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【#英语资源# 导语】寒冬已过,春天来了。沿着淙淙流淌汩汩流动的小河,走进百花争艳的花园,寻找春天的足迹,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于春天的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于春天的英语作文 篇一

  Listen, Miss Spring's footsteps are getting closer and closer. Ah! The spring girl is coming again, and the beautiful spring is coming again.

  The earth gradually woke up from the deep sleep, and the grass also stuck out its small head and looked around, as if shaking its small hand, as if greeting its partners! The colorful flowers compete with each other, including red, white, pink and yellow. Some of them are as red as the morning glow on the horizon, and some are as white as the snowflakes in winter... It's dazzling to see them. From the flowers, I can smell the fragrance of all kinds of flowers flowing in the breeze. The willow girl has light green hair. When the breeze blows, she will see her reflection on the river, combing her hair. The birds flew back from the south. They stood on the wire and chirped, like the notes on the staff, making wonderful music.

  After passing the garden, you can see the green vegetables in front of you. There are all kinds of vegetables, including cabbage, celery, spinach They seem to be greener and healthier than others. The "cabbage princesses" pull up their long skirts and find a partner to dance: some dance waltz, some tap dance, some tango

  Go to the pear garden, which is full of intoxicating pear flowers. From a distance, the petite pear flowers cover the branches like white snow. When the breeze blows, the petals will fall down in abundance. It seems that people come to the snowy winter, swarms of bees and butterflies are flying around in the pear garden, busy collecting pollen and sucking nectar. The spring breeze blew away the old clothes of the caterpillar, and it turned into a beautiful butterfly, dancing in the colorful flowers. The river sang happily in the spring breeze, waking up the hibernating frog. The frog sang with his little tadpole and the river.

  Ah! This beautiful spring, this hopeful spring, this energetic spring, is my favorite spring.

2.关于春天的英语作文 篇二

  I know that some people like autumn, which is full of fruits, full of grain and fragrant with melons and fruits; Some people like the summer with lush trees and scorching sun. But I like the spring when everything recovers.

  Whenever Spring Girl shyly sent Brother Dong away and quietly came to the world, I would follow her closely to feel the charming breath of spring.

  "Oh, the blue sky is still gray!" said Miss Spring, with a light step, and she waved her magic wand, the sky became blue and magnificent. Look, the white clouds have become colorful. Sometimes they roar like lions, and sometimes they play like naughty dolls. The sun came out, the bright sun shone on the earth, the swallows flew back from the south, and seemed to feel the beautiful spring.

  Spring girl came to the field with a beautiful dance. When she said "change", the field immediately became vibrant. The wheat field is covered with green clothes. It is green, like a green carpet. It is extremely beautiful! Rapeseed flowers have also become golden, and patches of rape flowers, like a field of gold scattered by the spring girl, glitter in the sunlight, and are extremely bright! The farmer uncle is busy in the field, sowing the seeds of hope.

  Spring girl came to the river with a beautiful song. The ice in the river melted, and she sang a beautiful song. We were also intoxicated by the wonderful music. The little fish swam merrily in the water, exposing his little head and blowing a small bubble from time to time. The little duck went down the river under the guidance of his mother and learned to swim with great enthusiasm

  The spring girl came to the mountain in a colorful skirt. The peach blossoms on the mountain were as red as fire, the pear blossoms were as white as snow, and the winter jasmine was as yellow as gold. The willow shoots out green, like the beautiful hair of a girl. It's really intoxicating

  Spring girl suddenly turned around with a beautiful smile and burst into my heart. I couldn't help saying to her, "Ah! Beautiful spring, I love you!"

3.关于春天的英语作文 篇三

  At the beginning of March, the weather is getting warmer.

  It has been more than a month since the beginning of spring. However, the buds on the branches have not yet opened.

  Spring is generally described as "ice melting", "wild geese returning" and "sprouting"? I have seen all these things, but why hasn't spring come yet? Everyone said that it was because the pace of spring was always gentle, and maybe it was approaching us slowly! But I think that this spring did not come to play "hide and seek", but because spring has not wakened up!

  Did you find out? The warm spring breeze is mixed with the chill of winter; The spring rain that should be delicate is mixed with the ravages of winter; The air that should be wet is mixed with the dryness of winter

  When did spring become lazy? Did you forget to come back from your holiday in the south? No, Spring has fallen asleep and hasn't woken up yet!

  The reason why I am so confident is that I see spring: spring is hiding in the bud of flowers. When the wind blows, the stamens make spring very itchy, and she has to leave. Spring hid in the warm and comfortable nest again, but before dawn, the chirp of the birds made Spring sleepy. Spring had to lie lazily in the clouds, stay on it, and fall asleep with the winter wind whistling like a "lullaby".

