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【#英语资源# 导语】三月,正是播种的季节,我们要把雷锋精神播种下去,秋天长出雷锋精神的果实。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Lei Feng, I think everyone has heard of it! We all don't know much about his deeds. That's not true. Today I came to Lei Feng Memorial Hall in Wangcheng County.

  I walked into the memorial with joy. It introduces many touching stories of Lei Feng, including his helping the elderly and children pour tea and take newspapers on the train. Whether he works in the county, works as a worker in a factory or a soldier in the army, he works for everyone everywhere. In the county, he abides by discipline; In the factory, he changed a fuel consuming car into a fuel-efficient car: in the army, he abides by the party's discipline and never makes any mistakes. Do you know why! The answer can be found in his diary, which reads: "I was born in a very poor peasant family and suffered all the torture and pain in the old society. Under the continuous feeding and education of my kind mother, the Communist Party of China, I have become a national defense soldier and a glorious Communist. I should always be ready to sacrifice everything to my life for the interests of the party and class." This spirit is really worth learning from!


  Comrade Lei Feng is a well-known model of serving the people wholeheartedly and a communist soldier in China. As an ordinary soldier of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, he helped countless people in his short life. In order to achieve his goal, he sacrificed his young life of only 22 years old.

  Since 1961, Lei Feng has often been invited to give reports in other places. He has more opportunities to travel and serve the people. There is a popular saying: "Lei Feng travels a thousand miles and good deeds make a train".

  When Lei Feng went out to change trains at Shenyang station, he found a group of people looking around at a middle-aged woman with a child on her back. It turned out that the woman had lost her ticket and money when she went from Shandong to Jilin to see her husband. Lei Feng used his allowance to buy a train ticket to Jilin and stuffed it into his sister-in-law's hand. The sister-in-law said with tears, "brother, what's your name and which unit?" "Lei Feng said," my name is the people's Liberation Army and I live in China. "

  Lei Feng is like this. He has done good deeds without leaving a name. He has been unknown to help people in trouble. It is precisely because Lei Feng is so helpful that after his death, so many people will visit him and learn from him. After reading Lei Feng's deeds, I felt deeply, so I decided to do good deeds, be a "little Lei Feng" and taste the taste of doing good deeds.

  Once, when I came home from school, I watched the pedestrians carefully. At this time, an aunt drove a battery car and came at a gallop. In the rear seat of the battery car, there was a rickety plastic bag containing vegetables. I don't know whether the battery car was driving too fast or the bag was placed unevenly. In a flash, the bag suddenly fell off the tailstock, but the aunt didn't know at all. At this time, some kind-hearted people on the side of the road shouted, "things are falling! Things are falling!" The aunt calmed down and looked back. Her face suddenly became nervous and helped the battery car back. I have a strong desire in my heart. Help this aunt pick up the bag! But my feet are like filled with lead. I can't move a step. Seeing that aunt is about to approach the bag, I have full confidence again. If I don't care, I'll help. Maybe I can get praise! I quickly ran over, bent over, picked up the bag, smiled and handed it to the aunt and said, "here you are, aunt!" "Thank you. Thank you so much, little girl." The aunt smiled sweetly, and her eyebrows looked like the moon in the sky. I'm happy. It's like giving me the sweetest and most beautiful candy in the world.

  "Lei Feng spirit" inspires generation after generation to learn. Now this task has been entrusted to our generation. Then we should inherit Lei Feng spirit and make helping others a proud and amazing quality forever!


  When I haven't learned Lei Feng's spirit, I didn't know that there are so many Lei Feng's spirit. I thought Lei Feng's spirit was to help others, but now it's different.

  On the day of March 5, my teacher took an English test paper. English is the class I don't like to study most, but the night before the test, I still worked hard to read and do questions to prepare for the test. For the next day's exam, I was full of confidence, but God seemed to be doing it right with me. When the paper was handed out, I was discouraged, because I couldn't answer many questions on the paper, so I had to answer in disorder. Sure enough, I was silly when the paper was handed out. There were many red circles on the paper, and two bright red numbers "59 points" were written on the top with a red pen. I didn't know what to do at once. I didn't expect that there were so few in the HKCEE and the whole class came third. What can I do now? My mother lied to me once after school. Just when I thought about it, a song was put on the campus, and the song came into my ears, which immediately dispelled the idea of lying. You can't lie to adults. Lying is a dishonest child. I said we should carry forward Lei Feng's crystal spirit - honesty and trustworthiness. I came home and told my mother the truth. Instead of criticizing me, my mother helped me study the wrong question.

