
时间:2021-08-21 21:40:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】教的是书,翻开的是人生无数精彩的篇章;树的是人,长成的是世间顶天立地的儿女;燃的是烛,焚尽的是心头红泪始干的血汗;最最亲爱的老师啊,9月10日教师节来临,愿辛劳的您,收到无尽诚挚的祝福,绽放无尽真心的微笑!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  1. Teacher, thank you for illuminating the journey of my life with your own light of life. I am full of gratitude to you.

  2. No one deserves such a deep thanks than you. This day alone is far from enough to express our gratitude to you.

  3. Flowers and applause expressed the wishes of the students: teacher, you have worked hard! Students wish you: every day "9. 10", always happy!

  4. Maybe you are not the best, but you are the best in my heart! Happy holidays, teacher!

  5. You are like a hard gardener. We are like the little trees you cultivate. We are willing to resist the cold in winter, bring you green in spring, cool in summer and fruitful in autumn!

  6. You are the engineer of the soul! We will always respect you and love you! I wish you all the best and have a good mood every day!

  7. Teacher, I will always remember what you taught me. It is you who made me understand the truth of being a man.

  8. You have illuminated my way forward with the torch of life. I want to say to you sincerely: Thank you, teacher

  9. You are a magical beach where I can pick up those beautiful shells in the world. Happy Teacher's Day!

  10. You are like a candle, giving all the light and heat for the students! Your character and spirit can be summarized in two words, that is burning!

  11. As high as the sky is your mind, as deep as the mountains is your kindness. Please accept my sincere wishes. Happy Teacher's Day!

  12. Sunny, the gardener's heart is warm in spring; Rain and dew moisten, peach and plum buds red. You've been working hard! I wish you a happy Teacher's day.

  13. When I was a child, I always thought you were too strict. Now I know this is the expression of your love. Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!

  14. You are a kind of fire, lighting the fire of students' hearts; You are a stone step, bearing my step-by-step upward climb; You are a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others.

  15. In the future, whether I become a towering tree or a low shrub, I will bless you with the green of life, my teacher!


  1. Those who are grateful are happy, those who know how to be grateful are happy, and those who are often grateful are successful. Friends, when teacher's day comes, let's wish together and send our grateful greetings together.

  2. Send a text message to send blessings. Every word has my deep concern, continuous greetings, Acacia and warm thoughts. May the moon night be accompanied by happiness and decorate your colorful life. I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!

  3. Your thoughts, your words, are full of poetry, contain philosophy, and look so magical - Oh, how many wonderful ripples have they stirred up in my mind!

  4. Today, there is no applause, no flowers, no sweet words, and no slander. There is only the long cherished wish of the students. I wish the teachers a happy holiday and the family a happy life.

  5. Your temples have gradually turned gray, and years have quietly climbed onto your face and carved traces. The three foot platform left you the sweat of silent cultivation, but now we have grown up and dare not forget your teaching. Thank you, teacher!

  6. Don't say don't mean don't miss, don't see don't mean don't care, no matter how far distance can't stop my missing for you, no matter how many words can't tell my thanks to you, thank you, my dear teacher, happy Teacher's Day!

  7. A grateful heart, a sincere heart and some practical actions are what we should do to thank our teachers. Let's take action and thank the teacher for our excellent achievements!

  8. There is an emotion that can't stay with each other for a long time, there is a kind of pay without return but without end, and there is a kind of persistence that never leaves but never lets go. Teacher, thank you for caring for each of us. I sincerely wish you a happy holiday.

  9. Teacher, you are like a cultivator and planter of beauty. It is you who shine with beautiful sunshine and moisten with beautiful rain and dew that make our hearts green with grass and flowers.

  10. You are a gardener and carefully cultivate the pillars of the country; It is a candle that burns itself to illuminate others; It's a lighthouse that guides us in the direction. Let's move from ignorance to civilization and from childishness to maturity. Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!

  11. Teacher's Day is coming. I've been worried about it for a long time. I want to thank my teacher, but I don't know how to express it. I'm worried about buying gifts every day. Seeing that the festival is coming, I have to send a winding up text message to bless you. I wish you a happy holiday!

