

时间:2021-08-02 01:35:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Some people say that a book is the soul of a writer, and some say that a book is the heart of a writer. But the works that the writer and soul come out with their heart must be unique. Poems written with the soul of the writer can be regarded as good poems. Although I write poems are not elegant enough, I think only poems written with heart are the best. What about grandma Bingxin? The poem written by Bingxin is enough to make people feel moved. I fell in love with grandma Bingxin.

  Reading a poem from Grandma Bingxin will make me happy and sometimes sad. Because there is soul in grandma Bingxin's poem, it seems that she has a voice of heart. Grandma Bingxin's poem is not a spring or a rainbow in the sky. As the saying in "farewell to Kangqiao", I seem to walk on the sea of books, but I like the optimism of this walk. My poem, grandma Bingxin's poem, will always roam in my heart. Always wandering in my heart, never left, I like her sad beauty.

  Poetry is used to describe the poet's heart and show his own expression of the main idea. The love for his mother is deep and the love is cut, so that I can never forget. Bing Xin is a symbol of hope. Bing Xin's poetry is soft and with love. Every poem embodies the essence. Every sentence expresses profound truth. I like Bing Xin's "star spring water" most obviously, which is a great attachment to my mother. Reluctant to part with her, I love Bing Xin's love for her mother and praise her love for her. Mother is not a strange word for grandma Bingxin, but very familiar. She has a lot of love for her mother and grandma Bingxin. She also reads from the text that grandma Bingxin often says her love for herself and praises her great selflessness.

  In the heart of grandma Bingxin, her mother is the red lotus in her heart. In the poem of Bingxin, she wrote that mother is a big tree or house to help her children to keep out the wind and rain. Mother is the helper beside her children. She has unlimited love and love for her.

  Mother is a beautiful symbol in my heart, in my heart, I also filled with infinite love for my mother.


  Bing Xin likes to smile, her own, other people's, realistic, illusory, as long as it's a little bit ruddy floating on the corner of her mouth, she collects it, melts it into her works, and infects countless people. Smile, this magical expression!

  Smile is a kind of silent and kind language. Angel, the old woman, smile, moved Bing Xin in loneliness, they smile to Bing Xin, kindly smile, did not say a word, but Bing Xin told us with the beautiful words: listen! Isn't that right? They say hello to you! They want to chat with you! They want to make friends with you! So simple, but so complex, simple is the instant expression, complex is the opening of the heart.

  Smile is a kind of silent and moving music. Bing Xin, with her unique pure pen, played a song that resounded through her heart and touched people deeply. Although there is no conductor, no harmony, and even no obvious tone, we can realize that it is music? It is buried in the trickle of words, as long as you look at it more, the familiar melody will play, and the holiness in the heart will rise.

  Smile is a noble expression of human beings. Angel is the spirit of heaven, the old lady is the revered virgin. Animals can't smile, smile only belongs to human. Because human beings can feel, express and create with their heart. Mona Lisa's mysterious smile moved the world, and human beings created the greatest victory emotion in the universe.

  Smile is always the bright sunshine in life. Its light illuminates everything around and adds warm sympathy, ardent expectation and wonderful illusion to the surrounding atmosphere. The world is moved by all living beings. It illuminates everyone and warms every heart.

  Oh, holy smile, magic smile, great smile


  Gently close the book, my heart can not be calm for a long time.

  "Stars · spring water" mainly describes three aspects: maternal love, childlike innocence and nature. Every aspect is very well written, with short form and profound meaning. Among them, my favorite is maternal love.

  Grandma Bingxin is the pronoun of maternal love. Through this book, I understand maternal love. What kind of poems they are! Yes, only grandma Bing Xin can write such a good poem.
  "Mother! When the wind and rain came, the bird hid in his nest; The wind and rain in my heart is coming. I just hide in your arms. " In this poem, maternal love is omnipotent, maternal love is all inclusive, maternal love can prevent together hurt! It's safe and perfect.

  In life, is not maternal love like this? When you make a mistake, mom will forgive you; When you are wet by the rain, your mother will block the rain for you; When you are hungry, mom will cook delicious food for you. Most importantly, your mother is your spiritual mentor, she will teach you how to take the next step on the road of life!

  I remember when I was in primary school, I had an English class outside, once a week, with homework every time. One night, when I was washing my face and brushing my teeth, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten the silent words. When I was ready to go to bed, my mother didn't ask me if I was silent. Just when I thought the storm was over, my mother suddenly asked me, "son, are you silent?"“ Ah, I'm... Silent. " In order not to be criticized by my mother, I had to tell a lie. I turned off the light and the door and pretended to sleep. After a few minutes, I secretly climbed out of bed, carefully turned on the lamp, ready to write a letter to my mother to apologize. But I just wrote a few words, the door was opened by my mother.

  Although my mother's action is very light, she doesn't want to disturb me. I was surprised to look at the door, saw my mother into the room, said to me: "don't write, let's talk about it." I thought: finished, finished, mom must be angry. But my mother did not have the slightest anger, gently told me that she also made mistakes and lied when she was a child.

  But Grandma forgave her and told her some truth. Later, although my mother made a mistake again, she never lied again. My mother then said to me, "son, actually I know that you didn't write silently because you were too tired. I won't criticize you any more. As long as you work harder tomorrow, make up for what you don't write silently today, and make up for more words tomorrow. But remember to be honest. Well, go to sleep today.

