

时间:2021-08-13 21:49:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】开学的钟声响起,上课的铃声响起,抖擞我们青春的劲,开学啦,祝愿你快乐学习,开心生活! 以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Entering the new semester, you will have a different feeling. For example, the knowledge in all subjects has become new. New students come in or old students go out. What are your changes?

  After entering the new semester, I feel that I have more knowledge than before. For example, Chinese used to have only two or three ancient texts, but now there is an ancient text behind each unit. There are five ancient texts in the whole book. There are more things to recite and knowledge is more difficult than before. For example, geography, which used to only learn about the earth, is now learning less than before.

  In the new semester, a new student came to our class and three old students transferred. The new classmate is Shi Xiaoxin. He comes from Yunnan and is a Wa nationality. He is 16 years old. When he first came, he said that he was 16 years old. All the students in our class were shocked, including me. It also reflects that they do not pay attention to education. Shi Xiaoxin is tall and has long hair, especially his skin is very black. It should be because of soil and water! He has a melon seed face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, giving people a sense of loyalty and simplicity, which makes people feel very down-to-earth.

  After a new year, everyone grew a year old, taller and more sensible than before.

  We have two new teachers: history teacher and geography teacher.

  The new history teacher is a neat person with short hair.

  The new geography teacher is tall with an eye on the bridge of his nose. He looks like a knowledgeable professor.


  Time flies. A long summer vacation has passed, and the new semester has begun again. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we embarked on the journey to the school and began a new life. The new semester, it brings us a new expectation, a new goal, a new beginning

  Erase those unforgettable memories before, because in the new semester, it is a new beginning, and everyone will have new plans. I plan to listen carefully in class, print all the knowledge told by the teacher in my mind, and raise my hand to speak in every class to exercise my courage. Every day when I get home, I finish my homework carefully. When I encounter difficulties, I will face them and never shrink back. At ordinary times, I should read more extracurricular books to broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge. Books are the ladder of human improvement. Let good books accompany me to grow healthily.

  I have a problem, that is, I don't know how to cherish time, and I'm procrastinating in doing my homework and doing things. In this new semester, I will try to get rid of this bad habit, cherish time like gold, work hard, study hard, and never waste a minute or a second.

  I also intend to become a love of work, help my parents do the housework within their power, do my own things, learn to take care of myself, and don't let my parents worry. Get up every morning to exercise, forge ahead and participate in various sports activities to enhance your physique.

  New semester, new life, pregnant with new expectations. Let's create a new semester with 100 times confidence, hard-working hands and smart mind. Let's be confident when we welcome each sunrise, and harvest a lot when we welcome each wisp of sunset.


  Finally looking forward to the first day of school.

  I came to school early in the morning and rushed to the classroom like a happy bird with the students from all directions. The warm sunshine shines on our beautiful campus, the autumn wind blows our faces, the holly on both sides of the path has grown tall with us, and the thick leaves are more green. I strode to the classroom. The students were getting together in twos and threes to talk about summer fun. I couldn't wait to join them. Talking vigorously, a young female teacher came in at the door. She was tall and thin, with beautiful duck eggs. Her bright eyes twinkled with wisdom and severe light on her face, which made people feel a little cold. However, when she introduced herself to her classmates with a smile on her face on the podium, her curved mouth and warm eyes made people feel kind.

  The new head teacher, Mr. Kong, is said to be the best Chinese teacher in our grade, which makes me feel a lot of pressure. I'm worried about whether I can adapt to Mr. Kong? Mr. Kong put forward two requirements for us: first, we should strengthen basic practice and reduce mistakes. The second is to improve the ability of reading and writing and reduce the loss of points.

  Sitting on the stage, I made a secret decision: at the beginning of the new semester, I will face everything about to start with a new face and show a better self!


  A semester is about to pass, and a new year is quietly approaching. We are like long-distance ships, with the strong waves and long winds, we have lifted our cables and set sail; It is also like a sprinter who rushes out of the starting line with the crisp sound of guns and the cry of support; It is also like a tireless explorer, carrying a heavy bag and accompanying the pines into the mountains; More like a cultivator of the earth, he began to cultivate and care for his rich, rich, fertile and healthy heart when the early spring came.

  In fact, what we are like is not important. What is important is the persistence of the ship, the tenacity of the athletes, the confidence of the explorers and the diligence of the cultivators. It is these excellent qualities, like passes, that guide people to the road of success; It is also like a burning torch, guiding people to a bright future in that long night. It is self-evident that excellent character is important in life, so some people say that character determines destiny. Character is neither innate nor invariable. Excellent character can be cultivated, established and forged, and most of this forging is not in magnificent sports, earth shaking undertakings, nor in noble and great practice, but in ordinary life, ordinary communication, or even tasteless days.

  The beginning of the new year is the beginning of re establishing goals, the beginning of reflection and self-examination, the beginning of summoning up courage and continuing to struggle, and the beginning of reshaping excellent character. Since a perfect beginning has appeared, we should seize this beginning to struggle.

