

时间:2023-07-03 17:30:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

 Toenail Fungus Cure   It has been well documented that for centuries the olive leaf has offered a natural means to cure many ailments of the body. This can also be applied as a toenail fungus cure. Oleuropein(橄榄苦甙), the name established for the agent in the olive leaf extract, is the reason why the olive leaf provides many positive attributes. Olive trees require this substance to ensure that the plant itself is quite robust so as to withstand any harsh weather situations or attacks from insects. The antimicrobial(抗菌剂) characteristic of olive leaf extract comes about when the oleuropein breaks down in the body into a certain acid. This acid interferes with a pathogen's(病原体的) ability to replicate. A beneficial byproduct of this response is that a jump start is given to the immune system, which begins to fight bacteria and infection on its own as well.   Studies today show that toenail fungus is a common, infectious condition that strikes many people. It typically occurs when the immune system is down and can be difficult to eliminate from your system once contracted. Scientifically is it referred to as onychomycosis(灰指甲) which accounts for a large proportion of nail disorders and can become rather unsightly and painful. It first begins as a discoloration of sorts or a light colored spot under the tip of the toenail which then runs to spread until the entire nail itself is noticeably yellow and rough completely yellow, thick and rough.   Fortunately, toenail fungus doesn't have to be accepted as a part of life. Various treatments are now available on the market to eliminate the fungus that causes this unpleasant condition. Applying the natural healing potential of olive leaf oil has proven to be a safe and natural way rid of this difficult ailment. When purchasing olive leaf extract, it is important to purchase from a reputable company as the processing of the plant must be done carefully to ensure that the extract is potent and effective.   When consuming olive leaf extract it is important to start slowly to prevent what is known as Herxheimer reaction or "die-off." However, this outcome only happens when large doses are taken quickly. If the treatment begins slowly and is gradually increased, this response to detoxification is rarely seen at all.   It is a preferable course of treatment to ingest a small amount of capsules on a daily basis to relieve toenail fungus. It is necessary to complete this therapy until the fungus is completely extinguished. Even as the fungus dies and the toenail starts to clear it is critical to persist with the course until the infected portion has grown out altogether.   This toenail fungus cure should be accompanied by future preventions so that this will not occur again by keeping toenails clean and hygienic and to always keep them protected when visiting public areas where toenails are exposed.   1.Olive trees require leuropein to survive any harsh weather situations or attacks from insects   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:A   解析:该题说的是:橄榄树需要橄榄苦甙是为了对抗艰苦的环境和虫害。文章第一段第四行到第六行说明了这一点。   2.The acid generated from oleuropein can strengthen a pathogen's ability to replicate.   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:B   解析:该题说的是:橄榄苦甙转化成的一种酸能加强病原体的复制能力。第一段倒数第三行提到这种酸能够干扰病原体的复制能力。注意“interfere with”意为“干扰”。   3.Toenail fungus cannot pass from one person to another even with close contacts.   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:B   解析:该题说的是:趾甲真菌即使在紧密接触的情况下也不会在人与人之间传染。第二段第一句提到趾甲真菌是普遍的传染性的。与该题说法矛盾。   4.Onychomycosis can be ugly but not painful   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:B   解析:该题说的是:灰指甲会不美观,但不疼。第二段提到灰指甲不美观还会疼痛。   5.There isn’t any effective treatment on the market to eliminate the toenail fungus, but medical experts are trying their best to develop a therapy for that   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:B   解析:该题说的是:有效治疗趾甲真菌的药还没有上市,但医疗专家正在努力研制。第三段第二句提到市场上可以买到多种去除趾甲真菌的疗法。   6.The olive oil extract should be put on the infected toenails by a small amount at the beginning, and then the doses can be increased little by little   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:A   解析:该题说的是:一开始要将少量的橄榄油精华涂于患处,之后在一点一点的增加用量。文中第四段提到了这种疗法的副作用,如果开始用量太大,会造成“坏死”。慢慢增加用量可以降低防止不良反应。   7.When the fungus dies and the toenail starts to clear, the treatment can end   A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned   正确答案:B   解析:该题说的是:当真菌死了,趾甲开始变清澈时,就可以停止治疗了。第五段提到即使真菌死了,趾甲开始清澈,也还要继续治疗直到感染的趾甲完全长出脚趾为止。因此,该题说法不正确。

