
时间:2022-07-09 06:43:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】生机勃勃的春天,硕果累累的秋天,白雪皑皑的冬天,我最喜欢的是给我们带来无限快乐的夏天。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the four seasons of the year, there is spring full of spring; There is a colorful summer; There is a cool autumn; There is a windy winter. However, my favorite is summer. Summer is a colorful season. At a glance, all kinds of colors come into view.

  In the park, the little girl wore a colorful dress and played happily in the colorful flowers; The lotus, planted in late spring and blooming in midsummer, stands majestically in the pool, producing mud without being stained, with a pleasant aroma; On both sides of the path, there are green trees and luxuriant branches; Cicadas on the tree sing happily and enjoy their seasons. But summer is also a scorching season. Brother ye, who is usually active, seems to be stationary; The lively little grass brother also hung his head feebly, as if he were about to be scorched by the sun.

  In summer, the most exciting thing for people today is the summer vacation, during which I can travel all over the world to increase my knowledge. I boarded the cruise, felt a different journey, and felt the same enthusiasm as this season. In the morning, the rising sun is particularly bright, dazzling and full of hope; In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset spread all over the sea, shining like gold. It was gentle and quiet, and I couldn't move my eyes.

  In summer, I wear colorful skirts, eat delicious ice cream, and enjoy the sweetness and coolness that can only be realized in summer. This is my favorite!

  Summer is the best time to swim. In the cool water, I swim happily like a small fish, while a frog swims; A while freestyle; For a while, I will float on the water, not to mention how comfortable I am.

  There are many interesting things in summer. It is really a vibrant season, a season that makes the world full of color, and a season that makes people infatuated. I love you, summer!


  There are four seasons in a year, spring in bud, hot summer, autumn with a breeze, and winter with snow. Among these four seasons, I love summer in particular.

  Everyone has a special favorite season in his heart. For summer, everyone's impression stays in the hot, dry and sweaty summer. And I like summer not only because of its heat, but also because of its comfort and comfort after heat.

  I like summer because I don't have to wrap myself in bulky clothes in summer. In summer, I can wear beautiful and elegant skirts to walk on the street with my friends and enjoy the beauty this season gives us.

  I like summer because I can have a cool and delicious watermelon and thirst quenching cold drink after the heat in summer. Although I can taste cold drinks in four seasons, I think the cold drink after the heat is no longer hot and the watermelon tasting in summer is soulless. I enjoy the moment of coolness after the hot summer.

  I like summer because I can give myself wholeheartedly to the pool in this season. I like swimming, and I prefer the summer when I can swim. I can swim happily in the pool and spend the hot summer refreshing.

  These four seasons have their own styles. I still love summer especially.


  Since ancient times, Chinese poets have written many poems about summer, such as "the lotus leaves in the sky are infinite, and the lotus flowers in the sun are different red" in Yang Wanli's "send Lin Zifang to Jingci temple at dawn" He also wrote in "Xiaochi": "the little lotus just shows its sharp corners, and there has been a dragonfly standing on its head long ago." Summer has shown its beauty in the works of countless talents and beauties. I also like summer.

  Every summer morning, I always go to the river to wash clothes with my sister and sister. Sometimes, my sister is washing clothes, while my sister and I are sitting under the big tree on the Bank of the river, putting our little feet in the cool river, happily patting the spray. Sometimes, we will look for wild flowers on the bank, fold some willows floating in the wind and weave them into garlands. Sometimes, take a self-made insect net, run in the open space on the Bank of the river, catch the dragonfly, play with the butterfly, these lovely little "elves" are also happy to play with us. Because we don't want to hurt small animals, our self-made insect net is to put a plastic bag on the bamboo pole. If we catch it, we will gently put it back into nature after careful observation; If we don't catch it, we will also be very happy, because we caught summer.

