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【#英语资源# 导语】我的小伙伴英语作文是许多学生在学习英语时必须要写的一篇作文。这篇作文通常要求学生介绍自己的小伙伴,包括他们的名字、年龄、爱好等等。在写这篇作文时,学生需要运用所学的英语知识,如词汇、语法、句型等,以展示自己的英语水平。©文档大全网提供了许多优质的英语学习资源,帮助学生提高英语水平,更好地完成我的小伙伴英语作文

1.我的小伙伴英语作文 篇一

  I have a inseparable little friend, whose name is Qiu Chengrui.

  He has a handsome face with jet black hair and crescent like eyebrows. Under his eyebrows, he is adorned with a pair of water like big eyes, like two clear and bright springs. There is also a eloquent mouth under the small nose.

  He and I are a very good couple, and we often play games together, chasing each other and having a lot of fun. Sometimes, he and I also talk about fun things together.

  He also enjoys being helpful. Once, I forgot to bring my pencil and was so anxious that I was like ants on a hot pot. When he saw me, he quickly handed me a pencil. Another time, as a careless person, I forgot to bring an eraser and was so anxious that when I was restless and disoriented, he smiled and lent me an eraser.

  He is the representative of our Chinese class! Learning is great! This is not just a boast. He can always achieve a good score of 99 or 100 in mathematics, and Chinese and English are no less than 96 points. Moreover, he has been awarded the title of "Three Good Students" for five consecutive semesters.

  He has many hobbies, such as badminton and Go. Among them, he likes Go the most. Let's talk about when he plays chess first! He learned Go in his senior class, and whenever he played it, he was not afraid of strong players and fought bravely. He has practiced to perfection.

  He is my little friend - Qiu Chengrui.

2.我的小伙伴英语作文 篇二

  My little friend Song Gan is my best friend. We are like brothers, and this friendship has been going on since we signed up in first grade. Song Gan has an average appearance, only a prominent big mouth, and his grades in various subjects are not outstanding. However, he is a good Go player, and no one can compete with him in the entire grade.

  But he wasn't like this before. As soon as he applied for the Go tutoring class, his qualifications were revealed, and the teacher's walking style was: gold horn, silver edge, and grass belly. Various complex points: San San, Xiaomu, Gaomu, Waimu... He jotted down the knowledge of others for one and a half classes in one go. He memorized this knowledge back and forth. He only attended classes for two weeks and defeated the students who had been in class for a month. However, after a few months, his progress was very small. After a few more months, the teacher took him and other classmates to participate in the competition. After the group competition, he was assigned to the weakest group - Group C. At the beginning of the preliminary round, he suffered consecutive losses and came back in a mess.

  He expressed his distress to me: "I don't know why, my mother and teacher both say I'm not paying attention in class." Indeed, when I auditioned in one of his classes, I found out that he either talked to this classmate or chatted with that classmate during class, and after one class, he didn't learn anything. After our Chinese language class finished "Learning Chess", he held his chin and pondered for a long time as if he had suddenly realized the truth of playing chess. Afterwards, Song Gan's mother told everyone that Song Gan was focused in class. Later on, I went to his house to play and often saw him playing chess with others online, researching various chess formations and solutions. When he played again, his score changed to 8 wins and 2 losses, which was indeed a huge improvement.

  I learned a lesson from Song Gan's changes: as long as I have deep Kung Fu, an iron rod can also be ground into a needle.

3.我的小伙伴英语作文 篇三

  There are many special people around me, but the most special one is the study committee member of our class - Shizuo, who is also my closest friend.

  She has a pair of watery eyes, a cherry mouth, shiny black hair, and a tall and thin figure, which is extremely beautiful. She not only looks beautiful, but also studies well! Once, the teacher asked us to carefully complete the unit 4 exercise in class, but everyone sighed and didn't like writing essays. At this moment, I saw the study committee member of our class, Zhao Jing, thinking. After a while, Yue Yue became serious, while the other students were talking, playing, and drawing. The bell rang for the end of class, and she read her own composition once. She confidently walked up to the podium and handed it over to the teacher. A few days later, the teacher walked into the classroom with a pile of composition books and said to us, "We didn't finish the composition well this time, but I wrote it very well this time." After that, the teacher picked up her composition and read it to us. After reading it, the teacher burst into enthusiastic applause in the classroom, and later the teacher also showed her composition to the whole class.

  Another time, while we were testing for an exam, a classmate's pen was broken, and no one lent it to him. Only Yue Yue took out a pen from the stationery box and lent it to him, saying, "In the future, you need to prepare two pens, otherwise if one is broken, you won't have a pen to use

  The learning and quality of cleansing are both worth learning from.

4.我的小伙伴英语作文 篇四

  I believe everyone has their own friends, and of course, I am no exception. My little friend's name is Hu Kexin. She is a very cute girl, almost wearing a neat sportswear every day, with a pair of chubby little hands, a round face embedded with a pair of watery big eyes. Under her big eyes, there is a small and delicate nose, and a eloquent mouth. Don't look at her cute appearance, but she also loves to play and studies well while playing. She is still the monitor of our class!

  Once, after class, my classmates walked out of the classroom one after another. My other friends and I also went out to play games. I wanted to find her, but I couldn't find her figure. I was about to enter the classroom to drink water, and in the empty classroom, I saw a figure named Hu Kexin, who was engrossed in reading. I wanted to come forward and talk to her, but her serious demeanor made me unable to bother her. When the class bell rang, she reluctantly put down her book. That's how I found out why she could become the class monitor!

  Another time, we were all playing, but we couldn't choose which game to play. At this moment, Hu Kexin mentioned many games, and we finished each game according to her ideas, which was really enjoyable. It wasn't until class that we reluctantly returned to the classroom.

  This is my good friend - Hu Kexin. A friend who loves to learn and play, I hope our friendship lasts forever!

5.我的小伙伴英语作文 篇五

  I have a little friend with watery eyes and a face as big as a plate. Her body is very fat. She is very optimistic and often uses her face and body to tease us! Although she is a girl, she has the strength of a boy.

  Once, one of my things couldn't be opened. I asked the girls in our class to help me drive, but they either had too little strength or politely refused me. It made me very sad, just when I was heartbroken, she came to help me. I saw her playing left and right. I saw my things opening up like an opening. Can you be good friends with me? I just arrived and I don't have any friends, "she said shyly. I didn't hesitate to say, "Okay!" In the future, anything that I couldn't open would be able to open as long as it passed through her hand. She not only has the strength of a boy, but also the flexibility of a girl's fingers.

  Once, I went to play with her and saw her desk mate teaching her paper frogs. Look! She folded it here and there, and a paper frog was folded out with her clever hands. The paper frog she folded out is so lifelike, it looks like a real frog. Even her desk mate praised her and said that he had never seen anyone fold paper frogs lifelike for the first time. I asked her why she not only has great strength, but also has very flexible fingers. She told me, "My strength is strong because I am not picky about food; my fingers are flexible because I often exercise them

  I have decided that I will no longer be picky eaters and will continue to exercise my fingers. Her name is Siting and she is my little friend.