  Spring is too tired! Spring is always very hard. She needs to wake up hibernating animals and sleeping plants, and help the farmer uncle to promote the seeds of spring

  In the morning, spring was awakened by the clear cry of birds. Spring opened her hazy eyes, which happened to be seen by the flowers and plants, and rushed up: "Sister Spring, you know that you have spent a lot of effort to break the ice of the river and the deep sleep of the flowers and plants, but you also need to help us grow fast! Don't sleep, the seeds can't be sown as scheduled, and Sister Wild Goose can't fly back. Go to sleep..." they begged.

  After hearing these words, Spring could not sleep any more. She braced up and skimmed across the field. After her magic, tender buds grew on the branches of the tree, and the grass also showed tender green buds

  Spring wakes up!

4.关于春天的英语作文 篇四

  Spring girl came to the world with her magic brush. She wiped out the cold in winter with her wide sleeves; There are bright red paintbrushes, drawing the sun with vitality in spring; The new green lawn is painted with green, and the colorful decoration period. Spring returns to the earth and everything recovers.

  A few friends and I arrived. There was a peach forest on the hillside, and shy "little girls" were blushing pink. How beautiful are the tender petals, tender yellow stamens, and blossoming branches. It is like a large pink cloud, plus the rape flowers in the vegetable field over there, like the sunset setting off the sunset. A warm spring breeze gently blew over, and there was a shower of peach blossoms.

  When you come to the garden, small wild flowers of various colors are scattered among the lawn, with red festivities, pink clouds, yellow nobleness and purple elegance. The rose princess trimmed her pink princess cake skirt to attend the spring dance; The Cherry Blossom Fairy wore a snow-white dress... Such a beautiful scenery, naturally, would not be without those amorous butterfly flowers, which added a lot of vitality to spring. They danced in the flowers, and the beautiful dancing posture attracted a group of hardworking bees. They not only found a rich source of honey, but also happily sang for those beautiful butterflies... Such a beautiful scenery, attracted a group of cats and dogs, they rolled in the grass, chasing butterflies Play and fight. A gust of spring breeze blew, and a few willows around the lawn blew, and towards the "little thing" in the middle of the lawn, like a kind mother, went to hug her children. We were intoxicated

  "Ding Dong Ding Dong", the sound led me to the pond. Oh, the clear and bottomless water ripples in circles, and the fish swim freely. In the middle of the pool, a rockery is jagged. The weeping willows on the bank sprouted and blossomed, and the willows hung in the water and circled leisurely

  Such spring scenery is as beautiful as a magnificent Chinese landscape painting!

5.关于春天的英语作文 篇五

  Spring is coming to me, singing the elegy of winter for me and waking up the sleeping wilderness. I am looking for the verdant poems of Yunju Mountain Stream, listening to the murmuring ballads of the peach blossom stream, picking up the prose of Xiujiang River Vortex, and depicting the beautiful picture scroll of Zhelin Lake.

  Wet, I weave my dream of spring with a net of misty rain; Soft, I carry a wisp of spring breeze to wake up the frozen fields; Truly, I use a melodious ballad to express my sleeping passion. Later, with the poems of memory, we can recall the sentimental soul; With deep attachment, yearn for distant memories; Use the plow and rake of time to plow the hardened soil. The spring breeze opened the diary of this season! The willow leaves on the river bank set off the prelude of spring, the peach blossoms in the mountains dotted with brilliant stories, the clusters of tender grass on the lake were dressed in green colors, and the sound of piccolo in the field opened a loud and clear prelude. This is an amorous season! The misty misty rain by the Poyang Lake wetted the rippling wooden rows; The warm breeze on the Yunju Mountain deepens the greenness in the memory of pure white; On the blue sky of the river embankment, there are flying kites that whirled in the childhood, and pedestrians also shuttle back and forth.

  Sunshine is like a shy girl. It doesn't easily expose her smile. Once it appears, it will be full of hot taste. It will evaporate the smell of several seasons and brew in the air, and dye the hope of this season. The bird flapped its plump wings and sang the songs left by the season, echoing with the shepherd boy's piccolo. At night, the frogs held their own concert by the pond, which spread to the distant horizon with the spring breeze.

  Rain, a frequent visitor of this season, is also timid and knocking on my window to impress my inspiration, or is it such a gentle temperament?

  I don't have any more gorgeous words to describe the feeling of spring. I wrote the above words. It's just to make the beautiful season more beautiful, make the brilliant season more brilliant, and make the hopeful season more hopeful!
