

时间:2022-05-20 21:08:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】端午节,又称端阳节、龙舟节、重五节、天中节等,是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。端午节源于自然天象崇拜,由上古时代祭龙演变而来。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is also called the Dragon Boat Festival. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I got up early in the morning, put on my clothes, quickly brushed my teeth, came to the hall and ate obediently. There are zongzi for breakfast. They have all kinds of tastes. There are red bean stuffing, mung bean stuffing, beef stuffing and pork stuffing. Very delicious.

  At noon, my parents and I went to see my grandparents. As soon as I entered the door, I said, "happy holidays, Grandpa and grandma!" Grandpa and grandma were so happy that they quickly brought out zongzi. I read it and said, "I ate a lot of zongzi in the morning. Can I change my taste?"

  "No!" Grandpa and grandma said overbearing. I have to continue eating zongzi.

  In the evening, my father bought a box of fireworks. After eating zongzi, we began to set off fireworks. Fireworks are like big guns. Fireworks of different colors erupted and exploded as soon as they reached the sky. Some fireworks are like lions waving their teeth and claws. There are beautiful sunflowers blooming in the sky. Gorgeous and beautiful!

  I am very happy about this Dragon Boat Festival and look forward to the early arrival of next year's Dragon Boat Festival.


  At noon on Saturday, our class held a Dragon Boat Festival. Grandma and mom were invited to teach us how to make zongzi. We are looking forward to this event.

  In a twinkling of an eye, it was time for lunch break. We helped divide the tables and chairs into six groups and sat down properly to listen to the teacher. The teacher said, "now please invite grandma Lin Yuchen to explain some customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. Please applaud!" Grandma came up to explain the Dragon Boat Festival customs and some traditions in many different places. After grandma finished speaking, she immediately entered the most exciting link, that is, making zongzi. Grandma taught me to first fold the zongzi leaves into a funnel, then put a spoonful of rice and a jujube, press the remaining leaves forward, and finally tie the zongzi with a rope! Ha ha, a shaped zongzi is wrapped. Looking at the zongzi wrapped by myself, my sense of achievement arises spontaneously.

  Next, we also played an exciting game of hitting eggs and tasted the delicious strings prepared by grandma for us

  Our class was immersed in laughter and laughter all afternoon. I not only gained knowledge but also delicious food in this activity. I feel so happy about this Dragon Boat Festival!


  There are many festivals in a year, but I like the Dragon Boat Festival best because I like watching dragon boat races.

  The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. There is a children's song spread in the South: "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is inserted with AI, and the hall is full of incense. Eat zongzi, sprinkle white sugar, and launch the dragon boat into the water with joy."

  Dragon boat racing is very spectacular. The size of a dragon boat is generally 20 to 30 meters. The head and tail of the ship are carved with lifelike dragon heads and tails, and the ship is painted with dragon scales. I watched the dragon boat race on TV. The team members wore colorful clothes. There were about 30 people. There is also a drummer on board. Hearing the sound of preparation, the team members are ready, energetic and spectacular. As soon as the whistle blew, the team members rushed forward with great efforts. Finally, the players of "Shunde Lecong" won. Seeing them so happy, I couldn't help laughing.

  Dragon Boat Race on the Dragon Boat Festival is really wonderful! How spectacular the dragon boat race is! I love watching the annual Dragon Boat race.


  Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a traditional Chinese Folk Festival - the Dragon Boat Festival. It is one of the ancient traditional festivals of the Chinese nation.

  At noon, I was watching TV. Suddenly, I smelled a fragrance floating out of the kitchen. Ah, grandma's dumplings are cooked! I hurried into the kitchen, "grandma, give me two zongzi." Grandma opened the lid of the pot. Wow, a pot full of zongzi wrapped with green Zongye was steaming white, which made my mouth water. Soon, three glutinous rice meat dumplings were destroyed by me.

  After eating zongzi, my mother and I inserted moxa sticks and calamus together. Following my mother's example, I made Acorus calamus into the shape of a sword, and then pasted it and moxa sticks on the door with transparent tape. Mother said, "both moxa sticks and calamus contain volatile aromatic oil, which can drive away mosquitoes, flies, insects and ants."

  At this time, my grandmother had mixed realgar wine, sprayed it on every corner of the room, stained some on my forehead and ears, and said it could ward off evil spirits.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really interesting.


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Early in the morning, I made a sword with my grandmother. At first, I didn't know how to do it. My grandmother told me to use CANGPU as the body of the sword, CANGPU root as the handle, and then wormwood as the ear of the sword. After I learned it, I made many swords and inserted them into the doors and windows of my home, so that flies and mosquitoes wouldn't come.

  Grandma picked many flowers from her neighbors. I asked grandma what flowers they were, and grandma said they were mast flowers. Mother put these flowers in the room after they were arranged. The whole room was full of flower fragrance.

  Later, my grandmother asked me to buy xiongsulfone wine together. We bought a bag of xiongsulfone in the drugstore. After careful observation, it turned out that xiongsulfone was a yellow powder. We bought Baijiu again. When she got home, grandma poured realgar into a bowl, and then poured some Baijiu to make realrealrealrealrealgar wine. I can't wait to ask my mother to put this realgar wine on all parts of my head. After wiping it, I thought to myself: bad things won't come to me! Bad things won't come to me!

  After lunch, I ate three zongzi with delicious meat inside, which filled my stomach.

  I think this year's Dragon Boat Festival is more interesting, fun and meaningful than before.

  Today is a happy day!


  Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month - the Dragon Boat Festival. The school has a three-day holiday. Grandma was busy two days ago. We have a lively Dragon Boat Festival here. We have the customs of eating zongzi, hanging sachets, hanging Wormwood Leaves and racing dragon boats.

