
时间:2022-09-14 21:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】月到十五分外明,人到中秋情更浓,金秋季节景更美,圆圆明月更传情。遥寄情思与明月,清辉脉脉祝福行,祝君坦途通仙境,国盛家富事业兴。祝中秋快乐!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. Our family had a reunion dinner and then sat in the yard to enjoy the moon.

  I didn't see the moon at all. Now it may be sister Chang'e who took it to take a bath to make it brighter.

  We were eating moon cakes while waiting for the moon to come out. After a while, ah, the moon finally came out! Look, the bright and round moon is hanging in the air like a white jade plate. Several stars are like "heavenly soldiers and generals", faithfully guarding around it. The moon looks at the world like a "general". It seems to be looking for people in trouble. It can help.

  I looked at it as if I saw sister Chang'e dancing in front of the Jade Emperor. The lights on the road were bright, turning the black sky into day.

  I like eating moon cakes very much, and I prefer the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival.


  Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. Everyone on the street is happy and full of festivities.

  In the morning, I followed my mother to the supermarket to buy moon cakes. I chose a box of moon cakes with very delicate packaging. The outer box has the picture of Chang'e rushing to the moon. The moon cakes are engraved with the four seal characters of "Mid Autumn Festival reunion". My mother told me that today we went to grandma's house for the Mid Autumn Festival. This box of moon cakes was given to grandma by us.

  At noon, we went to grandma's house. We gave the moon cakes to grandma and sent her cordial greetings: "Happy Mid Autumn Festival!" Grandma smiled, like wild chrysanthemums in full bloom in the field.

  I've been looking forward to watching the moon on the mid autumn festival for a long time, but it's a pity that it's drizzling tonight. I have no choice but to listen to grandma at home telling many fairy tales such as "Wu Gang rowing the laurel", "Chang'e rushing to the moon" and "jade rabbit making medicine". Look, my father took a sip of tea and said, "Wu Gang cut down a leaf from the Osmanthus fragrans tree for a year. When it fell from the sky to the world, it became a golden leaf. This golden leaf will fall at the door of the most hardworking people in the world, and the family will become rich. Therefore, as long as people are hard-working, they will certainly live a good life. Industry is wealth." Listening to my father's story, I once again entered my imagination. I seemed to see that the osmanthus leaves were floating down from the sky and just landed at my door

  This is another unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival. I'm very happy today. I'll remember this mid autumn festival in my heart.


  I was so excited when I got up this morning. Because today is the Mid Autumn Festival, I will go to my grandfather's house for the Mid Autumn Festival.

  On the road, a gust of breeze blew into the car to play with me; In the car, the chirping sound surrounds our ears. It turns out that birds are also celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival.

  After getting off the bus, I went to my grandfather's house step by step. Not long after, my sister also came, and I played with her.

  When the sun goes West, the moon also rises. We moved the table outside and waited for the moon to rise high. Finally, the moon lifted her mysterious veil, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, the leaves, and my heart. I took a bite of grandma's moon cake and said, "Grandma's moon cake is really good." Grandma smiled happily. We enjoyed the moon while eating. We also heard grandma tell the story of "Chang'e running to the moon" and "Wu Gang cutting down laurels". We are immersed in the beautiful imagination. Suddenly, a fireworks rose into the sky, adding to the atmosphere of many festivals.

  When the weather gradually cooled down and it was already more than 12 o'clock, we reluctantly returned home. In my dream, I also played with Chang'e and jade rabbit in the moon palace!

  This is really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival. Next time, I will have such a mid autumn festival. This mid autumn festival, I not only ate delicious food, but also saw beautiful scenery. It is really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is called "the moon's Eve" and "August Festival", also known as "reunion festival". In ancient times, the Chinese people held a ceremony to welcome the cold and sacrifice the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. People put moon cakes, watermelons, apples, red dates, plums, grapes and other sacrifices to sacrifice.

