
时间:2021-09-13 02:00:30 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表讲话的文稿。它是进行演讲的依据,也是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Dear teachers and students;

  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "I love my motherland - dedicated to my motherland".

  In the Far East, there is a very beautiful country, there is a vast land, she is magical and vast. The towering Mount Tai is her backbone. On the map, she is a cock with her head held high. She is beautiful and prosperous. She is our motherland - China.

  For thousands of years, our motherland has been slaughtered by unequal treaties. Today's China is different from before. Today's motherland has a glorious history and culture and developed science and technology.

  The broken bridges and walls of the Old Summer Palace seem to be crying about their misfortune. Telling the prosperity of that year, it seems to accuse the heinous crimes committed by the British and French coalition forces. The Old Summer Palace let us remember the past humiliation, remember the national hatred, and carry forward the motherland.

  Let us all say goodbye to the weak China before and don't let history repeat itself.

  Today, as a Chinese, can we not be proud? We should study hard to repay our great motherland. We must strive for development. She will fly higher and farther. It is expected that it will be the most brilliant oriental pearl.

  Thank you. That's the end of my speech.


  If I ask you: what is the motherland? You will say, "the motherland is the country that gave birth to us and raised us." yes, the motherland is like a loving mother. She makes our living conditions better and better. Now everyone has lived a well-off life.

  I remember my father told me that when he was a child, he was very poor and an egg could not be eaten until his birthday. One hundred yuan now is as expensive as one yuan at that time! This is enough to shock me!

  There was a clip on TV about a Tibetan old man who was a slave to others and never had freedom. But when Chairman Mao announced the liberation of China, he began to live a good life. He not only gained freedom, but also built a new house. Now he lives in the mountains, but he is still very happy. Because it was Chairman Mao, the Communist Party, the motherland that made him the master, and the liberation of the motherland that made him free! Therefore, he loved his motherland very much. He went all the way to buy back a five-star red flag and cherished it for more than 40 years. Every time before going to bed, the old man should take out the five-star red flag to have a look and let himself always remember that my present life is given to me by the motherland, which gives me the confidence to live! Although the five-star red flag is somewhat shabby, it condenses the patriotic heart of the Tibetan elderly!

  I love my country.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "the motherland is in my heart".

  Whenever I hear the march of volunteers, I always feel proud, excited and proud. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly announced that new China was founded! At this time, how happy the Chinese people are is that they have a very excited and unspeakable taste. Now these beautiful lives are bought by many people with blood. Think about it, who hasn't had a beautiful dream? Who hasn't had a happy childhood? When you study in the mirror classroom, do you know that this happy life has been achieved, has experienced a tragic history, and is singing a moving ode.

  I believe everyone knows the tragic destruction of the old summer palace! The Old Summer Palace used to be a world-famous and magnificent royal garden, but it was terrible after being invaded by the British and French allied forces. At this point, I feel very sorry and hate for this. Old Summer Palace is the treasure of Chinese garden art, and the essence of architectural art is turned into ashes. Such a loss is an immeasurable loss of the motherland and world culture!

  Let's talk about September 18, 1931! The Japanese imperialists opened the door of Northeast China with shells. Within a few months, the three northeastern provinces were occupied by them. At that time, some people were injured, died and fled. Don't Japanese imperialists feel that their practices are very * and can't bear to look directly at them?

  December 13 is my Gregorian birthday, which is also the memorial day of compatriots killed in Nanjing. The situation at that time was very terrible. The Japanese army burned, killed and robbed, and the death toll was more than 300000. What a terrible number! They are so ruthless. If you were like this, wouldn't you feel the same?

  I think through the above things, let us understand that falling behind will be beaten and become strong! We should study hard since childhood and become the pillars of the country in the future. We should not forget national humiliation, but also revitalize China.

  Now, let's not be depressed and bow our heads. We should look up confidently. I can say, "as a Chinese child, I am proud of myself!" the motherland has the great rivers and mountains, the four unique masterpieces, and countless excellent children, who are innovating a better future!

  How many poets have praised the motherland and the young people who are still working hard. But what impresses me most is Li Shaobai's Chinese youth, which is unforgettable to me. I think we should have a strong determination to build the motherland and make the sonorous oath of the Chinese youth.

  At present, China is a motherland that eliminates the old and establishes a new one. It is not only a rising motherland, but also a rising motherland. Students, the motherland is in our hearts. We should take action and give our strength to the motherland!

  My speech is over. Thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Motherland, you are the guiding light in the night, you are the gentle wind in the sun, you are the most cordial and warm call like "mother", no matter where I go, I will never forget.

  Motherland, my motherland, I know you in the four great inventions, I see you in the persistence of the terracotta warriors and horses, I listen to you in the Pentium of the Yellow River, and I admire you in the towering of Mount Tai. In the memories of my grandparents, I imagined your suffering and vicissitudes; In my parents' stories, I savor your efforts and your rise; In the songs of my brothers and sisters, I listen to your take-off and your brilliance; In the day and night of my life, I feel your harmony and your magic!

In the Northern Kingdom, I lingered in that piece of silver and plain. In the south of the Yangtze River, I fell in love with people with small bridges and flowing water; When my father picked up the shells from Hainan, I heard the surging waves; My mother brought back a flower hat from Turpan. I smelled the sweetness of melons and fruits. The teacher said that our motherland has a vast territory and abundant resources. Every inch of land is full of miracles, and there are more sleeping surprises, which will be aroused one by one when we grow up.

  I want to sing praises to you, my motherland, with gentle tunes, wild folk songs, high pitched March, gorgeous aria, all my most beautiful words and the most beautiful melody, I want, I want to sing praises to you! I want to stand on the River continent, the Mekong River, the top of the mountain and the shore of the sea, sing for you with my tender but full of true feelings, and sing the most sentence in my heart:

  Motherland, I love you!

  Dear mother of the motherland, let me whisper to you: I will listen to the teacher, exercise well, and strive to learn knowledge. When I grow as tall as my parents, I will build you stronger!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Today, the topic of my speech is "the motherland is in my heart". "Motherland in my heart" what ordinary words, what ordinary six words! However, every time you look up to the flying national flag and sing the solemn national anthem, do you feel more excited than ever before? Yes, at this time, the feeling of patriotism is surging in my heart. I am proud of being a Chinese and of the growing strength of my motherland.

  Turning over yesterday's history, heroic deeds emerged in front of me. Deng Shichang, Lin Zexu, Huang Jiguang, Yang Jingyu and many other martyrs have made China show their youthful smiling faces, made the Oriental lion rise from the nightmare, and let the five-star red flag hang high, so that we have today's happiness, today's superior learning environment, and everything today.

  If a young man is strong, China will be strong. If a young man is male to the earth, China will be male to the earth. As descendants of our motherland, it is our bounden duty to love our motherland. Students, let's study hard, grow up healthily and show our deep love for our motherland with action! Let's care about the motherland, move forward bravely and build the motherland into a better place!

  The motherland is in my heart, the motherland is in your heart, and the motherland is in everyone's heart. Motherland, we love you!

