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一、听力 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) 第一部分 听对话回答问题。(10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 ( )1. Where is the man’s father? A. B. C. ( )2. How is the weather at the moment? A. B. C.

( )3. How did the woman go to have the meeting? A. B. C. ( )4. What pollution are they talking about? A. B. C. ( )5. Where is the woman from? A. Canada B. America C. Germany ( )6. What kind of animals does Lisa like best? A. Monkeys. B. Dogs. C. Elephants. ( )7. What has the man done? A. He has done some cooking. B. He has done some washing. C. He has done some cleaning. ( )8. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Mother and son. ( )9. When does David want to leave? A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Wednesday. ( )10. What time is it now? A. 7:30. B. 8:00 C. 8:30 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。(10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听对话,回答第11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。 ( )11. Where did the woman learn to use the computer last Sunday morning? A. At home. B. At school. C. In the restaurant. ( )12. What did the woman and Jane do after lunch? A. They bought some books. B. They did some housework. C. They went home. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确的答案, 完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。 Travelling to London Season We think 13 is the best season to visit England. Transport We did most of our sightseeing 14 Food We don’t think the English food is very 15 . ( )13. A. spring B. summer C. autumn ( )14. A. on foot B. by bus C. by coach ( )15. A. delicious B. expensive C. bad 听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题。 ( )16. Why can’t Mr Chaplin be here? A. Because he’s gone to England. B. Because he’s gone to America. C. Because he’s ill. ( )17. What is an important exam today? A. The Maths exam. B. The English exam C. The Chinese exam. ( )18. What time does the exam end this morning? A. At 11 o’clock. B. At 9 o’clock. C. At 7 o’clock. ( )19. If there is a difficult question, what should you do? A. Write it clearly. B. Answer it first. C. Go on to the next one and come back to it later. ( )20. Which advice did NOT the speaker mention (提及)? A. Leave the difficult questions unanswered. B. Read the questions carefully before answering them. C. Guess the answer if you cannot answer the question. 二、单项选择(15分) ( ) 21. --- Is there ________ African elephant in _______ zoo? --- Maybe there is. A. a; the B. an; the C./; the D. an; a ( ) 22. Will you buy me a __________ of today’s China Daily ? A. paper B.piece C. copy D.set ( ) 23. Little Bob can’t come out to play because he _____ help his Dad in the garden . A. has to B. can C. must D.can’t ( ) 24. It’s dangerous to climb mountains ________ wet and rainy days . A. in B.at C. of D. on ( ) 25. If you don’t go to the zoo tomorrow , I won’t go ______________. A. also B. too C.either D. not ( ) 26. The left-behind kids (留守儿童)can’t see their parents _______the parents come back from work . A.but B.until C.of D.if ( ) 27. In front of the classroom building___________ two tall trees . A. is B.are C.has D. have ( ) 28. -- May I borrow these two books, please? -- Yes, you can _______ them for two weeks . A. keep B.borrow C.lend D. buy ( ) 29. -- Guess what !The great film is on in the cinema. -- Nothing new . I _________ it with my parents on the first day . A. see B.saw C. will see D.am seeing ( ) 30. The fish smells __________ because my mother cooked it four days ago . A.good B.well C.bad D.badly ( ) 31. -- My dad bought me a new MP5, but I don’t know __________. A.what to use B.what to use it C.how to use it D.when to use it ( ) 32. --Is Mr Black in the office now ? -- No , she _______ to Africa . A.goes B.went C.has gone D.would go ( ) 33. The students stopped _________ when they saw the teacher . A.talking B.to talk C.talks D.talked ( ) 34. Betty finished her study in the college and went to ___________ a good job. A.take after B.look after C.care for D.search for ( ) 35. --Do you mind if I turn on the TV ? -- ____. My grandma is sleeping. A.Better not B.Not at all C.I don’t mind D.That’s all right 三、完型填空(15分) In a nice house there lived an old man. Behind the house there was a big garden. He planted many plants there. He took care of his 36 all the time, watering and fertilizing (施肥) them. One day a young man went by the 37 . He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 38 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 39 . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. 40 are you busy taking care of them every day?” The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four 41 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, though(尽管) I can’t 42 these flowers, I can touch them. 43 , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 44 .” “Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man. “Yeah, it’s 45 that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody 46 . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.” The blind man’s work opened our eyes and 47 our heart, which also made his life 48 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf(聋的) in his later life and wrote many great musical words. Beethoven himself couldn’t 49 hi s wonderful music, but his music has encouraged(鼓励) 50 of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness? ( )36. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables D. grass ( )37. A. balcony B. kitchen C. garden D. study ( )38. A. after B. as C. before D. if ( )39. A. blind B. famous C. smart D. friendly ( )40. A. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Which ( )41. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. results ( )42. A. see B. look C. find D. look for ( )43. