstairs and ran into my room. Back in the room, I blame myself secretly: Haozi, Haozi, why are you so lack of courage

  "Go quickly, like a little man, and say your love to your mother loudly!" at this time, there seemed to be a voice encouraging me in the bottom of my heart. Yes, from childhood to childhood, my mother didn't know how much heart she had for me and how much love she had paid. Now why is it difficult to say 'I love you' to my mother? A man should have courage! Yes, say my love to my mother loudly! After I made up my mind, my mood was completely relaxed. I took a deep breath, adjusted my mind, smiled and went downstairs, came to my mother, and said to my mother naturally and loudly, "Mom, I love you!"

  She seemed surprised. She was stunned for a moment, but then her face opened a flower and said softly, "good child, mother loves you too."... At this moment, I suddenly felt that the taste of love is so wonderful!

