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【#英语资源# 导语】保护环境,我们需要从现在做起,捡起地上每一片纸屑,爱护花草树木,关爱小动物等等。®文档大全网为大家准备了《有关保护环境的英语作文范文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.有关保护环境的英语作文范文 篇一

  In life, we should protect the water resources, forest resources, biological resources and atmospheric resources that human beings need in life. However, with the development of science and economy, people's living standards have gradually improved, but the environment around our lives has been seriously damaged.

  Water resources are essential natural resources in our life. However, human beings not only do not protect it, but also destroy water resources. There is a river in my hometown, which is called "Heihe". The reason why it is called Heihe is that there are garbage, fruit peel, leftover vegetable leaves, and decaying small animal bodies floating on the river. The river has become black. Whenever people go there, they will cover their noses. Water resources are drying up and rivers are crying. Do you see? We should not let the last drop of water become people's tears. We should cherish water resources.

  Atmospheric resources are also essential. Because without atmospheric resources, human beings cannot breathe, and eventually die. We need to protect the atmospheric resources, but there are still some people who are destroying the atmospheric resources. They burn the plastic bag garbage, and the smoke will destroy the air. People will be unable to breathe, and all living things on the earth will die. We need to protect the atmospheric resources.

  Forest resources are also very important. Don't look down on the small flowers, plants and trees. They can not only absorb the carbon dioxide people breathe out, but also breathe out oxygen to maintain people's lives. But the forest resources are also gradually decreasing. Some people cut down the power to make furniture, cut down the trees and sell them, but don't know how to plant them. They cut down these trees and actually destroy their lives. If there are no trees, there is no oxygen. How can humans survive? We should protect the environment.

  Protect the environment. The earth mother of mankind has been bruised all over. We need nutrition when we are ill. Where can we absorb nutrition when the earth is ill? We should awaken those who pollute the environment. We should cherish life resources and jointly promote green life.

  The earth mother is ill. If human beings do not take measures to cure the earth, human beings will be doomed. We should all work together to protect the environment. We should take care of Mother Earth and natural resources as well as our own body.

  Human beings are the children of nature. People and the environment are closely related. The earth is our beautiful home. To love the environment is to love our home and our life.

2.有关保护环境的英语作文范文 篇二

  There is a beautiful city on the bank of the Yellow River, which is my hometown Sanmenxia. Every early winter, a large number of swans flying from Siberia will come here. In order to make swans fly back to this warm and tidy home every year, my classmates and I spontaneously organized the city cleaning action. One day in the summer vacation, Zhao Ruolan and Zhao Ruogu and I went to Nanshan to start our city cleaning operation.

  When we came to the foot of Nanshan, we were all shocked. There were many cigarette butts, melon seed skins, and scraps of paper on the stairs to Nanshan. We were all quick in sight and quick in action. We picked up the broom and began to sweep. We were doing very well. There was dirt under the flowers at the edge of the stairs. Ruogu picked up the garbage with the flowering branches, but the thorn mercilessly pricked her hand, and the blood ran out, but she was very strong, and said with great dignity, "I'm all right, let's continue to work." Ruogu took the dustpan, and saw the big sweat flowing down her face like a pearl. I used a broom to sweep the garbage into the dustpan, and under the sun's irradiation, My pink face has already turned red, and our clothes are all wet. A man who went up the mountain threw his cigarette end on the ground. We stopped him and said, "Uncle, you are wrong. Just after we cleaned up, you took a second to let our beautiful world meet with disaster. Do adults just don't care for health? Adults should set an example. You are a rabbit, we are big wolves, please pick up the cigarette end!" The man blushed, and quickly picked up the cigarette end and threw it into the trash can, Our behavior also affects adults. The three of us laugh.

  We walked up the rugged path. We wore gloves in our right hand and carried large plastic bags in our left hand. This time, the three of us began to pick up garbage competition. To see who picked up more garbage, we would do what we said. We bent down and looked for our prey carefully. We looked back along the road and found that the dirty path was as clean as the Royal Hotel. We are all very proud!

  Finally, we arrived at the top of Nanshan Mountain and saw a pavilion. When we looked closer, the ground was like a garbage heap, with corn sticks, grape skins, melon seed skins, and leaves. Ruolan and I swept the floor. Ruogu picked up the larger garbage, and we worked very hard. Sweat dampened our hair, and our small faces were sunburned black and red, but our hearts were as sweet as honey!

