
时间:2023-03-08 21:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】在一个冬去春来的日子里,我们又迎来了一年一度的“三八”妇女节。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《三八妇女节的英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.三八妇女节的英语作文范文 篇一

  Today is Women's Day on March 8th. I want to wish my mother a happy Women's Day. The longer she grows, the more beautiful she will be, and the work will be smooth and smooth. Then, make a card and write it down. Finally, insert a small rose into it. It must be very beautiful! By the way, I can also do some housework for my mother to lighten her burden. My mother must be very happy. Action is better than action. You have to finish everything before your mother comes back. By the way, I will put the card under my mother's pillow.

  I picked up the broom and started from the room. On the surface, it seems that it is not dirty at all, but the broom sweeps under the cabinet and under the bed, and a lot of annoying dust comes out. When sweeping, my waist is sore. I didn't expect my mother to sweep the floor so hard. Sweep the dust into the dustpan. The annoying dust is flying all over the sky, making me sneeze. Finally, it's time to sweep the floor.

  I took a long and heavy mop and began to drag it from my room. At first, it was very easy to drag it. The floor was very clean, but as soon as I dragged it to the bottom of the cabinet and the bed was dirty, I pulled it hard. It was clean, and finally the floor was finished. I wiped the table before my mother came back.

  A sound of footsteps came from outside the door. Mom came back and looked after the clean house as soon as she entered the door! Mother smiled and said I was very capable. After sleeping at night, my mother saw the greeting card again and smiled like a flower!

2.三八妇女节的英语作文范文 篇二

  Tomorrow is Women's Day. I'm going to surprise my mother and make her happy. I can't tell you what the surprise is.

  Because I have to go to school on Wednesday, I plan to make Sunday Women's Day. In the morning, I got up at more than seven o'clock. I first cut two hearts, painted them red, glued the two hearts together, and wrote a blessing inside. I don't need to say that you know what I do -- greeting cards. When my mother got up, I was ready. When my mother cooked, I secretly put the greeting card in her bag, which was the first surprise. The second plan is to help mother do housework all day. When my mother went to work and my father went out, I began to "start work". First, sweep the floor, then mop the floor, and then wash the clothes. I thought, my mother is really hard! The third plan is to massage my mother at night. I implemented my plan, and my mother praised me as a good child. My heart was like pouring a bottle of honey, and I smiled happily.

  Today is Women's Day. I make my mother happy.

3.三八妇女节的英语作文范文 篇三

  "Happy Women's Day, Mom!" I shouted to my mother as soon as I entered the house. My mother smiled and touched my head.

  My mother was preparing to cook in her apron when she saw me running to the kitchen with two eggs in my hand. Soon, I heard the sound of "Zi......", oh! It was the sound of me pouring the eggs into the oil pan. My mother came into the kitchen with a laugh and watched me cook the eggs. Then she came up to me and gave me a thumbs up and boasted: "My baby is grown up and can cook by himself!" When I heard it, the two dimples sank in, as if they could hold wine. After dinner, my mother was about to pick up the chopsticks and bowls, but found that the chopsticks and bowls were missing and the table was wiped clean. My mother came to the kitchen and found that the chopsticks were neatly placed.

  I took out a bag. The bag was bulging. As soon as my mother opened it, she found a blue scarf, which I bought for my mother in the rain yesterday noon. The money I had saved for a month. There was a note hanging on the scarf that said, "I love your mother". My mother could not help crying when she saw her nose sour. She hugged me tightly and cried.

  Mom wishes you a happy holiday!

4.三八妇女节的英语作文范文 篇四

  Today is Women's Day. It's a mother's day. As children, should we do something for our mother? Today, I will let my mother taste the egg Fried Rice I made myself.

  I prepared the materials first, rice, eggs, mushrooms... and then fried vegetables and eggs in turn. Finally, all of them were poured into the pot, and the onions were gently stir fried for a few times. The smell overflowed, making people drool. I put the fried rice into a bowl and served it to my mother. After tasting the egg Fried Rice full of love, my mother smiled at me, and I smiled at my mother happily

  With maternal love, we are like flowers blooming in the sun; The snowflakes flying in the arms of Mother Earth; Fireflies playing in the grass, ships sheltering from the wind in the warm harbor

  Now that we grow up and know our mother's good intentions, should we be more considerate of her and do more for her? Mom is getting older and we are growing up. We should let our mothers live happily every day and not let them worry about us. I wish mothers around the world a happy Women's Day!

5.三八妇女节的英语作文范文 篇五

  My mother has a pair of big eyes, a high nose, a round face, a slim figure, and looks young and beautiful.

  Women's Day is approaching. Mother's weight-loss shop is busy again. Look! My mother is still busy and out of breath. Whenever I think of her sweat dripping down, I am thinking about how hard you are! I remember having a quarrel with my mother when I went out to study English in the morning. The reason was that I didn't want to go to the English cram class, but my mother had been "painstakingly" persuading me that I had no choice but to go to class. When I was in class for 30 minutes, I heard that it was raining outside, and then I suddenly thought that if my mother got caught in the rain, she would catch a cold; If it thundered, my mother would be afraid to be alone outside. I should not quarrel with my mother today... After school, I finally saw my mother waiting at the door. I ran to my mother's side. My mother did not ask me about my class as usual, nor did she ask me whether I would come to class next time, And I whispered to my mother, "I will come to English next time, and I will never quarrel with you again. Where are you when it rains? Are you afraid when it thunders?" My mother smiled and said, "Son, don't worry, mother is very good." So my mother didn't mention anything about class all the way.

  My father and I gave my mother a suggestion to work less and sleep more, but my mother didn't listen. Her work was for me. I really thank her - mother, happy March 8th!
