
时间:2023-02-10 22:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】人生的精彩,你来演绎,未来的辉煌,你来创造,梦想的天空,你来畅游,开学日,背起书包,向梦想出发,向未来出发,努力读书,开辟精彩人生,加油!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《有关开学了的英语日记》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.有关开学了的英语日记 篇一

  Time flies like an arrow.

  In a flash, school will begin. I am very happy to hear the news. Because I don't have to die in TV or computer anymore. School will start in 4 days.

  How time flies! I really want to see my classmates quickly. I don't know whether they are fat or thin, or how much taller they are. However, in the fifth grade, everyone will be divided into classes. One team will be in the same class, and others will also be divided into several teams. But friends are still friends. Our friendship will never change.

  However, after school, I can't relax like this, and I can't sleep in. After school starts, I can't continue to play as happily as I do now. After school starts, you should finish your homework on time.

  To tell the truth, I really like school, because there are many partners in school, and they add a lot of happiness to me. At home, it is different. I can only stay stuffy, can only read with my head down, can only die in TV, and will be scolded by my parents if I don't study. Sometimes, I really don't want to stay at home.

  At the beginning of school, I want to learn more things, know more about the world, and understand the society better. Everything is interesting and interesting, but at the same time, I have a lot of homework and endless books. But school is still very good. I like to start school, and I like to study and play with my classmates at school... I look forward to the day when school starts, waiting for my classmates

2.有关开学了的英语日记 篇二

  School is about to start. I walked along the garden path with my mother and thought about my own worries. I didn't speak, nor did my mother. I could vaguely hear the tiny sound of shoes stepping on the fine sand, and the whisper of birds.

  A few days before I checked in, I walked alone on the road, thinking: Is the school a new look and new equipment? Is there a new teacher in the school? There must be a group of lively and lovely little brothers and sisters who left the kindergarten to come to our school.

  Will the school still carry out interesting games? That game is so funny. The game of sticking to the nose really makes people laugh; Will there be fierce long rope jumping and running competitions? I think we must win the first place. If so, I must participate.

  The sapling we planted must have grown taller. We didn't fertilize and water it during the holiday. Can it withstand the wind and rain and adapt to the uncertain environment? Little sapling, I really miss you!

  Think of me, what should I do this semester? What shortcomings do I have to correct and what advantages do I have to carry forward? I want to study in No. 1 Middle School. I must work hard, listen carefully in class, form a good habit of conscientious learning, respect teachers, communicate with others, raise my hands boldly, do things with assertiveness, and be trustworthy. I have confidence to do a good job.

  Forget it, school begins, and I see the teachers and classmates I miss again. Time flies quickly. Five years have passed, and there is still one year to leave our alma mater. We should cherish the day with teachers and classmates, cherish the friendship with classmates, and grow up healthily and happily in the beautiful campus full of laughter and laughter.

3.有关开学了的英语日记 篇三

  Because it's the first day, it's hard to avoid some excitement.

  Arrived at school early in the morning, I still have a sense of cordiality, although I once felt that the school was so depressing and a sad place. Because my life may be doomed to have some sadness.

  Sweep the floor, self-study, exercise, class It was the same before, but the curriculum has changed, and the study of senior three will be monotonous and complicated. Take turns bombing outside the language. A lot of review materials were distributed in the afternoon. You can imagine the number of questions. Come on!

  Although my expectation is only a piece of paper! Anyway, I'm lucky to be in school.

  This term is 23 weeks long and the longest term in my life. The math class in the morning is a new teacher. As was the case in the third day of junior high school, the first and second day of junior high school were older female teachers, and later changed into male teachers. They were middle-level cadres of the school, and had a lot of teaching experience. But my math score in the third year of junior high school was very bad. Now think about it, there is some sorrow. But at that time, I admired Mr. Chai very much. I hope I can make a little progress in math this year. I'm not very strict with myself. The Chinese teacher is also specially transferred from Henan. It is our class that is too bad. We already have four Chinese teachers in high school. The current Chinese teacher is also our head teacher, which is the third.

4.有关开学了的英语日记 篇四

  The happy holiday always feels very short. Before you know it, the one-month winter holiday has passed. What we are about to usher in is a new study life.

  In the face of tomorrow's school start, I am at a loss. I have not finished my holiday homework. But today is the last day of holiday. If I don't have fun today, I won't have much time for entertainment in the future. My heart is struggling at this time.

  I lingered at home for a while, and finally decided to write the rest of my holiday homework first. After all, this is a legacy problem caused by my excessive entertainment during the holiday. I always have to pay for my behavior.

  I started to carry out the last task of the holiday, which may be forced by pressure. I feel that my homework is more efficient than usual at this time. It wasn't long before I finished the task excellently. At this time, my heart suddenly relaxed. I can finally face the opening of tomorrow's school correctly without any worries. In addition, I still have half a day to relax.

  In the remaining half of the day, I didn't go to play some exciting things, but chose to rest. I think this can reflect on my holiday life and better plan my next study life.

  In the evening, I sorted out my necessities for the beginning of school, made the final preparations for the beginning of school, and then washed and slept as usual.

  At this time, I am looking forward to the beginning of school and a different learning life.

5.有关开学了的英语日记 篇五

  Unconsciously, the happy winter vacation life has really ended, and accordingly, we have ushered in the beginning of a new season.

  That morning, I woke up early from my sleep. Instead of using the alarm clock, I opened my eyes before the alarm clock went off, as if I had also realized the opening of school in my deep sleep.

  I seem to have kept up with the pace of school. I quickly completed my "daily task" and set out for school. On the way, I recalled my holiday life. Although I did not make reasonable use of the whole holiday, I also successfully completed the holiday study task. At least, I would not bring the holiday regret at the beginning of school.

  After arriving at school, I came to my class. The scene in front of me has not appeared in my vision for a long time. The students are quietly carrying out their own learning tasks in their own positions, while the teacher arranges class representatives on the platform to check and accept the students' holiday homework. This harmonious and quiet environment is like an ideal one. As expected, the students have matured a lot after the holiday.

  I also took my seat and started my study plan today. Under the influence of the learning atmosphere in our class, I seem to adapt to the beginning of school very quickly.

  In the evening, I meditated alone before going to bed: originally, I have already started school. This is a new semester for me. My efforts should surpass the previous semester. Facing the new semester, I can't spare my sweat. I want to create a "dragon head" to pave the way for future study.
