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The Thorny Road of Honor

光荣的荆棘路 Every country has great and respectable people. They teach us about battle, glory and failure in life. 每个国家都有深受人们尊敬的伟人。他们让我们看到人生中的战争、荣耀和失败。 "Know yourself." Socrates, who we all know, was held in contempt by many people. But he wanted to know a lot of things. Even now, he is respected by people. “认识你自己”,我们都知道苏格拉底曾经被许多人藐视。但这无法阻挡他求知的脚步。即使到了现在,他仍然受到人们的尊敬。 "The future is in the dark." The prophet 'Homer' always worried about the future, so his hair all turned white. After a while, his eyes went blind. But he is always remembered as the greatest prophet of history. Great men have always been produced continuously. “未来是隐藏在黑暗中的,”先知'荷马'总是担心明天的生活,头发都愁白了。不仅如此,不久他的眼睛也失明了。但他成为了历最伟大的先知。伟人总是在经受磨难之后重生的。 "Have mercy on me. Please give me a penny" The great poet Camoniz was a beggar when he was young. But he has a magnificent monument of his own. If no one had given him money, he would have died from hunger. “可怜一下我吧。请施舍我一分钱吧!”的诗人Camoniz 年轻的时候是一名乞丐。但是人们为他建立了一座宏伟的纪念碑。如果当时没有人给他钱,他便会死于饥饿。 There is another man to talk about. He stayed in prison for a long time. "I am not crazy!" He is the one who invented steam power, but he could not be recognized as a great man in his days. People said that he was crazy. The great inventor, Salomon Deco ended his life in a mental institution. 说道这里,还有一个人需要提一下。他久居铁窗之内,高喊着“我不是疯子!”他便是发明蒸汽动力的人,但在那个时代他是不被人们认可的。人们说他是个疯子。这个伟大的发明家,所罗门·德科就这样在精神病院结束了自己的生命。 "I have found a new continent." Famous Columbus found the new Continent, but he got arrested and died in chains. “我发现了新大陆,”的哥伦布虽然发现了新大陆,但他却遭逮捕,并且惨死于牢笼之中。 "Someday, you will find out about the new continent." He died in chains, but now he is very famous for his discovery of the American Continent. “总有一天,你们会发现新大陆的。”虽然惨死于牢狱之中,但因为他是发现美洲大陆的第一人而为人们所熟知。 "The earth goes around the sun." Galileo knew the earth circles the sun, but he suffered from blindness and deafness. “地球绕着太阳转,”伽利略虽然知道地球是围着太阳转的,但他却饱受失明和耳聋的痛苦折磨。 "Still, the earth goes around the sun." He told people the earth travels around the sun even though it got him in trouble. Everything has a painful thorny path. Tolerate and stand firm no matter what comes your way. The mere pain of the moment will turn into glory. 即使他的言论为他带来了麻烦,但他还是告诉人们“地球是绕着太阳转的”。万事都要历经一番痛苦的荆棘路。不管路上遇到再多的艰难险阻,只要你勇敢地坚持下去就会成功。片刻的痛苦将变成无上的荣耀。

