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【#英语资源# 导语】清明来到花盛放,踏青游玩欢喜忙。赏花嗅香心欢畅,折柳吟诗连成行。溪水雀跃春山长,一派美丽好春光。下面是®文档大全网整理的《初中生清明节英语日记》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.初中生清明节英语日记 篇一

  "During the Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". When the Qingming Festival comes, people's mood is like that described in this poem, full of sadness and sadness, because on this day we have too much love for the deceased relatives. My family is no exception. We are thinking of my grandmother.

  In the early morning, our family came to Grandma's graveyard wearing morning dew and bringing rich sacrifices. Because my father would visit my grandmother from time to time, talk to her in front of her grave, and clean her last home, so my grandmother's graveyard is still clean, and no special cleaning is needed.

  According to the custom, Dad began to offer sacrifices. He carefully placed the cakes, fruits, and meat dishes Grandma loved before her death in front of the gravestone, and also presented her favorite flowers. In the curl of smoke from the candles, we began to salute in turn, knelt in front of the monument and kowtow to Grandma, silently praying that Grandma would be happy in heaven and bless our family's health.

  In a casual glance, I vaguely saw the tears in my father's eyes, which were not happy tears, not excited tears, not happy tears, but sad tears of missing grandma. The old man has gone, but the love of his family will never be separated.

  Although the Qingming Festival lasts for a while, the yearning is "inexhaustible". Grandma, we will never forget you. We will come to see you next Qingming Festival.

2.初中生清明节英语日记 篇二

  When the Tomb-sweeping Day comes, my father, mother and sister and I go to Wenzhou Zoo to see animals.

  At the gate of the zoo, I ran happily. As soon as I got there, the staff brought us a map. I ran quickly inside according to the map, hoping to see the animals earlier, because I usually saw only the animals in the picture.

  Wow! I finally saw them. There are tall Asian elephants, giraffes with long necks, lovely flamingos, and fierce African tigers

  It was interesting to play the sea lion science popularization display and parrot science popularization display. The sea lion will applaud, the parrot will eat the melon seeds, and will spit out the melon seed shells quickly after eating. That action is really skillful!

  The African lion there is not as fierce as I imagined. When we look at it, it will stare at us with its small eyes, and some will lie on the rocks to bask in the sun. They are really lazy lions. Ha ha~

  The zoo is very big, and some places can eat, go to the toilet, and play games during the rest. There are games such as blowing bubbles, hide-and-seek, and chasing people. The most interesting thing is that we can feed kangaroos in person and get close contact with them. You can fish in the small river below, but only six fish can be taken away.

  Today is really a surprise to me, because all the animals I haven't seen are there, and I have seen them today. I'll tell you in secret that when I was there, I also fed the camels with potato chips. Haven't you heard of it.

  Today is really a happy day for me as well as seeing animals!

3.初中生清明节英语日记 篇三

  On the Qingming Day, I worked with my father and mother as a youth league. Grandma said, "Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, every family will make a Youth League to worship their ancestors, which has become a custom.

  Early in the morning of the Qingming Festival, my mother went to the food market to buy some wormwood, washed and mashed it, and then mixed the juice of wormwood and glutinous rice flour with noodles. The mixed noodles were green. There are also many kinds of fillings for Youth League, such as bean paste, green beans, sesame seeds, snow vegetables, bamboo shoots and other fillings. We knead the kneaded noodles into thin strips, then cut the noodles into noodles, knead them into a soft mesh cake, and then put a spoonful of Red bean soup in it, gently wrap it with your hand, and gently knead it into a smooth small ball, one by one.

  It's time to steam the dough! Mother poured more than half of the water into the pot, and then placed the dough in the steamer one by one, covered the pot lid, and began to cook the dough. After about 20 minutes of steaming, the kitchen was filled with steam, as if in the clouds. Mom, once you open the lid of the pot, the fragrant smell will be stronger! Pick them up, put them on a plate decorated with small flowers, and bring them to the table. My father, I and my brother began to taste them.

  I picked up the dough and took a bite. Wow, it's soft, glutinous and sweet. It's really delicious! I didn't expect my craft to be so good. I like to be a Youth League best!

  On Tomb Sweeping Day, while we eat the Youth League, don't think about the relatives who left me. If they were still there, they would be able to join us and have a bite of the Youth League I made myself. How wonderful it would be!

4.初中生清明节英语日记 篇四

  Today is Qingming Festival. It rained all day outside. I watched what the adults were talking about at home. I went to my mother, who asked me to buy a yellow paper and a bottle of Baijiu. Because of this, I took a red one hundred yuan for the first time. I quickly ran to the store to buy these things that my mother asked me to buy. When I came home with these things, I saw a big bag of glittering gold ingots on the floor tile, like a golden boat. I curiously took one and put it in the water basin to play. My mother saw the lesson and took a walk. I didn't know why. I wanted to ask my mother, but I didn't dare to hold it in my heart.

  I stood by the window and watched the rain pouring down outside. I suddenly remembered the poem "Qingming" that the teacher and children asked us to recite at home: "During the Qingming Festival, the rain poured in, and the pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy pointed to the Xinghua Village."

  It was sunny. My mother took me with two small cups, a freshly baked roast chicken, and yellow paper and Baijiu that I was asked to buy. We drove to a cemetery far away. I saw my mother put things on and burned the paper and gold ingot together. I also saw my mother crying. I didn't know what was going on? I didn't feel much at first, but when I saw my mother crying, I couldn't help crying. When I came home and asked my mother, I realized that it was the family's missing for the lost family.

  I think when I grow up, I will accompany my mother to hold chrysanthemums to commemorate the dead relatives every Tomb-sweeping Day.

5.初中生清明节英语日记 篇五

  "Swallows come to Shixinshe, ploughs fall behind the Tomb Sweeping Day". In a twinkling of an eye, it is the annual Tomb Sweeping Day again. According to the new holiday system, Tomb Sweeping Day is a day off, so my parents take me back to my hometown to visit the tomb and worship the ancestors.

  "The willows in the street are green like smoke, and the Qingming Festival is painted in February." This year's Qingming Festival met with a rare good weather. We took firecrackers, paper money and grandpa on the journey of tomb sweeping. All the way, the spring flowers are yellow and the willows are green. We walked through mud pits, streams and long mountain roads, and finally came to the tomb of our ancestors.

  After sacrificing our grandparents, we came to grandma's tomb. We lit a few sticks of incense and inserted them in front of the grave, then tore the paper money open and lit it. The burned paper money turned into pieces of white ash. As the wind drifted to the distance, the crackling sound of firecrackers also turned away from me. At the same time, my thoughts were also brought back to the distant past.

  Grandma had been living a hard life before her death. They must have been very painful to give birth to their father. When my father was studying, he was short of food, so he had to bring his own food to live in school. Once, on the way to school, Grandma sent her father who was staying at school, a bag of rice was about to fall out of the car. Grandma saw it and grabbed it, but Grandma was thrown out of the car... From then on, Grandma was separated from us by yin and yang, and left the world forever and the children she loved. Later, the father who lost his mother's love entered the military academy through hard study.

  Grandma, today your grandson came to see you. Although you have left us, your love has stayed. Your love can shine on the living forever. The family ties our hearts together. This is the feeling that blood is thicker than water. No matter how time and space change, family will not change, and the heart of gratitude will not change. isn't it?
