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【#高二# 导语】在学习新知识的同时还要复习以前的旧知识,肯定会累,所以要注意劳逸结合。只有充沛的精力才能迎接新的挑战,才会有事半功倍的学习。©文档大全网高二频道为你整理了《高二英语说课稿范例五篇》希望对你的学习有所帮助! 7 (6).jpg


  Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

  In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.

  My teaching plan will include 3 secti. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

  Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material

  The selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a job. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two unique characteristics. First, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts. Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. The topic is unfamiliar to most students.

  Section 2 Indentifying the teaching aims

  Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:

  The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.

  The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.

  The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.

  The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expressi or approaches to express the same thing or idea.

  Section 3 Teaching procedures

  In order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approach. With the teaching methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies to comprehend the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. The teaching procedures include four parts. They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.

  Part 1. Getting ready

  Reading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students’ concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading. The part cists of two tasks:

  Task 1: A time machine. I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machine. I tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing.

  After it, I give a summary of their presentati as follows: After leaving high school, most of Chinese students go straight to university.Yes, at this time next year, most of you will be studying in a university.

  (With the task, I inspire students’ former knowledge and imagination about graduating from high school and going to college, which can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following reading.)

  Task 2: Brainstorming. After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British students fresh from high schools, and tell students that more and more students in the UK are doing something different instead of going straight to university. After that, I play the tape of Para.1 and get students to catch the answer to the question: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering university.

  (With the task, I excite students’ desire to know more about what their British equivalents will do before going to college. With the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answer. )









  Step ⅠLead-in

  Show students different kinds of paintings and ask them to guess the type of the paintings.


  Step ⅡWarming Up

  At first, ask the students to match some new words with the correct English meanings. Show them on the screen.At last, check the answers with the whole class.

  A B

  a. realistic 1. accurate, minute

  b. abstract 2. state or fact of existing

  c. existence 3. being in thought but having a physical or practical existence

  d. detailed 4. lifelike, true to life

  e. religious 5. classical, of old beliefs

  f. traditional 6. sincere to believe in a god or gods

  Key: a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1, e-6, f-5


  Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

  Show students some pictures of the different ages,let them summary the order of the paintings

  Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century → The Renaissance,from 15th to 16 century→ Impressionism,late 19th to early 20 century → Modern Art,from 20th to today


  Step Ⅳ Reading

  Task 1 Scanning

  Show some questions on the screen.

  1. What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD?

  2. How did Masaccio paint his paintings?

  3. Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?


  Task 2 Skimming

  Let the students read the passage again and get the main idea of it. Then complete the following chart on their own. And check the answers with the whole class.

  Show the chart with blanks on the screen. A few minutes later, check the answers.


  Step Ⅴ Comprehending

  Let the students read the passage again and tell whether the statements True or False according to the text.

  1. Western art has changed very little over the last seventeen centuries. F

  2. Painters in the Middle Ages did not use perspective. T

  3. Impressionists painted landscapes. T

  4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. F

  5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. T



  Middle Ages, from 5th to 15th century……

  The Renaissance,from 15th to 16 century……

  Impressionism,late 19th to early 20 century……

  Modern Art,from 20th to today……




  Good afternoon, every one. It is my great honor to stand here to present my lesson. To make my presentation clearer, I will explain my lesson plan in the following parts

  Part One: Analysis of the teaching material

  Reading teaching is a very important part in English teaching. New Curriculum standard requires that students should get some kinds of information, enlarge their knowledge, enjoy and get gum, cultivate and develop their reading skills through reading.

  The lesson I am going to talk about is the reading part in Chapter6 from Oxford English 7A. It is a story about a crew’s adventure on another planet. The title is Nobody wins. Part One of the story appears in Chapter 5 and students will know the result of the story in this chapter. Students only know part of the story in Chapter5, so they will be very interested and eager to know the result of the story. They may be very exciting when they know the result.