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth ( )44. A. me B. you C. my mother D. my son ( )45. A. true B. hard C. cool D. easy ( )46. A. greets B. finds C. meets D. knows ( )47. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated ( )48. A. emptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier ( )49. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe ( )50. A. million B. millions C. hundred D. hundreds 四、阅读理解(30分) (A) A fantastic journey to London Time: July 20--July 28, 2014 Hotel: Hilton Hotel ( free breakfast ) Place of interest: Big Ben ( July 23 ) Ticket: £8 each (kids : half price ) Place of interest: St. Paul’s Cathedral ( July 26 ) Ticket: £12 each ( kids : half price ) Total fee: ¥9,870 each ( kids : half price ) Sevevice tel: 0551 66780510 You can call 0044 02086528 to book tickets . ( )51. If you join in Alan Travel Service’s journey to London , you will spend ____day . A. seven B. eight C.nine D. ten ( )52. If Mr. Li and his 7-year-old son visit St.Paul’s Cathedral , they should pay ___. A. 12 B. 18 C. 20 D. 24 ( )53. Which of the following is NOT true according to the ad? A. Mr. Li and his wife should pay 19,740 yuan for their journey to London. B. In Hilton Hotel you’ll have free breakfast. C. If you want to find more information about traveling, you can call 0551 66780510. D. You can visit St.Paul’s Cathedral on June 26 if you join in Alan Travel Service’s journey to London (B) “Everything happens for the best,” my mother said whenever things weren’t going my way. “Don’t worry, one day your luck will change.” Mother was right, as I found after I had finished my college education. I had decided to try for a job in radio. One day, I wanted to host(主持) a sports program. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time. In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadn’t got enough experience. “Get some work with a small station and work your way up,” she said. I went back home. I couldn’t get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didn’t get the job. I felt really down. “Your luck will change,” Mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Iowa. But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone. As I left his office, I asked, “How can someone be a sports announcer(播音员) if he can’t get a job in a radio station?” I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. “ What did you mean? Do you know anything about football?” He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded. On my way home, Mom’s words came back to me, “One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, it’ll feel doubly(加倍的) good because of all the hard work you’ve had.” At that moment I knew what just what she meant. ( )54. What’s the writer’s ideal (理想的) job? A.A sportsman B.A shop assistant C.A sports announcer D.A businessman ( )55. Why didn’t the writer get the job in Chicago? A.because he was too young B.Because he didn’t get college education C.Because he’s got a good-looking person D.Because he hadn’t got enough experience ( )56. Which of the following is true according to the article? A.You just need wait for some time, then luck will come. B.Luck will come if you try your best to do everything. C.It’s important for you to wait for luck. D.You should trust your mother. (C) Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don’t have names. In Japan, people use landmarks instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is just across the bus stop.” In the Midwest of America, usually there are not many landmarks. So people will tell you directions(方向) and distance. In Kansas(堪萨斯州), for example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.” People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map. They measure(测量) distance by telling time. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “it’s about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They don’t know. People in Greece(希腊) sometimes do not even try to give directions because few visitors understand the Greek language. Instead of giving you the direction, a Greek will often say, “Follow me.” Then he’ll lead you through the streets of the city to the post office. Sometimes a person doesn’t know the answer to your question. A New Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico(墨西哥), no one answers “I don’t know.” People in Yucatan think “I don’t know” is not polite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A visitor can get very, very lost in Yucatan! One thing will help you everywhere. You might not understand a person’s words, but maybe you can understand his body language. He or she will usually turn and then point in the correct direction. Go on in that direction, and you may find the post office! ( )57. What do you think of the word “landmarks” mean? A.Names of streets or roads in a place. B.Hotels, markets and bus stops in a city. C.Buildings or places which are easily seen. D.Buildings or places with great importance. ( )58. How many countries are mentioned(提及到) by the writer? A.Four. B.Five. C.Seven. D.Eight. ( )59. Which of the following is NOT right? A.The Japanese often use landmarks when they give directions. B.People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance. C.People in Yucatan think “I don’t know” is not polite. D.People in Greece often give wrong directions. ( )60. What’s the main idea of the passage? A.There are not many landmarks in the Midwest of America. B.We needn’t carry a map when we travel around the world. C.People give directions in the same way in different parts of the world. D.There are different ways to give directions in different parts of the world. (D) Some Advice(建议) on Travel 1. Forget fashion! Always wear your most comfortable clothes when going on long journeys. 2. Traveling on trains and buses can be boring, so take a good book to read. 3. If you’re going somewhere cold, remember to put on your warm clothes! 