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【#英语资源# 导语】无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Quietly into a dream, the moon in my hometown is still so bright. I always hide a concern in my heart. I dare not say or will not say. It is an unspeakable taste, a bit like sprinkling salt on the wound. It hurts!

  After entering junior high school, I seem to be isolated from the world. I can't hear the news of my hometown. I can't hear the voice of thousands of exhortations and instructions. The word "homesick" often flows in my heart. At this time, I can't help but say a few more tears in my eyes. When I often see the parents of other students caress them, I can't help but feel a ripple of jealousy. I will think of the previous time, miss home, miss, and silently recall in the deepest part of my heart. I really want to call my family, and I'm afraid they worry about me, so I had to secretly bury it in tears and bury my infinite silence and loneliness. Often when I pass the phone, I have a desire to reach out, and there will be a boundless sadness in my heart. I am very disappointed and lost, as if I fell into a valley without anyone. Suddenly, I was swallowed up by loneliness. Sometimes, when I meet my old classmates, I think it is a kind of spiritual comfort. I chat for a while. With that flavor dialect, I seem to feel that I have returned to my hometown and that kind of family affection is wandering in my heart. Finally, I made up my mind to make a phone call. I was a little excited and excited. I held the phone card tightly in my hand for fear of being robbed by others. When I came to the phone, I was suddenly at a loss... For a long time, I was stunned and didn't know what I was thinking. Finally, I trembled slightly, picked up the phone and recited the phone number in my heart hundreds of millions of times, Finally dialed out, the phone "beeps", seems to be approaching the hometown bit by bit, and the excitement in my heart is also rising rapidly, "fast! Fast!" I seemed to jump up. "Hello -" a kind and gentle voice sounded quietly, which made me feel the warmth of my loving mother. We talked for a long time, but I didn't know how many words we didn't say, but I was very satisfied. Until the life teacher asked me to hang up the phone, I reluctantly hung up and went back to the dormitory. The sky seemed to be particularly clear, The air is also very fresh and becomes as beautiful as a dream.

  Since then, I have often called my mother and told her my heart. A strong family affection poured into my head, which makes people have endless aftertaste.


  Today, Mr. Fu played a game with us - "telephone game."

  Mr. Fu stood on the podium and solemnly announced the rules of the game: please come up first in each group to see the note in Mr. Fu's hand, and then pass this sentence down from the first table to the last table of each group. If it is finished, let the last student write it down on the blackboard. "The group with the correct answer has a prize!" There was a lot of noise under our stage. It seems that the students are very excited!

  The game began. Fan Zhaoqing, the first classmate, opened his eyes, put one hand next to his mouth and gently said to Zhou Ziyi, as if there was a big secret. I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Why is it so slow. Obviously, the answer is not just a few words. Zhou Ziyi told her that Ji Kai, a classmate behind her, nodded when he heard it, and quickly turned his head to pass it to a classmate behind her. Unexpectedly, at this time, the answer was wrong. Xu Junjie was so stupid that he kept making mistakes. When it was my turn to Yang Qiting, a classmate in front of me, I was ready. I pricked up my ears and covered both hands to prevent the students from hearing, "Oh, it was a lamb driving a group of sheep and meeting a wolf on the way". How can sheep drive sheep again? It's inexplicable. Whatever! Maybe that's why Mr. Fu is mysterious! I thought silently in my heart. I ran up to the podium like an arrow off the string. I picked up a piece of chalk and quickly wrote the answer, "our group will definitely win the first!" I watched others scratching their ears and cheeks, and I secretly rejoiced in my heart. I went back to my seat and looked at the blackboard. The answers of each group were really diverse. Some were "Xiao Lan saw a cruel sheep with a group of sheep", some were "the lamb met a group of sheep on the way", some were more funny "the lamb drove a group of wolves" and some were written outrageous answers. The students all laughed. I've never seen how happy Mr. Fu smiled. Some of the students stamped their feet, some narrowed their eyes, and some bent over. I didn't expect everyone's answers were wrong. The original correct answer was: "Xiao Liang drove a group of sheep and met a wolf on the way." We were all surprised that we were wrong without listening carefully.

  From this game, I realized a truth: "the difference is a millimetre, the loss is a thousand miles". We should be good at listening to others' words, or something unexpected will happen to you!


  Two days ago, I made a big mistake and accidentally dropped the phone.

  On Saturday, I did my homework at home alone. The room was quiet, only the clock on the wall was ticking. Suddenly, "Ding, Ding", the telephone rang. Maybe my mother called me! I quickly put down my pen, stood up, ran to the phone like an arrow, picked up the phone quickly and asked eagerly, "Hello, is that mom?" At this time, I felt that the telephone line was suddenly pulled down by something, and my receiver got rid of it. Then, only a "pop" sound was heard, and the whole telephone fell heavily to the ground.

