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  choose a particuler brand for children

  you have been asked to recommend a pa rticula r br and of bread for use in elementa ry schools in a small city . which of the four brands of bread described in the char t would you recommend ? support your choice with information f rom the chart below .

  which br and of bread is the most s uit able for elementary school children ? befor e we make the choice , ther e a re three things we need to take into account : tast e, nut rition and cost .

  among the thr ee , i believe nutrition is the most impor - tant . childr en in elementary schools are at an age when their bodies a re growing rapidly . malnut rition will cer tainly hinder their bodies f rom growing , and poor health will oft en r es ult in poor lea rning . taste is also impor tant because tasty bread can help stimulate children’s appetite . children will not like to eat poor- tasting bread r egardless of its level of nut rition . a good appetite gua rantees sufficient nutrition .

  therefore , i will cer tainly recommend brand a, because both its nut rition and taste a re ve ry good .

  neithe r brand c nor brand d is a good choice because the former has a very good nutritional ra ting but not a good taste ; while the lat ter has an excellent taste but only a fair nut ritional rating .

  being les s nutritional and tasteful , brand b is not as good a choice as brand a, despite their similar costs . so , tha t leaves only brand a . it is t rue that brand a has the highest price , but i believe that most of the schools would not really mind paying a little bit mor e money for school childr en’s bet ter health .


  · which br and of bread to choose ?

  * three factors to be conside red: nut rition , taste and cost

  · nut rition as against taste

  * a comparison

  * impor tance of nutrition

  * impor tance of taste

  * decision

  · an analysis

  * br and c and brand d

  * br and b

  * final choice — a

  * price — no problem



  本文是一篇图表作文, 要求按图表中提示的信息为小学生选择一种牌子的面包。本题曾为一托福考题, 作者“ 借题发挥”根据自己的思路作文。这类题型的写作多用比较和对照, 这也是托福写作的一大特点。此外, 这类作文的结论不受限制, 完全 可按作者的意图来写, 但必须有充足的理由。本文中, 作者首先分述营养与口味两大因素并加以比较和权衡, 而价格则不在话下。四者相比后决定选a。然后在第三段中排除c 和d, 最后 a 和b 相比, 决定选择的。本文适合多种考试的应试者,以托福考生为最。



  take . . . into account 考虑⋯⋯

  at an age when . . . 在⋯⋯的年龄

  malnut rition n . 营养不良

  hinder v . 防止, 妨碍

  regardles s of 不管, 不顾

  despite prep . 尽管

  it is true tha t . . . 诚然

