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【#四年级# 导语】知己知彼,百战不殆,熟悉每一种题型的解法,这样才会对考试中不同形式的题目都应付自如。®文档大全网准备了以下内容,供大家参考。 篇一
   ( ) 1、A. hen B. cow C. fat
   ( ) 2、A. rainy B. windy C. Hello
   ( ) 3、A. blue B. shirt C. jacket
   ( ) 4、A. one B.time C. thirty
   ( ) 5、A.art room B. computer room C. board
   ( ) 1、Welcome to our _________!
   A. school B. homework C. students.
   ( ) 2、What time is it ? It’s________ .
   A. 8 B. 8 o’clock C. 8 clock’s
   ( ) 3、Is that your sweater ? ________.
   A. No,it is B. Yes,it is c.Yes,it isn’t
   ( ) 4、What’s the weather like today ? ________.
   A.It’s sunny B. It’s 3:20 C. Six
   ( ) 5、How much is this dress ?________ .
   A. pretty B. too expensive C. 99yuan
   ( ) 6. How _____ sheep are there? Thirteen.
   A. much B. Many C. many
   ( )7. The pants _____ very expensive.
   A. is B. are C. am
   ( ) 8. It’s 7:10. It’s time ______ go to school.
   A. to B. for C. of
   ( ) 9. _______ is this sweater? It’s Sarah’s.
   A. Where B. Whose C. What
   ( ) 10. Can I help you? Yes. I ______ a pair of sneakers.
   A. see B. wear C. want
   1、( ) What’s the weather like there?A. No, you can’t.
   2、( ) Where are my jeans ?B、Yes, it is.
   3、( )What time is it?C、 It’s rainy.
   4、( ) Can I wear my new skirt?D、It’s twelve o’clock.
   5、( ) Is it cool?E、They’re on the bed.
   Good morning, this is the weather report. It’s rainy in Shanghai. You must take your raincoat. It’s cold in Beijing. Please put on your boots.
   It’s snowy in Harbin, we can make a snowman. It’s sunny and warm in Hong Kong. You can play football. That’s all. Goodbye. w
   ( )1、What’s the weather like in Shanghai?
   A. It’s rainy. B. It’s snowy. C. It’s sunny and warm.
   ( )2、Is it cold in Beijing?
   A. Yes, you can. B. No, you can’t. C. Yes, it is.
   ( )3、Can you make a snowman in Harbin?
   A. Yes, you can. B. No, you can’t. C. Yes, it is.
   ( )4、What’s the weather like in Hong Kong?
   A. It’s rainy. B. It’s snowy. C. It’s sunny and warm.
   ( )5、You can play in Hong Kong.
   A. football B. basketball C. volleyball
   1. wide(反义词)_________
   2. go(过去式)________
   5. match(第三人称单数)________
   from   in   of   on   to
   1. The capital ______ America is Washington D.C.
   2. This planet is far_____ the sun.
   3. The birds live ____ the tree.
   4. New York is ______ the east of America.
   5. Shanghai is _______ the south of Beijing.
   rings, planet, bag, postcard, stars, hot
   1. The sun is big and______.
   2.There is lots of _____ in the space.
   3. The earth is a _____ that moves around the sun.
   4. This planet has got three beautiful _______.
   5. The mother kangaroo has a special _______ for her baby.
   6. I will send you a ________ from Beijing.
   A: Where did you go, yesterday? B: We ____ to a computer shop. A: Did you buy a new____? B: No, I didn’t. It was ____ for me to choose. Some were powerful______ very expensive. Some were cheap but not beautiful.
   1. Do you like koalas? Why?
   2. What are you going to do this summer?
   3. Where will you go this weekend?
   4. Where do you live?
   5. Who is your English teacher?
   6. Who is your good friend?
   1.The man is not old. He looks very____.
   2.The girl was ____ then. But now he is_________.
   3.My brother was short but now he is_______.
   4. This computer is very
   expensive. I will buy one because it is_________.
   5. I will give this big apple to my mother and the _______apple is for me.
   6. This river is very narrow and dirty, But it was________.
   I’m Lingling. I like traveling(旅游)。 On the summer holiday, I went to Australia with my parents. We lived in Sydney. It is a beautiful city. We saw a lot of flowers. We also saw some
   Koalas and kangaroos, Koalas were very cute. Kangaroos jump on their back legs. Mother
   Kangaroos have special bags for the babies. I like Australia. And we will go to London next