  In the evening, I will move all the chairs that can be moved to the yard, arrange them in a neat row, and then put some fruit snacks. Adults sit together under the stars to chat about interesting things during the day or recent gossip. Children run after me around the chair and have a lot of fun. When you are tired of running, you can lie on the chair and look at the stars, or eat some fruit to listen to the adults' conversation, and insert a few words from time to time. When it was late at night, everyone fell into a sweet dream. When the sun rises again, a new day begins.

  Summer, you are really a beautiful and lovely season!


  This is summer. It starts quietly and ends idly.

  I like the window in summer.

  Cicadas are always noisy, but everyone knows that it is an indispensable part of summer. The branches growing on the trees failed to block the sunshine in July even though they tried their best.

  There will always be children passing by, laughing and playing in the shade of the tree. Sometimes I feel like an adult, so I sit in front of the window and watch them make trouble, but I don't want to participate, but I think it's very suitable for summer.

  Of course, the most exciting nature is the sky. The sky in summer is clearer than that in spring, more colorful than that in autumn, and more abundant than that in winter... It is a painter who freely sprinkles in his own world. As long as its paint is green, there are blue and white: pure white, light green, emerald green, light blue, dark blue. The color transition is natural and smooth, and even you will feel that the color of that place can no longer be changed. Perhaps there was an elf hiding behind the white clouds in the blue sky. She lifted a corner of the clouds and peeped secretly at the mortal world.

  I like summer life.

  It's my holiday in midsummer. At that time, the whole life was full of expectations. Look forward to every afternoon, every dinner, every letter today, and everything every day... I believe that summer will bring me all the beauty, so I look forward to everything about it.

  The sound of the fan swaying is always matched with the sound of turning pages of books, the taste of watermelon is always matched with the smell of cooking oil smoke, and the clothes swinging gently in the sun are always matched with the figure of grandma.

  In summer, I don't know who quietly arranged everything, every eye and heart... Many illogical things seem to have become so cordial and harmonious with the blessing of summer.

  Like the season, I don't know why it is summer, just as I don't know why crows are like desks. For no reason, no logic, I just like it. At that moment, he gave me a perfect feeling and gave me the association I wanted.

  Anyway, the universe is so huge. As a tiny bit of it, being willful should be forgiven.


  In the four seasons of the year, each season has its own unique advantages, and the four seasons change rich colors in front of our eyes. Delicate spring; Hot summer; Golden autumn; Snow white winter. Among these seasons, summer is my favorite.

  I love summer lotus. I like to exercise in the early morning of summer, because the lotus is the most beautiful at this time, and it always makes people linger. You see: the petals are red, yellow, white, pink... Its leaves are round and green, and the little frog sings heartily on it; The little Dragonfly uses its leaves as an airport. Watching the dragonfly stop on the lotus leaf reminds me of Yang Wanli's poem "little lotus just shows its sharp corners, and dragonflies have long stood on its head." There are a few drops of dew on the bud. Its shape is very beautiful. The elegant lotus is more beautiful against the green leaves, which can't help but remind me of "the theory of the lotus", which "gives the only lotus out of the mud without being dyed." Reason for.

  I love summer rain. The rain in summer is different, as if it were summer girl's soya bean tears. Along with her unruly and hot temper, she said it immediately, and the explosive force is so strong that people were caught off guard. Looking at the ground, the rain hit the ground hard, and countless blisters appeared, as if summer aunt was venting her unhappiness.

  I prefer swimming pools in summer. Before the summer vacation, my heart has flown to my favorite swimming pool. As soon as I have a holiday, I quarrel about going swimming every day. No way, uncle had to take me. As soon as I got to the pool, I jumped into the water as if the fish had returned to the water. I swam freely in the water, and I was very happy. I grabbed the edge of the pool and carefully moved to the deep-water area. When I came to the deep-water area, I gently pushed the wall of the pool, and the running water took me away from the pool. For a while, I trampled like an athlete, dived into the water, and surfaced again. The water gently stroked me like smooth silk, which was very comfortable.

