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【#愚人节# 导语】愚人节到真热闹,处处都是欢声笑。朋友之间会恶搞,捉弄之人到处跑。别人欺骗也不恼,开开心心欢乐绕。祝你愚人节开心一笑!以下是©文档大全网整理的《愚人节英语作文5篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。

1.愚人节英语作文 篇一

  On April Fool's day, I was cheated because I didn't care. In the morning, I walked with Ma Wenli. Han Yu and Li Jianxin said, "Ma Xinyu, your mother is here!" I didn't have a mother back. They said, "Happy April Fool's Day!"

  Wang Xiujuan lied to me that she didn't do her math homework, but I was cheated. I was cheated twice, and later I never was cheated again, because I had experience and tried not to deal with them, or I would be cheated again.

  Today, I am very happy, because everywhere is full of laughter.

2.愚人节英语作文 篇二

  April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others, No one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in France. In the 16 th century, people celebrated New Year's Day from March 25 to April 1. In the mid—1560s King Charles IX changed it from March 25 to January 1. But some people still celebrated in on April 1, so others called them April Fools. Each country celebrates April Fools' Day differently. In France, people call the April Fools “April Fish”. They tape a paper fish to their friends' backs to fool them. When he or she finds this , they shout “April Fish!” In England, people play jokes only in the morning. You are a “noodle” if someone fools you. In Scotland, April Fools' Day is 48 hours long. They call an April Fool “April Gowk”. Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird. In the America, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of Aprol. They may point down to your shoe and say, “ Your shoelace is untied.” If you believe them and look down to see, you are an April Fool then.

3.愚人节英语作文 篇三

  In western countries, the annual April 1st "fool's Day" means a person can play a variety of tricks and don't have to bear the consequences. Called a "fool's Day joke" your trick will be forgive.

  This is a distinction between soft hearted and hard hearted day, soft hearted person who made that they have been cheated, but look very foolish. A woman set a few years to save her from the other women get a business card, and no notice of their intention to obtain a number of friends there, and then with a lot of this kind of business card to go fool's day party. She brazenly people flirt, suggesting that spend the night with her would be "not fair" of pleasure, and gave each one requires the men meet again a another woman card.

  Undoubtedly, during this holiday, magic goods stores will be refurbished to provide a lot of tricks. For example, sit up will happen harsh noise cushion; row will be fireworks after the match; and for those who want to fit a ball at the other faces of the people ready sarcoma, fake nose, glasses, beard and putty.

4.愚人节英语作文 篇四

  April Fools’ Day is on the first day of April, which is a day for people to make fun of each other. Some people figure out all the ways to play jokes, such as getting married, which surely shocks everybody. But some jokes are not acceptable, such as suicide. Some teenagers want to attract more people’s attention, so they play the joke that

  they feel negative about life and want to end their lives. When their friends call police and finally realize that it is a joke, they will be very angry. No matter what kind of joke we play, we should not cross the line and make others worried. The meaning of Fools’ Day is to let people feel eased from the great pressure. Playing joke is the effective way, but we must keep the rules. 

5.愚人节英语作文 篇五

  Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong.

  On April 1 my father and I bought a lot of food from the supermarket and bought a big bunch of flowers home. Then we did some cleaning at home. At night when we were waiting for my grandfather, the bell rang and in came my mother. She smiled to us and said ”April fools“!