  This clean city action made me realize that each of us should take care of our living environment and form the good habit of taking care of the environment. We should use our actions to influence everyone around us and make the world a better place!

3.有关保护环境的英语作文范文 篇三

  The sun is shining, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. Although it is not spring, everything is still beautiful. In this beautiful day, we went out to play! As soon as the car left the community, the greening on both sides of the road caught my eye. The green belt is lush with flowers and trees.

  Look! How dense that tree is! Eh, take a close look. Among the many green leaves, there are some small yellow flowers! When you open the window and smell it, there is still a faint fragrance! In the middle of the small trees, there are many flowers and plants. The green grass sets off the red, yellow and pink flowers, which are particularly beautiful.

  The beautiful scenery always reminds me of its origin. In fact, behind the beautiful scenery is the sweat and hard work of the hard greening workers. But there are still some people who don't know these things. They always hurt the flowers and plants in the green belt, and some even laugh at the greening workers. Do you know that the beautiful scenery you see on both sides of the road is carefully cultivated by them. Don't you have any conscience to waste the efforts of the workers? Even children know that it is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment. Don't you know? Flowers and plants are alive. Moreover, it is the flowers and plants that are loved by the workers. The weeds and wild flowers are not hurt and loved by anyone, and it is even more pitiful. How can you hurt them heartlessly. They will also hurt and die.

  When you pick the flowers from the green leaves, have you ever thought that if the flowers are the face of the leaves, if you have no face, how should you live? When you take off the petals one after another, have you ever thought about what would happen if the petals were the legs of the flower and you had no legs... Everything in nature is alive, please don't hurt every living flower. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment and take care of flowers and plants.

4.有关保护环境的英语作文范文 篇四

  We should protect the environment.

  Great changes have taken place in Xiuwu County in recent years. In particular, the completion of many parks and gardens has made our county more beautiful and clean. We feel comfortable living in such an environment... However, now some people have a weak sense of public morality and low quality.

  On the road, cars come and go, and the tail gas is coming, and the flowers and plants in the green belt are drooping and lifeless.

  Beside the garbage can, the stench assails people. People cover their noses and pass by. They drink half of their drinks and eat half of their snacks and throw them in like shots. Dump hill is a world of flies and mice.

  In the park, flowers and plants are trampled, public facilities are damaged, and some people spit everywhere and throw plastic bags on the lake

  The above behaviors have seriously damaged the image of Xiuwu, affected people's lives and left a shadow over the beautiful Xiuwu County.

  "The county seat is my home, and the love depends on everyone." As martial arts practitioners, we have the responsibility and obligation to love and manage it. From now on, we should take immediate action, start from small things, do not spit everywhere, do not break flowers and trees randomly, do not damage public facilities, do not swear, do not trample on the green space, develop the good habit of observing social morality, and resolutely fight against uncivilized behavior.

  Return my blue sky, return my white clouds, return my birds and flowers! Let uncivilized behavior die. Let's make green and let beauty flourish. This is not only an appeal, not just a cry, but also an action. Let's act immediately to make our county more beautiful and civilized!

5.有关保护环境的英语作文范文 篇五

  Today, I had a dream: in a green forest, there lived a carefree bird. It was thirsty to drink the water in the river, tired to rest in the forest, and lived a happy life.

  One day, as soon as the bird woke up from its sweet dream, it heard the mother tree crying. It asked in doubt, "Mother tree, why are you crying

  With a trace of attachment, the bird had to fly away with tears. He came to the river and just opened his mouth to drink water. Suddenly, he heard a cry: "Bird, water can't drink!" Looking for fame, it was the river aunt who was talking. What's the matter? With the doubt in his heart, the bird wanted to ask Aunt Xiaohe. Aunt Xiaohe cried and said, "My child, it's hard to say a word! Now I'm scarred. If you smell it again, I really don't want to smell it anymore. How can you drink it? It's all those people who don't know how to protect the environment."

  The bird had to fly away again with disappointment and helplessness. Not far away, I heard a cry for help: "Bird, help me! I am choked to death by these exhaust gases." Alas, it was Uncle Blue Sky who was moaning in pain! The bird looked down and saw "black dragons" spewing out of the factory chimneys, which were swaggering across the sky.

  I woke up from my sleep and felt that the world was very dangerous in this way, and human beings would be destroyed at any time like birds. I want to appeal to the whole world: "Please protect the environment, create a good home for us and our animal friends!"