  I love you - summer.


  Cicadas kept shouting, as if announcing the arrival of summer. Although it's a little hot this summer, it's still a lot of fun.

  The morning is the cooler time of the day. I invited several friends to catch cicadas in Daping. Don't underestimate my friends. Although they are young and not tall, their ability to catch cicadas can't be underestimated. They are all tree climbers. They can climb to the top of the tree by dividing three by five. Cicadas are very stupid. They often stay there foolishly and don't move, so it's easy to catch cicadas. Although it is easy to catch cicadas, it is difficult to find cicadas. "Don't see the body, smell the sound first" is the secret of catching cicadas. But what the ear tells you is not always correct, so sometimes it will be misled by the cicada sound, which makes you take many unnecessary detours. Moreover, there are often green caterpillars on the big trees, which undoubtedly adds a lot of difficulties to cicada catching. But a person who really likes catching cicadas can always enjoy it, just like me.

  Summer is the most suitable time to grow flowers and plants. Somehow, in this summer vacation, I suddenly fell in love with raising flowers. Flowers are full of vitality in summer. After a day's absence, you can find that they have grown a lot taller. Raising flowers is a very tiring thing. Watering, disinfestation and fertilization are repeated. In short, you should give them meticulous care all the time. The pleasure of raising flowers is to see them grow. When you see them grow up, an inexplicable feeling rushes into your heart. Maybe this is a sense of achievement. Because of this feeling, I fell in love with raising flowers.

  At night, the temperature drops suddenly. After dinner, I went for a walk in Yuelu square, less than 50 meters from home. Walking around the square, I found myself much more comfortable. So I sat on the stone bench to have a rest, while hale and hearty old people were playing Tai Chi beside the lawn, and innocent children were rolling and playing in the lawn. What a harmonious picture. Looking at this picture, I feel a lot easier, as if I were integrated with nature. A faint wind blew, bringing a hint of coolness, and took away a little worry, so that there was no wave in my heart. One word, cool!

  It is because summer has so much fun that I fall in love with this vibrant season - summer.


  Come, finally come, summer is finally coming!

  She represents enthusiasm and boldness, sending away spring and bringing a more vibrant land to us.

  I love the lush flowers and plants——

  Lotus and lotus leaves are dancing beautifully in the pond, and even some flowers whose petals are not open are also coming to join the fun. They are like graceful girls, twisting their waist branches and dancing! The trees on the hillside are covered with a large clump of luxuriant hair, and the luxuriant green leaves are more than the stars in the sky!

  I love that sweet fruit——

  When you get home in summer, open the refrigerator, take out a big watermelon and hold it in your arms. It seemed to say, "Hey, why is it so slow? Don't you want to eat me?" I immediately took out a knife and cut the watermelon in half. Wow, with black melon seeds embedded in the red sand pulp, it looks delicious! I took out another spoon and sent it to my mouth spoon by spoon, which made me burp. Ah, it's great to eat a cold watermelon in summer!

  I love the cool river——

  Plop into the river, isn't it cool? A little fish swam to me and played with me; A prawn arched his back and tickled me with his beard; A crab crawled to the bottom of my foot and clamped my toe. Hey, a group of children are also here! We had fun splashing water together.

  I love the strong feeling that summer brings to me——

  Hot pot is the most exciting food in summer. When hot pot is on the table, everyone can't wait to put the dishes in. After a while, everyone rushed forward, sweating profusely, and everyone's face was as red as pepper. Even so, my hands still don't listen to me and put them in the hot pot.

  I love summer and everything about her!


  Summer is a hot season.

  Every morning, when I write my summer homework in front of the window, I always hear cicadas chirping loudly on the treetops, as if saying to me, "it's hot... It's hot..."