4. If you are going somewhere sunny, remember to bring your sun-block(防晒霜) and sunglasses. 5. Always take a camera with you to capture those special moments. 6. Be careful with your things whenever you go to a busy place, like a train station. There are many thieves there! 7. Most countries have lower prices for students, so if you are a student, take your student card with you. 8. Always leave room in your bag and buy presents on the way home. 9. Bus tours often stop at expensive shops along the way, save your money by buying presents at local shops. 10. If you travel abroad(国外), remember to take your passport. Whatever you do, don’t lose it! ( )61. If you go to Hainan Island for a trip in summer, you should take ____ with you. A.warm clothes and sports shoes B.sunglasses and sun-block C.fashionable clothes and a big bag D.some fruit and drinks ( )62. According to the passage, ____ is a good way to keep away from boredom(单调) while you’re on a train or a bus. A.taking a camera B.reading a good book C.listening to music D.sleeping for some time ( )63. You must always ________ while yo u are at busy places because there are often thieves there. A.put your things away B.look after your things well C. give your things away D. get your things ready ( )64. If a student wants to buy some presents at lower prices while traveling, he should show ____ to the shop assistant. A.prices B.his things C.his passport D.his student card ( )65. The underlined word “capture” in this passage means ____. A. 拍摄 B.感受 C.抓住 D.控制 第II卷(非选择题 60分) 五、任务型阅读(10分) (A) Do you want to travel the countries in Asia ? You don’t have to travel very far . Follow us , you can find these Asian adventures(探险). Cycling in Guilin, China Get around the city by cycling through Guilin , in Guangxi Province of China . Mountains rise straight up , creating the only beauty . Bike paths take you past the villages and farms . Enjoy the beautiful views from your bike , or stop and talk with one of the villagers working in his field. Adventure advice : When your feet are tired , take a boat trip along the beautiful and famous Li River. White-water rafting in Nepal In Pepal, you can experience(体验) thrilling rapids(湍流)and beautiful views in Himalayas at the same time. Take a white- water rafting trip down the Sun Koki River, world-renowned for its powerful rpaids. At night you’ll camp beside the river on white water, and enjoy the quiet, lonely Nepalese countryside. Adventure advice: Don’t go rafting in summer. High water levels make it dangerous. Scuba diving in Malaysia Go diving in the clear waters around Spaded, an island in Malaysia, and discover an underwater world. You’ll see large sea animals swimming along. The colorful coral along the roofs hides tiny fish. The wide kind of tropical life found around Spaded makes it famous worldwide for diving. Adventure advice: You can dive at Spaded , but you can’t sleep there. The island is a protected park , but you can stay on one of the nearby islands . Three 66 Adventures 67 Adventures Advice China You can 68 a bike to travel around Guilin and enjoy the beautiful natural views. When your feet are 69 , take a boat trip. Nepal You can experience thrilling rapids and the 70 of the Himalayas at the same time. 71 a white-water rafting trip down the Sun Koki River . At night you can go 72 beside the river. You’d better not go rafting in 73 . Malaysia Go diving in the clear waters around Spaded, a famous island which is famous for 74 . You can dive but can’t 75 there. (B)根据短文内容,回答文后题目。(10分) A mother planted many kinds of vegetables in her garden. One morning she said to her daughter, "Betty, come here. Look at all these little yellow marks on the leaves of the cabbages. They are eggs of a kind of insects. They are very beautiful but very bad for cabbages. This afternoon you must find all the eggs on the leaves and kill them. In this way, you will help us have better, greener and bigger cabbages. Betty didn't think she should do it at once and in the end she forgot all about it. Her mother was ill for a few days and couldn't work in her garden. When she was well, she took Betty to the garden to see the cabbages. To their surprise, the insects had eaten up every leaf. When Betty saw this, she was upset and began to cry. Then her mother said to her, "We should never put off what we have to do today till tomorrow. And you must learn to deal with the things while they are small, or it will turn into a big problem." 76. Did Betty kill the eggs on the leaves at once ? ___________________________________________________________________ 77. What’s in the garden? ___________________________________________________________________ 78. What happened to the leaves? ___________________________________________________________________ 79. How did Betty feel after she saw the cabbages after a few days? ___________________________________________________________________ 80. What can you learn from the passage? ___________________________________________________________________ 六、词汇(20分) A、根据中文和所给单词的适当形式填空。10分 81. We go to school to get _____________ (知识)about many different things. 82. We plan to visit several _________ (岛屿)countries in the Pacific Ocean this summer. 83. This mouse looks much ___________ (丑的)than that one. 84. - How long has the film been ____________ (结束)? -- For ten minutes. 85. All the students went home __________ (除了)Sandy because she was on duty. 86. I first lived near the Sunshine River in the ____________ (south) part of town. 87. The children were surprised when they heard that a cow has four ________ (stomach). 88. He did badly in the exam , so he was _____________(able) to pass it. 89. -- Do you mind me ______________ ( close ) the window ? -- I’m sorry. 90. The company hopes its new product (产品) will be successful on the _______ ( Europe ) market.