  In my opinion, no matter adults, children or myself, everyone can't lie. We should carry forward Lei Feng's crystal spirit and let Lei Feng's spirit live forever in the world!

  March is spring, when everything recovers. Lei Feng's spirit, like the spring breeze, bathes the world.


  Lei Feng is a well-known model in China who serves the people wholeheartedly. Although he did not fight in the battlefield and made great achievements, he helped countless people in his short life. With the most ordinary actions, he left an eternal spirit in his short life and influenced future generations.

  Some people say that Lei Feng left early. His spirit is outdated. Lei Feng is no longer needed in today's era. Does our era really not need Lei Feng spirit? In fact, it is not. On the contrary, today's society needs Lei Feng spirit more. No matter how fast the times change, everyone needs to inherit Lei Feng spirit.

  Lei Feng's spirit is to help others and serve the people. He often goes out to give reports. Lei Feng does good things wherever he goes. People have a saying; "Lei Feng went on a business trip for a thousand miles and made a good train."

  One day Lei Feng went to Shenyang and saw a group of people around a middle-aged woman with a child on her back at the exit. It turned out that she had lost her ticket. The middle-aged woman turned over and over, "sister-in-law, where are you going? How did you lose your ticket?" The woman said anxiously; "I came from Shandong and went to Jilin to see his father. I don't know when I lost my ticket. What can I do?" Lei Feng listened and said, "sister-in-law, come with me!" At the ticket office, Lei Feng bought a ticket to Jilin with his allowance and gave it to his sister-in-law; "Get in the car. The car is leaving." The sister-in-law was moved to tears. "Brother, what's your name? Which unit's comrade?" Lei Feng smiled and said, "sister-in-law, don't ask. My name is the people's Liberation Army and my home is in China." Lei Feng wrote in his diary on April 23, 1961: "it is my duty to serve the people."

  Although Lei Feng has gone, his steps will never stop and will never be forgotten in our hearts! Hold out your hands and look at the robber; Seeing that "Wuhan little brother" bravely chases the accident vehicle... Although they are ordinary people living around us, they can stand up in times of crisis. Aren't they the living Lei Feng in our life?

  As a primary school student, we should learn from Lei Feng's spirit, respect teachers and students in school, help each other, help the elderly cross the road when crossing the road, and give seats to people in need on the bus... Honesty and trustworthiness between people and tolerance and humility between ourselves and others are the embodiment of Lei Feng's spirit.

  Lei Feng spirit will always inspire us in the new era and new environment. Let's welcome the future with a vigorous heart and let Lei Feng spirit stay in the world forever!


  "Learn from Lei Feng's good example, be loyal to the people and the party." My understanding of Lei Feng began with this lyrics. The melody of this catchy lyrics still echoes in my mind. Lei Feng's Day is coming. I can't help thinking of the energetic young man, his kind and amiable face and the light emitted from his bright eyes.

  Comrade Lei Feng is the founder of "Lei Feng spirit". It is his actions that have influenced generations of young people, and his spirit has been carried forward by generations of young people. Lei Feng's spirit will not be lost and will always shine in the long river of time.

  As a teenager, I admire Lei Feng's selfless dedication. At the same time, I want to learn from him. Although we can't "serve the people wholeheartedly", we can serve the class, students and teachers wholeheartedly; Although we can't make a "clear stand between love and hate", we can distinguish right from wrong, stick to our own principles and never go astray; Although we can not achieve the "revolutionary spirit of consistency between words and deeds", we can do what we say and abide by it.

  Lei Feng spirit is not only in our mouth, but also in our life.

  The teachers use the rest time to correct our homework, prepare lessons and give lectures for us; The workers took advantage of their break time to repair the water pipes for us; Doctors are meticulous when they see surgery on weekends; On New Year's Eve, soldiers guard the frontier and defend the country... They are all inheritors of Lei Feng's spirit, our most respectable people and "the most lovely people".

  Lei Feng's willingness to help others and selfless dedication are what people should learn most today. In the class, I should spare some time to explain the topics to the students who ask me. When the students are in trouble, I should give them timely help and comfort others when they are in a bad mood. These trivial things are the truth of the world and Comrade Lei Feng's "past".