  Every noon, when my father came back from work, he would stop by the watermelon stall on the roadside and pick a big, round watermelon. Dad is serious when choosing watermelons. It seems that every watermelon is his father's fat doll. Dad gently held the watermelon with his left hand, and then gently knocked on the watermelon with his right hand. At this time, the watermelon will make a Dong... Dong... Dong... Sound. My father said, "those who can make this crisp sound are ripe watermelons, which taste sweet."

  Summer is also the season of lotus blooming. After dinner every day, my parents always take my little hand for a walk in Baihe park. Walking on the tree lined path, enjoying the beautiful scenery in summer, I feel very fresh. A breeze blew, and the lotus in the lotus pond swayed left and right in the wind, as if nodding and smiling at us. This can't help but remind me of an ancient poem in the text: "the lotus leaves in the sky are infinite, and the lotus flowers in the sun are different.".

  However, nothing makes me happier than swimming in summer! Dad said that only when the temperature exceeded 37 ℃, can he take me swimming. Dad's swimming skills are superb, and he can do many moves: breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, and dog planing! I can't do any of these. I'm best at "holding my breath". I have to choke several salivas every time, but I'm still very happy! Summer is not only hot, but also colorful and full of vitality!


  In the scorching summer, the scorching sun was like fire. Noisy cicadas shouted "cicadas, cicadas" on the branches, one after another. The earth was so hot that no one would stay in the street. They hurried home. The whole world was like a big steamer, stuffy and hot.

  Suddenly, ripples appeared on the water, and the wind made the branches shake disorderly, and the cicada immediately became silent. Dark clouds were thick, and a dendritic white light flashed in the sky, dividing the dark clouds into two. Then, with a "boom", a few drops of sporadic rain fell in the air, such as broken beads scattered on the ground, "Hoo Hoo -" the strong wind roared in the air, and another deafening "bang".

  In an instant, the raindrops changed from the size of beans to the size of coins, and torrential rain followed. "Hua Hua", the rain drops are like a drummer, frantically beating jazz rock music. The house, the car and the earth have become its instruments. The branches are its like-minded friends. With the beat, they swing left and right, and still make a "rustling" sound. The air is wet.

  The raindrops are colored, and they "tick" on the leaves, becoming emerald green; It "tick" fell on the stamens and became golden; It "tick" fell on the eaves and became orange

  Gradually, the sound of rain became smaller, and only the sound of "crash" echoed in my ears. The world slowly quieted down, no more thunder, no more wind. The air became cleaner, and birds chirped in the branches, "chirping", as if they were satisfied with this new world.

  A wisp of golden light pushes away the dark clouds and illuminates the earth. The fragrance of flowers is the flavor of nature, which is permeated in the air


  There are many colors in summer.

  The sky in summer is so blue that there is no impurity. A group of birds flew across the sky, chirping while flying, as if to say, "we love summer, love this beautiful summer!" Oh, summer is blue.

  Many lotus flowers have bloomed in the lotus pond. Some only have twoorthree petals, pale pink, like a shy girl; Some petals are all unfolded, dark pink, like a big girl; Some are still flowery, like a cute little sister with a shy smile. Oh, summer is pink.

  In the distance, rows of green pines stood on both sides of the road, like brave soldiers standing on the roadside. Qingsong wears a wrinkled brown coat and a turquoise hat. He really looks like a commander. Oh, summer is blue.

  Looking closer, the pomegranate dolls on the pomegranate tree were all dressed in red, as bright as fire. Because of the new clothes, pomegranate doll was very happy and broke her belly with laughter. Oh, summer is red.

  You see, the flowers on the ground are blooming: red, pink, white, green, purple... These flowers are pink like Xia, red like fire, white like pearl, green like emerald, purple like agate, how bright! Oh, summer is colorful.

  Look, how beautiful the clouds are in the evening! There are red, yellow, purple... Colorful clouds in various forms: some are like Fairies in brocade; Some are like a flock of sheep; Some are like a group of golden rabbits. They are red like dragon fruit and yellow like lemon; Purple like grapes. Oh, summer is colorful.

  I love summer, love this colorful summer!