  I like ham dumplings best. Early in the morning, grandma, mom and I wrapped zongzi around the table. Grandma wrapped it quickly. She first rolled two green zongzi leaves into a cone, then put a spoonful of glutinous rice in it, then stuffed the cut ham slices into the rice, then wrapped the zongzi leaves, and finally wrapped them in a few circles with fine hemp rope, so that a beautiful zongzi would be wrapped. My mother and I were clumsy. We wrapped a few zongzi and they all fell apart. We just looked at Grandma's dumplings on the side. In the blink of an eye, the small basket in front of grandma was full of zongzi. When I clamored to eat, grandma boiled the water and steamed it first. The aroma came to my nostrils, and my saliva was about to flow down. I kept urging grandma to see if it was cooked. Grandma said, "don't worry, don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu." After a while, grandma announced that the dumplings were cooked. As soon as the delicious dumplings were on the table, I couldn't wait to cut the hemp rope of a dumpling with scissors, peel off the leaves and take a bite. It was really fragrant. I wolfed down and ate several. Everyone in the family is talking and laughing while eating. They are very happy!


  "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. Wipe Wormwood Leaves and wear sachets. Eat zongzi and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat goes into the water happily." I hummed this nursery rhyme that my grandmother taught me.

  "The Dragon Boat Festival is our traditional festival. It is said that during the Warring States period, there was a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan in the state of Chu. The poet finally threw himself into the river because his patriotic ideal could not be realized. Later, in order to commemorate him, people designated his" throwing into the river day "- the fifth day of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month as the Dragon Boat Festival." "Grandma, why do you want to eat Zongzi?" "At that time, every family made zongzi and then put them into the river to make the fish full, so they wouldn't eat Qu Yuan's body." "Oh, that's how the zongzi of the Dragon Boat Festival came from." I nodded vaguely. "Grandma, what do you think of my bag?" "Oh, my little grandson is making more and more progress in making zongzi. It's good!" "Grandma, I think the zongzi I made is eighteen thousand miles away from your work." "Oh, when did my little grandson know humility?" Mother, who was busy in the kitchen, heard the sound and came, "you two are so happy. What are you talking about? I'll share it with you!" My grandmother and I looked at each other and made a mysterious and funny expression. Suddenly a room was full of happiness!

  I love to eat zongzi, but also love the Dragon Boat Festival with fragrant Zongye!


  The annual Dragon Boat Festival has finally arrived. This is my favorite festival, because on this day, the whole family can not only eat delicious zongzi, but also watch the exciting dragon boat race.

  Early in the morning, my grandmother and I came to the supermarket. There are so many varieties of zongzi in the supermarket. It's a dazzling array! There are fresh meat dumplings, egg yolk dumplings, red dates dumplings, bean paste dumplings and so on. After some selection, we bought some different varieties of zongzi and went home happily.

  When I got home, my brother and sister and I had a good time. I also explained the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival to them. At this time, the dragon boat race on TV began. I saw dragon boats flying on the river. There were also people on board beating gongs and drums and shouting neat slogans. People on both sides of the Strait are shouting loudly, and we can't help cheering for them. The whole game was quite exciting.

  Finally, it's time for dinner. The family sat around talking and laughing, sharing interesting things with each other. And we ate zongzi with relish. The whole atmosphere was very lively.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year to commemorate the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. On the Dragon Boat Festival, the main customs are eating zongzi and racing dragon boats.

  It's almost the Dragon Boat Festival again. My mother said, "let's make zongzi together!" I didn't know how to pack it, so I looked at my mother in confusion. My mother brought Zongye, glutinous rice, jujube and rope. She first overlapped two or three Zong leaves together, and then rolled them into the shape of an ice cream cone, like a small funnel. Mother grabbed a handful of glutinous rice with her hand and spread it on the Zongye. Then she picked up a few red dates and put them on it. Then she covered it with glutinous rice and stuffed it tightly. Finally, she folded the excess Zongye and covered it. Mother grabbed the dumplings with her left hand and bit one end of the rope with her teeth. With her right hand, she tied the dumplings in circles, just like the little monster that monkey king was tying up.

  The dumplings are wrapped and cooked. I can't wait to take one and smell it. It smells delicious. Its green leaves turned brown and yellow. I immediately took one to open the leaves and took a bite. The slight sweetness and the fragrance of the leaves made me unable to stop.

  The ancients used zongzi to feed small fish and didn't let them eat Qu Yuan's body. Now, we eat zongzi and think about Qu Yuan's life. We hope this festival and custom can be passed on forever.


  I like the Dragon Boat Festival, because it can not only make zongzi with my grandmother, but also watch the dragon boat race.

  There are many kinds of zongzi in Liuzhou: Pillow zongzi, triangle zongzi, cool zongzi, etc... zongzi are made of green Ruo leaves wrapped with snow-white glutinous rice, but the filling of each kind of zongzi is different. Some zongzi are wrapped with chestnut, meat and glutinous rice; And some zongzi are full of beans. As soon as you peel off the leaves, you can see the colorful beans embedded in the snow-white glutinous rice, which is beautiful; In addition, there is nothing in zongzi except glutinous rice - this is cool zongzi.

  Every year, dragon boat races are held in Liujiang River during the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, the Liujiang River is full of people, very lively. There are all kinds of dragon boats on the river. Generally, a ship has 11 crew members, one of whom is beating drums or waving team flags at the "dragon head" to cheer for the crew behind, and the other 10 people are holding the oars and rowing hard and rushing to the finish line. The scene was very intense, which made people nervous and excited.

  I like the Dragon Boat Festival because it is really a happy festival.