   1. When did Lingling go to Australia?
   2. Where did they live?
   3. How do the Kangaroos jump?
   4. Does she like Australia?
   5. Where will they go next year?

   一、 Fill in the blanks. (按括号里的提示把下列单词写完整,一个横格只填一个字母。)
   1. si _ (中国人的幸运数字)
   2. bl _ e (大海的颜色)
   3. dre_ _ (女孩穿的衣服)
   4. footba_ _ (一种体育运动)
   5. b _ g (small 的反义词)
   6. oran_ _ (一种水果)
   7. d_ g (一种动物)
   8. s_ cks (脚上穿的)
   9. comp _ ter (用它能上网)
   10. nine + four = thirt _ _n
   二、 Think and choose. (选出每组中不同类的单词。)
   1. this that here these those
   2. thirteen fourteen fifteen twelve sixteen
   3. colourful pretty cheap expensive hundred
   4. breakfast lunch canteen supper dinner
   5. cold floor cool warm hot
   6. chicken hamburgers vegetables nooldles hot dogs
   7. tomatoes onion carrots potatoes cucumbers
   8. teacher father mother sisiter brother
   9. cool sunny rainy windy cloudy
   10. jeans pants skirt socks shoes
   三、 Read and answer. (找答语。将右栏答语前的序号填在前面的括号内。)
   ( )Welcome to our school.A. It’s 7 o’clock.
   ( ) Is this a teacher’s desk?B. Great!
   ( ) What time is it?C. It’s sunny.
   ( ) Let’s go to the playground.D. Thank you.
   ( ) What’s the weather like today?E. Yes, it is.
   ( ) Can I wear my T- shirt?F. It’s white.
   ( ) How many cows do you have?G. One hundred.
   ( ) How much is it?H. It’s on the second floor.
   ( ) Where is the teacher’s office?I. It’s twenty yuan.
   ( ) What colour is it?J. No, you can’t.   四、 Put the words in the right order. (连词组句。)
   1. time class for It’s math
   2. your Is sweater that
   3. cold it Is
   4. I help Can you
   5. are there How horses many
   五、 Read and choose. (选择填空。把正确答案的序号写在括号里。)
   ( ) 1. Look _____ the shirt. It’s very pretty.
   A. in B. at C. on
   ( ) 2. How much ______ they?
   They are eight yuan.
   A. is B. am C. are
   ( ) 3. How _____ pens do you have?
   I have three pens.
   A. many B. much C. Many
   ( ) 4. What can you see _____ the farm?
   A. under B. at C. of
   ( ) 5. What are they?
   They are ______.
   A. goat B. horse C. sheep
   ( ) 6. Are they watermelons?
   A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it’s not.
   ( ) 7. Where is the ______ office?
   A. teacher’s B. teachers C. Teachers
   ( ) 8. It’s time to _______.
   A. go to school B. go to home C. go school
   ( ) 9. This is _______ computer, that is _______ computer.
   A. me, you B. my, your C. my, you
   ( ) 10. _______ jacket is it?
   A. Who B. whose C. Whose
   六、 Reading comprehension. (阅读理解。)
   A. Read and write. (根据提示完成短文。)
   This is my farm, there are many animals on my farm. Oh, this is a ________ (猪), that is a _______ (牛)。 Look,there are four ________ (绵羊),two ________ (鸭子) and many ______ (马)。 This farm is so big.
   B. Read, tick or cross. (根据下列短文内容,判断对错。)
   Dear Grandma,
   Thank you for the new T-shirt. It’s so cool! It’s hot in Shanghai. It’s sunny too. I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a pair of sandals. They are fifty yuan. They are too expensive.
   What’s the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many new ducks are there?
   1. John has a new T- shirt. ( )
   2. It is cool in Shanghai. ( )
   3. Grandma is at the farm. ( )
   4. The sandals are thirty yuan. ( )
   5. It’s hot and sunny in Shanghai. ( )
   一、Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)
   ( ) 1. A. shirt B. skirt C. T- shirt D. dress
   ( ) 2. A. sunny B. cloudy C. rainy D. snowy
   ( ) 3. A. these B. they C. this D. those
   ( ) 4. A. thirteen B. eleven C. fifteen D. twenty
   ( ) 5. A. colour B. pretty C. beautiful D. colourful
   ( ) 6. A. cheap B. expensive C. nice D. good
   ( ) 7. A. boots B. slippers C. sneakers D. sandals
   ( ) 8. A. apple B. pear C. banana D. orange
   ( ) 9. A. carrots B. onions C. potatoes D. tomatoes
   ( ) 10. A. garden B. canteen C. library D. playground
   二、Listen and choose. (听录音,给听到的句子选择正确的答语。)
   ( ) 1. A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, he is.
   ( ) 2. A. On the bed.B. White.
   ( ) 3. A. It’s blue.B. They are blue.
   ( ) 4. A. It’s my jacket.B. No, it isn’t.
   ( ) 5. A. It’s Mike’s.B. They are sheep.   三、Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,完成短文,每空填一次。)
   Good morning. This is the weather report. It’s ______ in Beijing. It’s _______ in Lhasa. It’s ________ in Hong Kong. It’s _______ in London and it’s ______ in Sydney. Good luck, bye.

