【#自考# 导语】愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2018年10月自考英语二备考资料整理【第三章】》供您查阅。
1. weaken: v 削弱、减弱,字根:weak: a 虚弱的
构词形式:adj/n + en或en + adj/n = v
Shorten, enlarge, enable, enrich, loosen, tighten etc.
2. nationwide: a 全国范围的,通过该词我们可以得到:worldwide:全世界范围的,regionwide, etc.
3.legal: a 合法的,反义词:illegal,不合法的;legalize: v 使…合法化。
The Netherlands became the first country to legalize euthanasia.
4. ensure: v 确保、担保,常见用法如下:
1). The police can ensure the witness from danger.
2). We can ensure that the work will be done in the right way.
5. oppose: v 反对、对抗;名词:opposition , 形容词:opposed
1). What he said was totally opposed to the facts.
2). Many people oppose building a new highway because of the great cost.
6. tradition: n 传统,由此可以联想到:
traditional: a; traditionally: ad; 反义词为:modern
1). _____ Chinese medicine is believed to be effective for many diseases.
2). It's important to keep up the fine ____ of plain living and hard work.
3). Christmas is ____ a holiday for a family to get together.
Answers: Traditional, tradition, traditionally
7. consideration: n 考虑、体谅、照顾,由此可以联想到:
Consider: v 考虑;considerate: a 体谅的,be considerate of; considerable: a 相当多的。请练习一下:
1). Losing 30 pounds changed her appearance _____.
2). It is very ____ of you to send me a birthday card.
3). The matter is receiving the serious ____ of the manager.
4). He left behind him a ____ amount of debt.
Answers: considerably, considerate, consideration, considerable
8. disabled: a 残疾的,伤残的,由此可以联想到:
able: a 有能力的;be able to do sth; unable: a 没有能力的;enable: v 使人能够enable sb to do sth; ability: n 能力;disable: v 使人残疾
1). As long as they are physically ____, they tend to live on their own.
2). The _____ to be clearly heard is extremely important for any speaker.
3). I'd like to go to the cinema, but I'm _____ to.
4). Education should ____ every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically.
5). A car accident ____ him from playing football.
6). Special care should be given to the ______.
Answers: able, ability, unable, enable, disabled(v), disabled(a)
9. prohibition: n 禁止、禁令,prohibit: v prohibit sb from doing sth;
10. sensitive: a 敏感的, be sensitive to sb/sth; 同根词:sensible: a 明智的,be sensible of sth
1). I am sensitive to your criticism.
2). It's sensible of you to make such a decision.
Analyze the important sentences among the text
1. Affected with a serious disease, Van Wendel was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. (p2)
译:因患有严重的疾病,Van Wendel再也不能清楚地讲话了,他知道他已经没有康复的可能,其病情正在迅速恶化。
句子分析:Affected with a serious disease是过去分词短语做原因状语,可以改写成原因状语从句:because he was affected with a serious disease, ….另外,there was no hope of recovery和that his condition was rapidly deteriorating都是动词knew的宾语。词组:be affected with sth患有…疾病。如:
All the cows in the farm are affected with mad-cow disease.
hope of recovery:康复的希望。
2. Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and showed on TV last year in the Netherlands. (p3)
译:Van Wendel在他的医生给她进行最后结束生命的那一阵之前的后三个月的生活被拍成了*并于去年在荷兰的电视上首次播映。
句子分析:该句的主语较长,were之前均是。其中,核心名词Van Wendel's last three months of life,后面的before being given a final, lethal injection by his doctor是动名词的被动语态做定语。film这里当动词用,拍*。
3. The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown, it starts a nationwide debate on the subject. (p3)
句子分析:这是一个常考句子。考点一:since: adv 从那以后;考点二:each time是名词作时间状语,前面不用介词;考点三:debate on sth关于…的讨论。
4. However, doctors who carry out euthanasia under strict guidelines introduced by the Dutch Parliament two years ago are usually not prosecuted. (p4)
句子分析:该句核心内容有三点:carry out …实施,执行;under…guidelines在…原则下,under是按照,根据的意思;introduced by the Dutch Parliament two years ago是过去分词短语做定语,修饰guidelines。
5. Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others? (p5)
句子分析:该句中主要核心内容是:情态动词的被动语态。情态动词+be+动词过去分词。如:In hot days, flowers must be watered every day.
6. Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement, argues that euthanasia doesn't take into account that there are ways of caring for the dying. (p8)
句子分析:主语Cicely Saunders,President of the National Hospice Council and a founder member of the hospice movement是主语的同位语,谓语后面是一个宾语从句,而其中又包括一个小的宾语从句。重要词组:take sth into account = take sth into consideration将…考虑在内。如:when judging his performance, don't take his age into account. 另一个词组:care for关心某人。
7. It's very easy in society now for the elderly, the disabled and the dependent to feel that they are burdens, and therefore that they ought to opt out. (p8)
句子分析:该句it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,to feel that they are burdens, and therefore that they ought to opt out。另外还请注意:the elderly, the disabled and the dependent是属于:the + adj 所构成的固定表达方式,相当于elderly people, disabled people and dependent peoole,是复数概念,因此若作主语句子的谓语动词应用复数形式。如:
In our country, the old are taken good care of by the young.
词组:opt out选择放弃。如:I think I'll opt out the game.
8. What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven't the right. (p9)
句子分析:乍一看,这是一个简单句子,但若仔细分析,你会发现,这是一环套一环的结构。句子主体结构应是:What those people are telling me is that dying people haven't the right.
主语是一个主语从句,What those people are telling me; 表语是一个表语从句:that dying people haven't the right.另外,who oppose euthanasia是定语,修饰those people; 请注意下列几个词的用法:oppose: v 反对; dying people即将死去的人们;have the right to do sth有权力去做某事。
9. But there are situations where death is a friend. (p9)
句子分析:该句的考点为:where; 此时它引导定语从句,相当于in which. 关于定语从句的关系词选择的问题,主要取决于先行词在从句中所作成分,请对比:
1). The house ¬¬which he bought last year is very big.
2). The house where he was born is very old now.
3). The house whose windows face south is very big.
10. The film showing Cees Van Wendel's death was both moving and sensitive;… his wife had only her husband's interests at heart. (p10)
句子分析:这是一句曾出现于国考中的句子。考点:showing Cees Van Wendel's death。
是现在分词短语做定语,修饰the film; 词组:have sth at heart:对…十分关心,将…放在心上。 He is selfish, and he has nothing but his own interest at heart.