  Of course, in learning, we should learn the "nail spirit". Comrade Lei Feng once said: "Some people say that they are busy at work and have no time to study. I think the problem is not busy at work, but whether you are willing to study and whether you squeeze time. There is time to study. The problem is whether we are good at squeezing and whether we are willing to drill. There is no hole on a good wood board, but why can a nail be driven in? This is forced in by pressure." In my daily study and life, my time is extremely tight, and I don't have time to do some things at all, such as reading. It's up to you to squeeze your time. It's up to me. If you can do a big math problem during a break, you can do one page a morning, two pages a day, ten pages a week, one month, two months... The more time you accumulate, the more things you do.

  Lei Feng is the forever respectable and lovely person in our hearts, the young man with a smile all over his face, the people's soldier who always performs his duties, and the eternal Lei Feng spirit.


  Lei Feng, our hero and example, has done many good things in his short life. Lei Feng, we will never forget.

  Now, there are not many Lei Feng. On this day, with the breath of spring, I want to find "little Lei Feng"!

  In order to test the mysterious "little Lei Feng", I threw the banana on the ground and pretended to trip over the banana class. I was eager to see a familiar figure, but I haven't. Finally, a child came over and I tried to pretend to be in pain. However, he seemed to turn a blind eye, hummed a tune, pretended that nothing had happened, and strode past me. "This man is too bad." I thought. While I was still angry, a child wearing a red scarf strode towards me and helped me up. Her pink face looked more lovely under the sun. Her pure heart was so pure. I asked curiously, "why do you help me?" She simply raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "like Uncle Lei Feng, you don't need a reason to help others." I said goodbye to her and walked on the way home. Although it was evening, it was no longer dark on the way forward, and the light lit up the path.

  Lei Feng is a good soldier of Chairman Mao and a good example of the people. I believe there must be "little Lei Feng" on the next road.


  He is tall, with a strong physique, dark and shiny hair and big eyes shining with wisdom. Who is this man? oh Originally, he was my most admired person - cousin Lei Feng, who is handsome, smart and helpful!

  Do you want to understand why I admire my cousin? Do you want to understand why I call him "Lei Feng"? If you want, please listen to me slowly.

  I still remember one scorching noon when my cousin and I went to the park happily. We had a good time. We chased each other, fought and made noise, and soon we were out of breath, sweating and flushed. At this time, we suddenly saw a five-year-old boy swinging towards us, like a circus clown walking on a tightrope. But just listen to "pa!" The little boy fell heavily to the ground and burst into tears. I turned a blind eye and played with nothing, but without saying a word, my cousin rushed up with an arrow, gently picked up the little brother, patted off the ash on him with his hand, and said with concern: "little brother, don't cry, come on, my brother will give you sugar." With that, my cousin took a sugar from his pocket and took it to my little brother. The little brother took the sugar, broke his tears into a smile and said happily, "thank you, brother!" At this time, the little boy's mother came and saw her cousin next to her little brother. She pointed at her cousin indiscriminately and yelled: "look at you, you're so old, you're still bullying children. Do you want to face that!" "Auntie, but..." Auntie didn't allow her cousin to explain, so she took the little boy away angrily. I couldn't wait to ask my cousin, "cousin, you know it's easy to be misunderstood by others. Why do you have to ask for trouble?" My cousin looked at me and said with a smile, "what's this grievance? Didn't I help someone?" My cousin's words made me blush and ashamed! Suddenly, I think my cousin has become taller!

  Dear friends, now you understand the "mystery"!


  March 5 is Lei Feng day. In memory of Lei Feng, that afternoon, the teacher took us to clean the outer wall of the school and some facilities in the school.

  When cleaning the walls outside the school, the students are very active. Some wipe them carefully, some walk around to wash rags, and others jump up and down to pass things, much like a group of lively and busy birds. Passers-by kept praising: it's really good! I heard it in my heart. The dirty fence was scrubbed clean by us. I looked at the fruits of our labor, with a bright smile on my face and thought: Although I'm a little tired, I'm still very happy to clean the campus wall. It turns out that working for school can also make me have fun!

  It's time to clean the facilities in the campus. The rusty flagpole and a lot of dusty basketball stands look like they don't have any luster at all. It's like buying a new basketball and cleaning it from me. I went to the wall of the campus teaching building and wiped the dirty things off the wall with a rag. The wall immediately became white and clean. At this time, I smelled the fragrance of plum blossom, heard the singing of birds and the laughter of students, and the whole campus was full of vitality.

  I think this activity of learning from Lei Feng is very meaningful. As long as we love this campus with our heart, it will still be so beautiful. We should learn from Uncle Lei Feng and be a person who loves the collective and labor, and the world will be better!