  12. Birds call from the branches to sing praises to you. On the three foot podium, there is your sonorous shadow. They lose pillars for the country and teach students according to their aptitude; Youth is a good time, dedication does not regret, tomorrow's branches are beautiful, throwing bricks to attract jade; May you always be healthy and happy without limit.

  13. Teachers: thousands of exhortations, thousands of instructions, thousands of inspiration, thousands of teachings, thousands of feelings with one heart, thousands of payments without regret, thousands of peaches and plums, people all over the world and thousands of families praise you. My gratitude will last forever. I wish you a happy Teacher's day for thousands of years.

  14. You are the trendsetter of the times, leading us to roam in the ocean of knowledge. You are a hard gardener and cultivate us to thrive. You are a selfless spring silkworm, devote yourself to us. I wish you a happy Teacher's day.

  15. Chalk is a teacher's helper; Blackboard is the treasure of teachers' teaching knowledge; The three foot platform is a stage for teachers to show their style; Year after year, spring, summer, autumn and winter witnessed the selfless dedication of teachers!


  1. You are a flower, beautiful and fragrant; You are still a flower of wisdom, and the students are fascinated by you. On the occasion of teacher's day, may your flower bloom better and better, fragrance float for thousands of miles, and benefit the land of China!

  2. In front of the podium, cold and summer come and go, day after day, you earnestly teach and show your style on the podium; In the campus, spring, summer, autumn and winter, year after year, you irrigate hard and make the garden fragrant. Teacher's Day is coming. I wish you peach and plum all over the world!

  3. Hold high the torch of wisdom and lead us through the darkness of ignorance; Start the giant ship of knowledge and lead us to the other side of life; Spread out the drawing paper of youth and lead us to describe the grandeur of life. Happy Teachers' Day!

  4. You are the spring rain, watering the vision of seedlings; You are candlelight, illuminating the childish mind; You are a motor, pushing and guiding every student forward. No gift on teacher's day. Send a blessing and light up the teacher's relieved smile.

  5. The most beautiful words in the world are written for teachers, and the most beautiful songs in the world are sung for teachers. When teacher's Day is coming, let's indulge in singing: teacher, you've worked hard! Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!

  6. Thousands of years ago, someone praised teachers, and thousands of years later, someone will still praise teachers. Teachers are a permanent topic and a constant story. I want to praise the teacher and let my praise be seen in the world.

  7. Teacher, do you remember me? That naughty and ignorant child. When you receive this heart card, you want me to come to you again. Your teaching is the bright sunshine, shining in my heart and making the flowers of my youth bloom.

  8. Teacher, you inspired me to really understand the benefits of nature. From then on, I understood every green leaf, every colorful cloud and every spray. Xiaobian wechat: imagine Meiwen!

  9. Teacher, how I want to look at your eyes again, how I want to sit in your class again. Recalling the past years, it seems that you are still by my side. It's another teacher's day. I wish you happiness and Pepsi!

  10. Your hard work has cultivated the flowers of the motherland; Your earnest teaching has benefited Sifang students. This is you, the great people's teacher. Teacher's Day is coming. I wish you a happy holiday!

  11. Miss you, miss your teacher! Your remembrance and blessing will increase day by day, so that scenes of deep feelings and blessings will be filled, and good people will live a safe life!

  12. On the road of life, a tree once shaded me and a lamp once illuminated me; A word once made me alert, and a song once made me loyal; One hand has supported me, and one person has helped me travel far. Light and shadow flow, Shien unforgettable. On the occasion of your special holiday, I sincerely say: teacher, you've worked hard!

  13. Chalk, dyed your black hair white; Responsibility, heavy pressure on your shoulders, dedication, selflessness, don't ask for any return, students, green is better than blue. I wish you happiness and health. Teacher's Day is coming. Happy Teacher's Day!

  14. Time is rotating and repeating the track. The road of teaching and educating people will never shift. Love is so clear that the intensity is always appropriate. You can't afford fame and wealth, but you can't afford to pay. Teacher's Day is coming, the time of the school will always be remembered. Here, I just wish your life infinitely beautiful!

  15. Hold high the torch of wisdom and lead us through the darkness of ignorance; Start the giant ship of knowledge and lead us to the other side of life; Spread out the drawing paper of youth and lead us to describe the grandeur of life. Happy Teacher's Day!

