

时间:2022-05-05 02:58:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

富兰克林把书丢了,那本 The happy green frog是富兰克林小妹妹Harriet的最爱,富兰克林历经千辛万苦最后找到了那本书,缺发现书里完全没有内容,于是富兰克林凭记忆念出了Harriet熟悉的故事。

  Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He liked playing games with his little sister and reading books for her before nap- time. But there was one book that Franklin thought he had read quiet enough of...

  And then he jumped into the pond with a great big splash... And lived happliy ever after... The end.

  Again! Again!

  Gee, Harriet, I've read it five times already. Isn't there another book you'd like me to read? How about that one? That's a good story. It's story about a wolf and three little pigs.

  No! Froggy book! Froggy book!

  Once upon a time, there was a happy green frog... the happy green frog stuck out his tongue, and caught a big juicy bug...Mmmmmmm....


  The end.

  Froggy book! Froggy book!