  On the night before this year's Mid Autumn Festival, the moon was spotless, and the clouds brought by the typhoon set off the moon. It is really the so-called colorful clouds chasing the moon! My mother and I bought back a roast duck, and on the dinner table, we continued to put moon cakes with different tastes, which were delicious. At 7 o'clock sharp, we had a dinner. We watched the full moon like a jade plate emerge in the sky, dotted with the dark sky.

  While watching the round moon intently, I picked a moon cake with swans on it to taste. When I chewed the moon cake slowly, I felt the sweet and delicious taste of bean paste. At this time, my father talked about the story of Chang'e running to the moon: "it is said that in ancient times, a man named Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind-hearted wife named Chang'e. Hou Yi obtained a package of immortality from the queen mother, and was informed by an evil minded Peng Meng. He held a sword and threatened Chang'e to hand over the immortality. Chang'e took out the immortality, swallowed it, and flew to the nearest moon to become an immortal." I listened with interest to their eloquent speeches.

  On this mid autumn festival, I not only tasted the crisp taste of moon cakes, but also learned the legend of Chang'e running to the moon and felt the atmosphere of family reunion. What an unforgettable and Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


  It is said that the moon is the roundest this year.

  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, after our family ate the moon cakes, I took my father and mother to the park to enjoy the moon. We talked as we walked. How happy. After a while, there was a slight light in the sky. I looked up and saw that the round moon was already hanging in the air. I quickly said, "Dad, mom, look, the moon is coming out!"

  I saw a bright moon hanging high in the air. I remember people often say, "the moon is especially bright when it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival." Now I feel that this sentence is really reasonable. Look, the moon with a halo is golden, slowly passing through wisps of light smoke like white clouds, constantly rising higher in the sky. In an instant, the color of the moon became lighter and whiter. It was proudly rising. It became so cute and interesting, just like a silver plate, emitting white light after white light. I looked at it, as if I saw the shadow of sister Chang'e and the jade rabbit, and as if Uncle Wu Gang was cutting down the osmanthus tree! At this time, I remembered a poem I learned when I was a child: "when I was young, I didn't know the moon. I called it a white jade plate. I also doubted that the jade mirror was flying at the end of the blue cloud. The immortals hung their feet, and the osmanthus trees were so regimented. The white rabbit made medicine, and asked who to eat with."

  The moon is like a big pearl, adding light and color to the world, and like a night lamp, bringing light to us. Ah, what a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival!


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is here again! We can eat moon cakes, fruits and enjoy the moon again.

  On the mid autumn festival every year, my parents and I reunite with Grandpa at noon and have dinner at Grandma's house in the evening. After dinner, it was still early, so my mother took me to the osmanthus forest opposite the seventh middle school. I can smell the faint fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans from afar. Osmanthus fragrans are small, yellow, like yellow butterflies, white, like white snow. My mother also told me that osmanthus has many functions. It can be used to make osmanthus cake, make osmanthus wine, and make osmanthus candy that I love.

  My mother and I walked home On the way, the moon was already quietly hanging in the sky. It was so round, bright and beautiful. I seem to see the beautiful Chang'e with the jade rabbit dancing on it. Unknowingly, I was downstairs. I couldn't bear to go upstairs. Looking up at the bright moon in the night sky from a distance, I thought of my brother-in-law, who was a graduate student in another place. He couldn't come back to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with us. I didn't know what he was doing. I missed him so much. I wanted to say to him, "Happy Mid Autumn Festival"!

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable! Especially the fragrant osmanthus and the beautiful full moon, I went to sleep with such a beautiful night scene.


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. In the early morning, I went back to my grandmother's home with my parents. On the way, I saw many people rushing home with moon cake gift boxes. It should be that they were eager to reunite with their families!

  At noon, the family got together to have a reunion dinner. The food was very rich. There were many delicious things, such as chicken feet, chicken wings, roast duck, potato shreds and so on, which I like to eat. I had a round stomach.