  Part Two: Teaching aims

  According to my understanding of the material and students, I establish the following teaching aims:

  1. Students can read and understand the story.

  2. Students can develop their guessing, skimming and scanning skills.

  3. Students can build up their self-confidence and learn how to cooperate with others well.

  Teaching key point and difficult point:

  The key point of this lesson is to develop students’ scanning and skimming skills. The difficult point of this lesson is some difficult words in the story.

  Part Three: Teaching equipment

  CAI, tape recorder

  Part Four: Teaching methods and learning methods

  1. Communicative teaching method

  2. Task-based" teaching method

  3.Cooperative learning method

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.




  我是英语组()号,我今天说课的题目是——(板书:课题)如:Unit 1 I like football。下面我将从以下四个方面进行说课:说教材、说教学目标、说教学重难点、说教法和学法、说教学程序(板书黑板)。(可适当加手势、眼神、动作)五个方面来对本课作具体的阐述。结合教材的重难点以及学科的特点,利用多种教学方法,在愉快轻松的气氛中进行教学,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到了语言的训练,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。




  《XX 》是科普版小学四年级下册第()单元的第()篇课文,本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型 I like ?I dont like ?,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,它为后两个单元的学习奠定了基础。


  知识目标:学习掌握单词 football。 basketball。 table tennis。 morning exercise,学习运用句型 I like ?I dont like ?





  教学重点:能听说单词 football。 basketball。 table tennis。 morning exercise,运用句型 I like ?I dont like ?

  教学难点:灵活运用句型 I like ?I dont like ?。












  热身是课堂教学重要的形式之一。首先,我以一首“Stand up"热身,轻松的歌曲可以缓减学生课前的紧张情绪,再次Do the action:happy。happy。happy; cry。cry。cry; angry。angry。angry。 有节奏地吟诵,加上相应的动作和表情,为接下来的课堂营造了浓烈氛围。


  师生间亲切的问候,建立了和谐、民主的课堂气氛,因此我采用唱歌的形式: T:Hello, hello, how are you?

  S:Im fine ,Im fine ,and hello to you。





  首先 词汇教学

  我运用实物、图片、表情、动作模仿等直观法教学单词。教读时,配上相应的动作或表情,采用全身反应法,让学生动起来,融入动脑、动口 、动手的英语学习中。之后,我还设计了找卡片、变脸两个游戏,用于巩固单词。游戏教学即能使学生乐于参与其中,在玩中学,在学中玩,又能巩固知识,使学生学得愉快,老师教得轻松。

  其次 句型教学

  我根据本课单词的特点和所准备的实物和图片,采用了情景假设法:我们正在上体育课,有四种运动football。 basketball。 table tennis。 morning exercise,让你选出自己喜欢的一种,同时,也告诉大家相比之下你不喜欢的.那种。用I like ?I dont like ?句型说出,可以出示相应的实物或图片,也可以配上动作,再加上丰富的表情。之后,我设计了滚雪球游戏来操练句型,比如:football, like football,I like football。



  football,football,I like football;

  basketbal, basketbal, I like basketbal;

  table tennis, table tennis, I dont like table tennis;

  morning exercise,morning exercise,go,go,go!



  提出问题:这节课同学们学到了什么?让学生分小组讨论,派代表发言。我采用的这个质疑法,不仅充分 体现了学生的自主能动性,还培养了他们的归纳小结能力和团结协作精神。




  I like

  I dont like basketball table tennis morning exercise








  词汇:cigarette, stress, adolescent, due to, tough, mental, be addicted to…, quit, be accustomed to 等

  句型:It’s amazing that…

  …How easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to stop.

  It isn’t easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit…



  (2)增强学生的社会责任感,培养学生关心他人, 远离有损身体健康的活动,并养成良好的生活习惯







  3、学生普遍口头表达能力不强,知识面不够广泛, 因此不能用英语大胆地表达自己的观点






