

时间:2023-11-15 17:01:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  (1) She held back,not knowing what to do or say.<犹豫不决>
  (2) Don't hold anything back,you must tell me everything.<隐瞒,不公布>
  (3) If they hadn't held him back,he would have beaten you.<阻碍,阻止>
  (4) I made my choice and I will hold on to the end.<坚持(下去)>
  (5) You should hold on to your oil share.<不送或不卖(某物)>
  (6) He asked me to hold on while he left the telephone to find a pencil.
  (7) Could he hold out in spite of the difficulty?
  (8) The pupil held up his hand to ask the teacher a question.<举起>
  (9) hold office<任职>
  (10) hold one's position<担任某个职位>
  (11) hold an opinion (idea)<持有某个看法、观点>
  (12) They held their heads up and walked into the hall.<趾高气扬>
  (13) Please hold yourself still while I am taking your photograph.<保持不动>
  (14) He held a cigarette between his lips.<使某人或某物处于某种状态或位置>
  (15) A lot of cars were held up in the accident,<使耽搁,使停顿>
  41、We thought of selling this old furniture,but we've decided to hold ________________ it. It might be valuable.
  42、The dam was not strong enough to hold ________________ the floodwaters.
  43、I missed the lecture because my car was held ________________ in the traffic jam.
  44、Tell me all about it—don't hold anything ________________ !
  答案:41、on to 42、back 43、up 44、back