  In the evening, my parents took me to play trampoline in Wuyi green space, where I met many classmates and friends and had a great time. When I got home, my mother cut a few mooncakes. The three of us were eating mooncakes while enjoying the moon. My mother also told me fairy tales related to the Mid Autumn Festival, such as "Chang'e running to the moon" and "Wu Gang breaking the laurel". Today's moon is big and round, and it is still shining with pale yellow light. When I think of the fairy tale told by my mother, I seem to see a figure cutting osmanthus trees, and I also seem to see the figure of sister Chang'e holding a little white rabbit on the moon alone. I think that in this festival of family reunion, she is also missing her relatives on the moon!

  I entered a sweet dream in my imagination of fairy tales. This is really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival!


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner, my family and I went to the top floor to enjoy the moon.

  As night falls, a full moon is rising, and the silver moonlight reflects a few feather like light clouds. My family and I sat around, eating moon cakes and chatting about family life. It was wonderful. I think of the poem "drinking alone under the moon" written by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. He chanted loudly and casually: "a pot of wine in the flower room, drinking alone, no blind date. Raise your glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadow will become three people." As soon as the voice fell, applause broke out. Everyone greatly appreciated my eloquent performance.

  Grandpa told me that appreciating the moon is a popular custom from ancient times to the present, and the Mid Autumn Festival was established in the Tang Dynasty. When the moon reaches the Mid Autumn Festival, it is divided into outer circles. When the ancients saw the full moon, they naturally thought of reuniting with their relatives. Appreciating the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is not only a family activity, but also a gathering of relatives and friends. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, it's fun to put delicious moon cakes or seasonal fruits on the courtyard, roof or open-air public places with bright moonlight, brew a pot of good tea, enjoy the moon while tasting tea, and chat and reminisce about the past together. I picked up the tea cup and said, let's drink to the future. Cheers!

  I looked up at the full moon on the 15th, like a snowball, inlaid in the dark blue night sky, which looked especially bright. This year's Mid Autumn Festival, I not only tasted delicious moon cakes, but also learned the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. I was really happy.


  August 15th is a traditional Chinese festival - Mid Autumn Festival. I love the bright moon on this day, and I love the atmosphere of the family reunion eating moon cakes.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is my favorite festival. Every time I go to the Mid Autumn Festival, I think of the white moon. I feel that this day is also a festival of the moon. The naughty stars in the sky seem to know it too, and they don't fight for the moon. The moon is round and rolling. It looks like a big jade plate, a chubby balloon with a big belly, and bright silver. This reminds me of a poem written by Li Bai, a "poetic Fairy": "when I was young, I didn't know the moon, so I called it a white jade plate. I also suspected that the Yaotai mirror was flying at the end of the blue cloud."

  I like not only the moon, but also moon cakes. One mid autumn festival, my mother quietly took out fragrant and crisp moon cakes and put them on the cabinet to worship mother-in-law moon. Unexpectedly, I stood beside the moon cakes inexplicably, picked them up and put them into my mouth. The taste of each mouthful was delicious and delicious. It happened that the family was reunited on the mid autumn festival for everyone to eat together. I grabbed a few and ran like a horse. When I got to the table, I gave them each one. We ate moon cakes and talked happily.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for reunion. We enjoy the moon, eat cakes and spend this beautiful day together.


  Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival again!

  Mother set up a banquet on the balcony of the house, with moon cakes, oranges, apples and so on.

  When night fell, a bright moon rose from the hillside! It is golden at first, and gradually it goes through a cloud of light smoke, rising and rising! Suddenly, in an instant, the color of the moon turned pale and white! It rose proudly and high. Its round ground is so cute and interesting, like a silver jade plate reflecting white light!

  Ah, the white moon, you must have aroused so many imagination!

  Chang'e fairy steals the magic medicine and is keeping a vigil in the lonely Guanghan palace; Wu Gang is cutting osmanthus trees in the moon. You must want to accompany the lonely Chang'e. how much you want to help Wu Gang cut osmanthus trees and tease the jade rabbit who is making trouble!

  On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, our family sat under the bright moonlight, enjoying the beautiful moon and eating the sweet moon cakes!
