
时间:2021-08-07 05:27:07 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】即使生命如白驹过隙,我们也不能匆匆而来,碌碌度过。什么样的生命才算是怒放的生命?怒放的生命是你拼尽自己的努力来绽放你自己。以下是©文档大全网整理的关于怒放的生命英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


  I have fallen on the road a few times and broken my wings many times. Now I no longer feel hesitant. I want to surpass this ordinary life. I want a life in full bloom. The famous singer Wang Feng sings this inspiring song to the north and south of the river, inspiring countless lives to bloom like flowers in midsummer.

  A gust of cold wind whistling past, the withered and yellow leaves of the tree hover in the air with the wind, floating

  The mid-term exam was over. Looking at the blood red and disabled results on the test paper, tears washed away all my confidence and strength. Why am I so useless? In order to study, I have worked out study plans again and again, and summarized the rules of problem-solving. In the end, it is still so chilling.

  The heart is cold, the dream is gone! Sitting in the classroom, I was like a defeated soldier who could no longer cheer up. The discussion of the students' laughter can not attract my numb nerves, and the teachers' painstaking explanation can not awaken my sleeping heart.

  Weekend, I dragged a heavy step, weak on the way home, one step, two steps, I do not know how I hobbled home. My parents didn't blame me, just smiled and asked me to work hard. I know the hope they put on me, but I'm desperate.

  Walking dead, confused, my life no longer has hope and passion. Just keep going step by step. Until I caught a glimpse of the grass bending by the pool. That is a grass that sympathizes with me, a lonely grass. It grows in a corner of the pool. The edges of its leaves are withered and yellow and so thin. After a cold wind, it fell down. I wry smile: dead! I don't believe it will survive anymore.

  But after a few days, I was surprised to find it standing there, and the thin leaves tried to reach the sun. All of a sudden, there is a tremor in my heart: you are so strong, but you will not grow so small.

  A few days later, when I passed by the cement again, I accidentally found that the neck leaf of the grass was stronger. I gently touched it, it seemed to give me some strength, and I began to be convinced by its strength and perseverance.

  The tenacious Grass bloomed in the cold winter.

  The grass has grown up! I silently read that an invisible force poured into my body. I opened my notebook and wrote: there are setbacks everywhere in life. It is a touchstone. It tests one's perseverance and strength. No one's life is imperfect. In the face of setbacks, we should be stronger. We should firmly believe that there are no obstacles in life. As long as you work hard, work hard and be strong, the flowers of life will bloom on you. You are not only the flowers of the motherland, but also the flowers in full bloom.

  In the morning, a wisp of warm sunshine shines in through the curtains. I see the hope of life. I carry my strength on my shoulder again to meet my own blooming life.


  Butterflies fly across the sea, in order to find a happy country;

  Migratory birds travel long distances to find the beauty they once lost;

  Stars fall into the sky in order to find a warm embrace.

  I am also looking for a life in full bloom! I firmly believe that every kind of life exudes its own unique charm; In the depths of every soul, there is a life in full bloom.

  The wild fire never burns out, and the spring breeze blows again. The vitality of grass can be said to be quite tenacious, they have been doing their best, in full bloom of their lives. As long as you give it a root, it can bloom more than ten warm spring and summer for you. Looking back on the past and asking about the present, there are countless works praising grass. I always thought that the tenacious vitality of grass described by those poets and authors contained more or less exaggerated elements. But what I saw with my own eyes completely overturned my inner thoughts, so that I had to admire every insignificant grass, so that I really found a blooming life!

  It was a sunny afternoon. Playing alone in my grandmother's yard, I found a grass that was dying due to water shortage. The yellow leaves immediately made me feel pity. But on second thought, since it's dying, it's meaningless to water it again. Since it's hopeless, it's better to let it live and die here by itself. Stop meddling.

  I don't want to be stormy that night. The heavy rain roared all night. The next afternoon, the sky finally cleared up, came to the hospital to breathe fresh air, thought of the grass, then ran to see now dead? But I was surprised to find that the grass that had been struggling on the edge of life and death and had been abandoned by me miraculously bloomed green. The heavy rain last night not only failed to break it down, but also provided it with rich water. What a dazzling green it is! That green is the protective color that the grass struggled for. It is the grass's success! This is the life in full bloom. The grass is the most primitive and buried soul!

  What kind of life is in full bloom? I suddenly understand: the blooming life is that you try your best to bloom yourself; The rice in full bloom is your to protect yourself by not giving up; Life in full bloom is that you sublimate yourself with living faith.


  "Let's take our oars and the boat pushes the waves away. The sea reflected the beautiful white tower, surrounded by the red walls of green trees. The boat is gently... "On the first anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake, we are sitting in the school screening hall to watch the earthquake resistant film -" the lifting of life ", and there are a series of young and melodious songs in our ears.

  The story happened in a Town Central Primary School in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province. When the earthquake struck suddenly, the teachers tried their best to protect students in various ways when the teaching building collapsed. After shock, teachers use their limbs and bodies to lift "the sun tomorrow".

  The music teacher yuan teacher, who led and encouraged students to overcome the fear with songs under the ruins, took the young life of Mr. Yuan away from the aftershock; After he rescued one child after another, President Chang ignored his son's safety. However, when he came back, he found his son Changbin had been killed in the aftershock; Naughty little Changbin repented at the difficult times in the ruins. I heard that parents were going to divorce and engraved the words "parents are not separated" on the ground. However, everything is late... Can we not be shocked by the tear provoking plot?

  When I face the picture on the screen, my heart will be shocked; Seeing the scene that survivors were rescued from the ruins in the movie is that I will be moved to tears; Hearing Changbin's painful confession under the ruins, I can't help but think of the situation that I don't cherish time and keep the parents and teachers advising. We should not leave any regrets to finish our lives.

  Looking at the life holding, I can not help but think of "China's pride" -- Li Xiaohua, Fujian police border guard, who died to save the mother and son of the tourists who have been in the water. When people salvage his body, he still maintains the posture of holding the hold when saving people. Li Xiaohua raised the eternal selfless dedication with his short and brilliant life.

  They are ordinary people teachers, ordinary border soldiers, one is the carrier of love to hold up life!

  Look, people come to mourn the great heroes. Under the solemn team ceremony, the five star red flag of the Town Central Primary School is still flying high and high... Time can not blow away the fragments of memory, and the years can not strip the pain scar. When the hero has been sleeping underground, we should mourn, cherish and look forward to it, and remember the great feat of life with life!

  Friends, let your life go! Let your life bloom with bright flowers of holding.