  "A flower can't make a beautiful spring. A person who is advanced is always alone, and people who are advanced can move mountains and fill the sea." This is Comrade Lei Feng's famous saying. On March 5, this year is the 50th anniversary of Chairman Mao's inscri ption to Comrade Lei Feng. In order to carry forward Lei Feng's excellent quality of optimism and helping others, our class specially moved the class of moral education to the outside for practical activities of learning from Lei Feng.

  Divide the whole class into six groups, and I am a versatile photographer, following each team to record their labor process. Lei Feng team, let's go!

  First, I followed a small team to the underpass next to the school. Without pliers or gloves, the students picked them up by hand: betel nut residues, cigarette butts and even chewing gum. They all worked together to pick them up. A large garbage bag soon filled up more than half.

  A small team is carefully cleaning up the garbage, and the civilization supervisors are also performing their tasks meticulously. "Aunt, I'm sorry. It's a red light now. Please wait a moment..." "grandma, be careful. Let me help you over..." "uncle, it's a green light now. You can go. Thank you for your cooperation." The supervisors were generous and polite, and the surrounding people couldn't help but give a thumbs up for their performance. "Which school is this student? It's so polite..." "today's children really look like adults when they get serious..." there is also a sound of thanks from time to time, "thank you, little girl. You're so sensible..." "sorry to trouble you, little friend..." "we're Lei Feng in the new era. This is what we should do!" Look, how bold that is!

  I continued to walk forward and watched the students of team 2 and team 3 carefully clean the sentry box and platform. Look, how clean the glass is! Although his face was gray, his face was still filled with a happy smile.

  "Wow, so much rubbish!" Looking at the "achievements" of team 4 and team 5, I can't help sighing. These are rubbish from West Street and South Street. It seems that they are very serious!

  After the activity, the students actively express their feelings. Maybe we worked very hard in this activity, but everyone sang the joy of labor and felt the joy of doing good deeds. Lei Feng's life was like this. He tasted all the ups and downs. A short life is very full.


  In the 1960s, he created a Lei Feng. He is just an ordinary and ordinary person, but he has the spirit of carrying forward the two centuries. Lei Feng is the pride of the Chinese people and the example of the world. This is a famous saying praising Lei Feng. So far, there are many people with Lei Feng spirit. There are many such people on our campus.

  The weather is changeable in early spring. It may be cold in the morning and sweating on the temples at noon. In such weather, there are many volunteers who volunteer to serve the students free of charge on our campus, and they have been active in every corner of the campus. They sacrificed their spare time to serve other students; When others rest, they make their own contribution to beautifying the campus free of charge. They believe that when people come to this world, they can't only care about themselves, their small family and their "small circle", but should: Be kind to others, help others and be beautiful; We should care about others, especially those who are helpless. They also have the right to live a beautiful and happy life.

  However, some people are puzzled, suspicious and even opposed to the volunteers' behavior. They think this behavior is silly and that Lei Feng's spirit is out of date. In today's rapid economic development, most people are busy pursuing material needs against the clock. They think it's better to make money than spend time helping others.

  Lei Feng's spirit, which originated in the 50s and 60s of last century, is a concentrated reflection of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, an essential requirement of socialist morality, and a vivid display of the advanced nature of China's Communist Party and the socialist core value system. Over the past 50 years, Lei Feng spirit has been the moral source that nourishes generation after generation and the strength that spawns batch after batch of moral models. Lei Feng spirit has always played an important role in improving the level of social morality and civilization. The lofty realm represented by Lei Feng spirit has always led the social moral fashion and the spirit of the times.

  Therefore, Lei Feng spirit will never be out of date. Because Lei Feng spirit is the noble spirit bred and refined in the Chinese people's practice of building a good life, embodies the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, connotes the most essential elements of human morality, and represents the core value trend of human progress. Under the new historical conditions of reform and opening up, the socialist core value of Lei Feng spirit is the spiritual power to encourage people to keep pace with the times, explore and innovate. We can see that in nearly half a century, no matter what changes have taken place in the conditions or in the society, the virtues of helping others, loving and dedicated work, diligence and thrift possessed by Lei Feng spirit are needed by our country and vigorously advocated by our society.

  "Human life is limited, but serving the people is infinite. I want to devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely." Such people and such spirit are needed in any era. Where can we talk about "outdated"?

  Today, we practice Lei Feng's practice and pursue Lei Feng's pursuit, which is to constantly inject new era factors into Lei Feng's spirit and make Lei Feng's spirit always new. This is not only our practice and pursuit, but also the historical responsibility of Lei Feng's successors. Let's keep up with the pace of this era and build our campus better.

