

时间:2021-08-06 11:05:07 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】迎春花开,不仅绽放的是一种美丽,更重要的是,迎春花还是春天的使者,它要告诉人们:春天已经来了!于是,在迎春花深情的呼唤下,春风来了,轻轻的,柔柔的,暖暖的。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Spring is a light footed painter, when you notice its coming, it has painted every corner with colors - pink, yellow, white... Of course, more green.

  The grass on the roadside sucks the dew of spring. It seems to be a skillful weaver, weaving a green carpet with little green. Jasmine is not afraid of the cold, against the cold wind, with a strong will, green, pistil, flowering, the first to use life to report the advent of spring to people. The blooming peach blossom is like a piece of rouge, which dyed the rich mountains and rivers red. The morning glow of spring is just like the peach on a girl's face, showing such softness, purity, variety, and profundity. I can't help but think of the ancient poem: "Jasper make-up into a tree high, ten thousand down green silk tapestry.". Who cut the thin leaves? The spring breeze in February is like scissors. " Yes, the warm spring breeze is like a pair of magic scissors!

  I am still in my mind, and I come to the campus again. On both sides of the central road, the willows are dotted with countless new green leaves, which swing in the spring breeze, like a girl's long hair and a fairy's soft skirt. Rose also opened, it seems too shy, aroma. In this warm spring season, red flowers, as gorgeous as the sun; Blue flowers, as clear as the sky.

  The ancients said: "the plan of a year lies in spring, and the plan of a day lies in the morning." In spring morning, the air is fresh, people get up very early, some practice Qigong in the mountains, some take a walk in the park, and some are reading books... In spring, people can travel and have a picnic in the countryside. Spring brings people joy.

  Ah! In spring, you are not as cold as winter, nor as hot as summer. You are warm, fresh and full of vitality. You are also the most precious season in the four seasons.

  I love you, beautiful spring!


  Look forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, spring with fine spring rain, continuous spring breeze finally came to the world.

  Spring, is a beautiful season, is a vibrant season. The air is so fresh, the sky is so clear. People took off their heavy cotton padded jackets and put on light spring clothes; People took off their heavy cotton shoes and replaced them with light single shoes; People get rid of the troubles of winter and welcome the joy of spring.

  Spring girl is playing around

  Spring girl came to our campus, school road trees out of the green buds, to add a trace of vitality to spring. Look! The green grass on the playground, moistened by spring rain, looks like a green blanket. Students wearing all kinds of new clothes in the playground to play games, looking at the students happy smile, I seem to see a seedling in the absorption of spring rain and dew thrive.

  Spring girl came to the beautiful Lanjiang park with light steps. Graceful willows can be seen everywhere along the river, just like graceful girls, thousands of willows swaying in the breeze, just like girls combing their long hair in the breeze. Willow sprouted, it green itself, green park, green sky. Such a beautiful scenery reminds me of a poem by he Zhizhang, "I don't know who cut out the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors." Ear came a burst of crisp calls, the original is to meet the spring and singing birds, "chirp chirp" singing, they sing, while dancing in the tree, spring is coming, they are happy to dance. Some old people are taking a leisurely walk, some are playing Taijiquan, some are playing Yangko, and some are playing chess. Their faces are full of happiness, and they also like spring.

  Spring girl came to the field of hope. The spring breeze wakes up the hibernating frog, and it returns to the broad lotus leaf, whistling as if to say, "spring is coming, spring is coming!" Uncle farmers are also starting to work in the field, although they are sweating, but their faces are full of joy smile.

  Spring has come to the world, how beautiful it is, bringing hope and joy to people.


  Spring is coming, we rush to the embrace of spring together.

  "Spring outing!" With the sound more pleasant than song, we walk on the road with light steps. Peach blossoms are in full bloom on the roadside, and countless unknown flowers gather like a market. The bird was singing happily on the branch. Soon we will arrive at our destination. Here is a place where there are mountains and water. The pines on the mountain are everywhere, and rocks in the water are hidden everywhere. Our long line soon dispersed. You see, some of them are playing cards; Some are playing games, some are already eating and drinking, some are singing, some are playing somersault on the green lawn.

  Our group is different from them. We sleep in hammock and enjoy exposure bath! But after a while, we suddenly thought that we were going to turn crabs. At the beginning, we thought that how could there be a "traversing general" in such a small ditch? But I didn't expect that I just turned to the first stone and found a big crab. When I held it down, it waved the "steel tongs" to me forcefully when it saw that the situation was not good - I didn't fall for it. Instead, I grasped it more tightly. When it saw that I was "toasting instead of drinking", it clamped me with the "steel tongs". My hand began to hurt immediately. I threw it on the ground unnaturally. I said to myself, "you can kill me, you can't insult me. You are such a mean little crab. Put down the" steel tongs "and become an immortal immediately." but this "proud ghost" has long gone away. My anger suddenly came up, and I scolded: "you quickly come out and admit your mistake. Or - or - or I'll catch you again. " My classmate comforted me and said, "a gentleman is not afraid of revenge all day long." I think it's reasonable, but Shuang added, "this revenge is not a gentleman." so we began to find it seriously, and soon I caught its wife and children.

  At last, I found a big Bluestone slab, which I think must be the old den of "dangerous elements". I first gently opened the big stone. The water was not muddy at all. It didn't find me. It was still spitting bubbles there. I grabbed it with the first-class dragon claw, and then took it away with the exquisite pagoda. After catching crabs, we began to eat and drink. Time flies. In a flash, it's getting dark, so we go home.

  On the way home, we also looked back from time to time to reflect on the interesting scene we had just had.