  I was stunned. When I grew up, my mouth and eyes widened. I stood foolishly and looked at the phone on the ground. I didn't know what to do. After a while, I slowed down. I hurried over, squatted down, shook my hands, picked up the phone, put it in my ear and listened. finished! There was no sound at all. The telephone was completely broken. What can I do? Mom will scold me when she comes back! Eh? The shell of the telephone doesn't seem to be broken. So I quickly picked up the telephone and receiver, stood up and put them back on the cabinet. Then, as like as two peas, they cleaned the dust on the phone so as to keep it as it was before and hurriedly hid in the study, pretending to be serious and continue to do homework. I think if my mother comes back and asks, I will say: I don't know. I've been doing my homework in my study! If you say so, you may escape.

  At this time, I suddenly remembered a story. It is said that lying children have long noses. I also remembered the story of "the wolf came". The lying child was finally eaten by the wolf. Thinking of this, I couldn't help touching my nose to see if it was long; I touched my heartbeat again to see if I was still alive? The more I think, the more I fear. No, I can't lie. I decided to take the initiative to confess and apologize to my mother when she came back. I want to be an honest and good child.

  Thinking of this, I felt much better. At this time, the bell of "tick, tick" sounded in my ear, as if to say to me, "yes, yes, you did really right!" I raised my head, looked at the clock on the wall, stretched out two fingers, made a victory gesture, and firmly said, "I finally defeated myself. I am an honest and good child!"


  My cute little cousin is finally in the first grade of primary school! I was sitting on the sofa thinking: did my cousin adapt to school? Is she serious in class? Does she like school? Just then, the phone rang. It was my cousin! I jumped three feet high and chatted happily with my cousin.

  She talked about the East and the west, but I was still talking to her with great interest. I first asked her, "do you adapt to school?" "Adapt!" "What teachers are there?" "There are Chinese teachers, math teachers, science teachers,..." is really a white question. Of course I know the teachers of several subjects! ok I didn't make it clear, but what's more ridiculous is that she finally came a basketball teacher and a football teacher. I really have no choice! We were chatting in the classroom, when grandma suddenly said, "hang up!" But I didn't hear it. My cousin continued, "what's your deskmate's name?" "His name is Wu Zhenling" "Oh, it's Wu benling. It must be very stupid, ha ha!" Grandma was angry when she heard that we hadn't stopped yet. "Hang up!" This time I finally heard it, but I was startled. In a hurry, I said goodbye to my cousin and hung up the phone. I also said angrily, "I finally said a few words to my cousin. Why did you let me hang up?" Grandma said, "your cousin's grandmother said that Tiantian doesn't do her homework or practice the piano after coming home from school recently. She likes to call her classmates as soon as she gets home. Her mother said she doesn't listen either. In order to prevent it from becoming a bad habit, we discussed not to answer her phone recently." After listening, I was very puzzled. My former cousin was so obedient. My mother always praised her in front of me, but now what's the matter? I think I'm her sister and should help her, so I decided to help my cousin, overcome these difficulties and make her a good student and return to the sensible and obedient cousin and the lovely child.

  Through the storm caused by this call, I decided to take responsibility to help my cousin become an excellent student.


  My father works outside all year round. I have a vague memory of him. But from small to large, what I am most familiar with is his clear voice. Every day, my father calls home. Gradually, I knew the ringtone of the mobile phone backwards. To tell the truth, father is not strict with us. He always talks to us with a smile. But when I was young, I was not very sensible. I was addicted to TV all day, and my father's phone often called when I was watching TV! In order not to affect my watching TV programs, I always perfunctory him. Sometimes they say something directly and impatiently, and then hang up quickly. But I never thought about who my father was wandering alone, suffering from homesickness and working hard to make money for.

  In May, when the flowers bloom, my father came back. I am a stranger to my father. I vaguely remember his bright voice, but my father's face has changed. The originally dense black and bright short hair has become sparse, with several white hair in the middle. The deep eye sockets and fine wrinkles are the traces of years. Father, I should be tired! I tried to understand the word "father's love" for the first time. Looking at my father's deep fatigue, an inexplicable emotion rose in my heart.

  Because my father came back, my mother got a big table of rich dishes, which can be said to have everything. My father didn't eat too much, but he just kept bringing vegetables to my brother and me. He was warm when he looked at the piled hills in the bowl. The previous disgust with his father's nagging on the phone has long disappeared. Instead, guilt, yes, guilt, guilt that you don't know your happiness in happiness; Feel guilty that you have the most precious things in the world and don't cherish them, but greedily want more; It's even more guilty that I don't know my father's heart of working for his children.

  Father's love for us has been going on silently. It's not that he can't express it, but that we ignore and don't have the heart to experience father's love.

