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【#英语资源# 导语】英语是世界上流行的语言,也是使用广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。欢迎阅读©文档大全网为大家精心整理的“我最尊敬的人英语作文四篇”!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  The person I respect is my mother.

  Every day, my mother gets up early and makes breakfast for me. When I finish my breakfast, my mother sends me to school first, and then goes to work in a hurry. When my mother came home from work tired, she didnt have time to rest. Instead, she was busy doing housework. She also helped me to check my homework and upload blog posts. When I didnt do my homework seriously, my mother would strictly ask me to finish my homework.

  My mother is a hardworking and simple person. She works hard and bears no grudge. She is the most respected person.


  My mother is my most respected person, she has paid a lot of hard work for my growth. The following thing will give you a glimpse

  When I was in Dongyuan primary school, my teacher once asked the students on duty to be on duty at 6:30 the next morning. Unfortunately, it happened to be my duty day. When I got home, I didnt know how to tell my mother. After a long hesitation, I opened my mouth to my mother: "Mom, Im going to be on duty at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Where do you think Ill have breakfast?" my mother frowned and said decisively, "eat at home, Ill cook for you. "Ah? After listening to this, I thought to myself, mom has to stay up until 11 oclock every day. If I want to get to school at 6:30, what time does she need to get up? I wanted to persuade mom, but I thought of her unyielding character, so I had to do it... At about 5 oclock the next morning, I was awakened by the sound of the range hood. I got up and looked at the kitchen, I saw my mother was sweating there. I saw all this, and my heart was like overturning a Schisandra bottle. I wanted my mother to stop being busy, but my throat was blocked, and I couldnt say a word. I could only watch my mother in a daze... By the time I came home from school, my mother had fallen asleep. Yes, she needed a rest

  As the saying goes: poor parents all over the world. My mother paid too much for me. Im here to say to my mother: Mom, I love you!


  The person I respect is Yue Fei.

  Yue Fei was a figure in the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, the Jin soldiers occupied the Central Plains. Yue Fei wanted to kill the enemy and kill the Jin soldiers bravely, so his mother engraved the word "loyal to serve the country" on his back.

  Yue Fei bravely killed the enemy, fought against Jin Bing, and recovered the lost land in the north. However, Zhao Gou, Emperor Gaozong of Song Dynasty, used Qin Huis treacherous tactics to kill Yue Fei, so Yue Fei was killed by Qin Hui on the charge of "unnecessary".

  After Yue Fei died, he was buried beside the jiuqucong temple. In order to identify him later, Kaishun tied the jade ring that Yue Fei wore around his waist. In addition, he planted two orange trees in front of the tomb so that people could identify him. At this time, people from the tomb of Yue Fei temple came to look for his burial place and built it into "Zhongxian Temple", which is popular in Hangzhou It is called "Laoyue Temple".

  Yue Fei also wrote two poems, one is Manjianghong, the other is xiaochongshan. "Manjianghong wrote his patriotic feelings of fighting with the enemy to the end, and xiaochongshan wrote his infinite feelings about life and expressed his melancholy.

  I like Yue Fei because he is loyal to his country and dares to fight against the enemy. Therefore, why I respect him is because his patriotism enables me to respect him.

  Not long after Yue Feis death, many people began to spread his story. In terms of opera, they were all playing his story. Therefore, Yue Fei was a brave man, so everyone had to spread his story.

  So, how can I not respect such a great Yue Fei?


  There are many people in my life who deserve my respect, such as doctors, cleaners, police But the person I respect most is her —— an ordinary and not amazing primary school teacher. In her teaching, five years of primary school time flies by, but that five years of primary school career is my memory treasure, is unforgettable.

  The first time she introduced herself to me in class, I dont know. I only remember her surname as Li. The real first class that Mr. Li gave us told us one interesting story after another. For example, "Nuwa mends the sky", "stone monkey born" and so on.

  She is very strict. I remember once, when a classmate in our class failed to finish writing a composition in the exam, her cheeks were black and blue, and no one could see the whole face. But when happy, the trace of years on a face seems to be melted by the mood, and the words are very kind.

  There are also fishtail lines left by years in the corner of the eye.

  Miss Li, as long as I see the vivid and lively Chinese characters, I will think of you. I want to say to you: "teacher, thank you, you taught me Chinese, you irrigated my little tree, you irrigated my dry land, you are my most respected person!"


